James Manning

Elderly Belgian Woman Wants to Become 'Deacon', Sues Church

Maybe I should sue Big Sugar because I don't have six pack abs.
James Manning

The Father of Russian Philosophy Died a Catholic

I am a fan of those other two works (and all of the Brothers Karamazov, really). Thanks for the info.
James Manning

Is Serbia sliding towards authoritarianism or closer to EU membership?

I've got $20 on Serbia somehow sparking a full blown WWIII.
James Manning

Civilize It: Unifying a Divided Church

It really strikes me as an attempt to stem the bleeding. I became a neo-Catholic when I was a teenager. In college I studied theology and Church history and began to realize that something was very off about how things were going and grew more and more "conservative" (orthodox). My orthodoxy grew as I became more serious about my faith, especially after I underwent Marian consecration (de Montfort's …More
It really strikes me as an attempt to stem the bleeding. I became a neo-Catholic when I was a teenager. In college I studied theology and Church history and began to realize that something was very off about how things were going and grew more and more "conservative" (orthodox). My orthodoxy grew as I became more serious about my faith, especially after I underwent Marian consecration (de Montfort's formula) and became an RCIA catechist. That was when I started to really pay attention to traditionalist arguments. It took the COVID lockdowns and the discovery that the SSPX weren't a bunch of whack jobs to finally push me over the line into traditionalism.

More and more orthodox-leaning neo-Catholics are coming to the same conclusion I did, probably even faster than I did, since it took me about 20 years to get to this point. I think that's freaking out the American hierarchy.
James Manning

The Father of Russian Philosophy Died a Catholic

I'm not familiar with his works, but I've seen him pumped up by various popular traditionalist blogs. Is he worth checking out?
James Manning

Chicago Priest: Sorry For "Choice of Words" in Homosexual "Blessing"

Apparently Fr. Joseph "regrets" his actions here. But would he regret his sacrilege if the video of the event never went online?
James Manning

This has now made me paranoid about everything

You mean you weren't before?
James Manning

Lord, have mercy

No. This is some teenager tried to shoot up a First Communion Mass. Luckily he was stopped at the back door by some of the parishioners.
James Manning

Homosexual blessing becomes pseudo-wedding in Spain

He's leading us to the truth of the tradition via irony and bad example.
James Manning

Crocodile Tears: Vatican Official Cries over Novus Ordo Decadence

Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of our actions.
James Manning

Words are words - A History of Ritual Blood Sacrifice - Jewish Ritual Murder

So.... just looking at this first clip, you do realize that the quotation they give from Josephus is from a defense of Judaism, right? If you read that full paragraph, he's refuting the various claims Greeks made against Jews, that being one of them. It's Book II, Paragraph 8 of Against Apion. He literally cites Apion as the propagator, if not the inventor, of the claim. They don't even cite the …More
So.... just looking at this first clip, you do realize that the quotation they give from Josephus is from a defense of Judaism, right? If you read that full paragraph, he's refuting the various claims Greeks made against Jews, that being one of them. It's Book II, Paragraph 8 of Against Apion. He literally cites Apion as the propagator, if not the inventor, of the claim. They don't even cite the work properly, wrong paragraph and they really chopped up the passage.

I'm in favor of questioning the narrative. But great claims need great evidence. Preferably cited properly and not easily refuted by 10 minutes of research.
James Manning

Ireland's Eurovision act

I always thought prophecies of a resurgent paganism was more symbolic. Never expected to see the rise of the "old gods".
James Manning

Blessed Virgin Mary “OWNER” of the Divine Will

Get this Piccarreta nonsense out of here.
James Manning

May 1, 2024: Nobody Ever Embraced The Modernizing Tide

You don't need a majority to embrace any change, even a radical one. You just need a very committed and active minority to push it through and then rely on the apathy of the masses to win the day.
James Manning

Biden Team Edits His Scripted Video 8 Times in 24 Seconds

Well, I take that for granted now, @Tom Morelli. We haven't had a real choice... well, probably ever in my lifetime.
Let's just say I recently saw the new movie Civil War, and it freaked me out a little.More
Well, I take that for granted now, @Tom Morelli. We haven't had a real choice... well, probably ever in my lifetime.

Let's just say I recently saw the new movie Civil War, and it freaked me out a little.
James Manning

Canada: Conservative Leader Kicked Out of Parliament Session for Calling Justin Trudeau a 'Wacko'

It's very telling to me that in 200 years the legislative branches of Western governments have gone from dueling and all-out brawls during sessions and then moving on with the business to throwing a guy out for hurting someone's feelings.
James Manning

AI & AGI, Antichrist's Strong Delusion, St. Augustine, the Prophet Daniel, & C.S. Lewis

I can get behind O'Connor on this one. I think he has a pretty solid argument against AI/AGI and how it can (and probably will) be abused to attack us. I just wish he wouldn't rely on the Catechism of John Paul II as much as he does.
James Manning

Biden Team Edits His Scripted Video 8 Times in 24 Seconds

@chris griffin - Bold for you to assume we're going to have an election. Not trying to be edgy, but I have some real concerns.
James Manning

Regime News Agency: Catholics Take Over Church in the USA

They're starting to be afraid. Good.