
Conception to Birth -- Visualized

The positive outcome would be for people to stop destroying lives and wrecking ecosystems. How can you miss such an obvious conclusion? Instead you are saying that it is my fault for pointing out that negative behavior causes negative consequenses. Well, it does. Everyone knows this. We just didn't always know what to do. Now it is becoming apparent that so much destruction is only counterproductive …More
The positive outcome would be for people to stop destroying lives and wrecking ecosystems. How can you miss such an obvious conclusion? Instead you are saying that it is my fault for pointing out that negative behavior causes negative consequenses. Well, it does. Everyone knows this. We just didn't always know what to do. Now it is becoming apparent that so much destruction is only counterproductive, yet it is not being talked about in this context, so I am bringing it up. This is a positive thing. Get it?

Besides, you started by saying of me "Just say it for everyones sake...", which states explicitely that you are putting words in my mouth. Were you not aware of what your own words implied?

Gloria TV News on the 25th of April

No, the remark is still there, lordy:
"Someone else comes to mind that has a disgust for the human race ,and a hatred for the Priesthood
Behold the Cross of the Lord! fly ye powers of darkness ! The Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David has conquerred. Alleluia!"
This is an ad hominem, and it says more about you, rhemes1582, than me (that you are the one full of disgust and hatred). I am …More
No, the remark is still there, lordy:

"Someone else comes to mind that has a disgust for the human race ,and a hatred for the Priesthood

Behold the Cross of the Lord! fly ye powers of darkness ! The Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David has conquerred. Alleluia!"

This is an ad hominem, and it says more about you, rhemes1582, than me (that you are the one full of disgust and hatred). I am the opposite of what you are projecting onto me. I am advocating for the truth.

The news story is about the church making changes in response to sex scandals. My commenting on that is no more hateful than the report itself. Get a grip, people.

Gloria TV News on the 25th of April

The ad hominem is now your form letter response to any of my comments? That's lame (you must agree, it looks like you have since removed the remark). Well, your point about this topic only reinforces my suggestion that men and women oversee each other. How is that not a good idea?

Conception to Birth -- Visualized

First of all, you are putting words in my mouth and then criticizing them with your own bias, as well as taking points I have made elsewhere out of context (ad hominem). My comment on this topic means what it says. Furthermore, my point was that the human race would be better off if it was universally pro-life for all sentient beings throughout our life-spans, because long term studies show that …More
First of all, you are putting words in my mouth and then criticizing them with your own bias, as well as taking points I have made elsewhere out of context (ad hominem). My comment on this topic means what it says. Furthermore, my point was that the human race would be better off if it was universally pro-life for all sentient beings throughout our life-spans, because long term studies show that people live longer without eating animals, and that it takes more natural resources to kill and process all of those sentient beings than to grow food. How is this not a positive message (besides that people are set in their ways)?

Gloria TV News on the 25th of April

My point was that they obviously could not tell who the sex offenders were until after the fact, so if gender was a common factor between those who "messed up", then excluding members of that gender from positions in which they could take advantage at all would be an extreme but sure way to "safeguard the truth", as it were. Maybe the church should at least have males and females share each leadership …More
My point was that they obviously could not tell who the sex offenders were until after the fact, so if gender was a common factor between those who "messed up", then excluding members of that gender from positions in which they could take advantage at all would be an extreme but sure way to "safeguard the truth", as it were. Maybe the church should at least have males and females share each leadership role in order to oversee each other's actions, and show that the church takes solving this problem seriously.

Conception to Birth -- Visualized

It isn't just us, but all sentient beings for which conception is a miracle. Humans destroy more lives each year than the entire human population on earth (while wrecking ecosystems and our health in the process). We should look at the quality of life beyond birth for all, because we are the only ones who have these choices to make. The issue of pro-life must become universal to matter.

Trailer for the Documentary: The Exorcist in the 21st Century

Sounds like a paradox. I know that paradoxical feeling, maybe it was something they ate.

Conversion in America & Atheistic Traditionalism

Okay, has anything changed since 2001? If not, I suggest serenading people with a choir, because you should all be celebrating your achievement of salvation as if it were a glorious state of being, and then more people would follow, because it would be evident to them. I really do not understand why the emphasis is on doom and gloom (especially on "gloria".tv).

Gloria TV News on the 25th of April

Were there any nuns behind the sex scandals? Maybe they should downsize church leadership by eliminating all of the men (duh). 😜

Choose Being over Doing. Father Reto Nay 21st of April 2012 Sedrun, Switzerland

I think you should present a more specific context here, because spirituality is not inherently an issue that is divided between being and doing. I am sure The Bible calls on people to do (or not do) many things, so be realistic and not rhetorical (there are also many ways of being, you see).

Trailer for the Documentary: The Exorcist in the 21st Century

So why don't the possessed people always go around talking like demons? You'd think they would, yet they only seem to become possessed during an exorcism. Hmm...

Choose to Be Watched Rather than Watch

I would rather see "gloria", thanks!

Hell Abortion Clinic. Hell abortion clinic. NEW YORK, NY, October 16…

"There simply isn't anything close"? Yes there is, in true terms of "pro life", there is more than you care to discuss:
"In the United States, around nine billion animals are slaughtered every year (this includes about 150.4 million cattle, bison, sheep, hogs, and goats and 8.9 billion chickens, turkeys, and ducks) in 5,700 slaughterhouses and processing plants employing 527,000 workers; in 2009,…More
"There simply isn't anything close"? Yes there is, in true terms of "pro life", there is more than you care to discuss:

"In the United States, around nine billion animals are slaughtered every year (this includes about 150.4 million cattle, bison, sheep, hogs, and goats and 8.9 billion chickens, turkeys, and ducks) in 5,700 slaughterhouses and processing plants employing 527,000 workers; in 2009, 13,450,000 long tons (13,670,000 t) of beef were consumed in the U.S. alone. In Canada, 650 million animals are killed annually. In the European Union, the annual figure is 300 million cattle, sheep, and pigs, and four billion chickens."

Gloria TV News on the 16th of April

Culture is counter-cultural too, which is why it keeps mutating like an RNA virus.

The Sadness in Myself. Father Reto Nay 12th of April 2012 Sedrun, Switzerland

A Paschal candle, not to make light of sadness (or maybe it is).

The Sadness in Myself. Father Reto Nay 12th of April 2012 Sedrun, Switzerland

That is one gigantic candle!