James Manning
James Manning

2019 Pope 'not afraid' of schism in Catholic Church

Rather he looks forward to it.
James Manning

Covadonga Pilgrimage: Dicastery Against Liturgy Forbids Holy Mass

So, what exactly is stopping them from ignoring the ban?
James Manning

Linz Diocese Presses Charges: Statue Will Be Restored

@Sean Johnson - I wouldn't support a public whipping. Mostly because I'm afraid he'd like it.
James Manning

Linz Diocese Presses Charges: Statue Will Be Restored

Ah, woodwork. That explains how our favorite vandal could pull it off relatively quietly and quickly. Also, now we know it is presumably flammable. Not that I would condone arson.
Now the question is how does one press charges against an anonymous person?More
Ah, woodwork. That explains how our favorite vandal could pull it off relatively quietly and quickly. Also, now we know it is presumably flammable. Not that I would condone arson.

Now the question is how does one press charges against an anonymous person?
James Manning

If the Traditional Latin Mass is Banned, Many Attendees Will Simply Leave the Church

Story time - I went to a smallish East Coast Catholic college that was known as being conservative at the time. Conservative but Novus Ordo. I made a lot of friends who took their faith seriously in that environment. But after graduation... well, 20 years later, and I'm the last one standing and the only traddie.
I can't bring my son up in the new Mass. I've seen what it does to even intelligent …More
Story time - I went to a smallish East Coast Catholic college that was known as being conservative at the time. Conservative but Novus Ordo. I made a lot of friends who took their faith seriously in that environment. But after graduation... well, 20 years later, and I'm the last one standing and the only traddie.

I can't bring my son up in the new Mass. I've seen what it does to even intelligent and faithful Catholics over a lifetime.
James Manning

EXCLUSIVE: Dom Alcuin Reid’s Response to Prof. Grillo’s Interview

Pearls before swine and whatnot.
James Manning

Documentary Claims Feds Are Building Detention Facilities In Every State

Not a new theory. It's been around at least 20 years.
Look, we can't buy in to every theory out there if for no other reason that there's a lot of disinformation put out by bad actors.More
Not a new theory. It's been around at least 20 years.

Look, we can't buy in to every theory out there if for no other reason that there's a lot of disinformation put out by bad actors.
James Manning

The First Secret of Fatima

It's an interesting read, and the author makes some good points, but I doubt the authenticity of the letter presented at the end (although to be fair the author makes no claim of truth regarding it).
James Manning

The time is now... open your eyes

Thanks. I hadn't seen his video today yet. I'll be sure to check it out.
James Manning

The time is now... open your eyes

Anyone know how the eastern Catholics are making out?
James Manning


@Liam Ronan - It means be direct and clear when speaking truthfully.
James Manning


The human mind can't handle huge numbers like that. Stalin was right on this - a single death is a tragedy. A million deaths are a statistic.
James Manning

Complaint to the UN: Francis Listed as a "Perpetrator" of Human Rights Abuses

I don't. Letting the UN have any semblance of authority over the Vatican sets a dangerous precedent.
James Manning

Liturgical Extremism: Francis to Ban All Latin Masses

Rorate has been wrong before. While it wouldn't surprise me if this were true, it's also possible Francis is trying to plug some leaks by giving out different misinformation to various suspects and seeing what pops up.
James Manning

Liturgical Extremism: Francis to Ban All Latin Masses

An excellent read.
James Manning

Liturgical Extremism: Francis to Ban All Latin Masses

I want to believe that, but why not? I'm aware of what St. Plus V wrote in the way of condemnation of any hierarch who would attempt to rescind the Mass, but I don't believe he anathematizes them.
I don't believe a Pope has the authority to rescind a legitimate liturgy as defined in Quo Primus because it's part of the Deposit of Faith. But I don't think Quo Primus is the magic bullet we all hope …More
I want to believe that, but why not? I'm aware of what St. Plus V wrote in the way of condemnation of any hierarch who would attempt to rescind the Mass, but I don't believe he anathematizes them.

I don't believe a Pope has the authority to rescind a legitimate liturgy as defined in Quo Primus because it's part of the Deposit of Faith. But I don't think Quo Primus is the magic bullet we all hope it is.
James Manning

Liturgical Extremism: Francis to Ban All Latin Masses

That gives Biden too much credit. Francis isn't a senile moron. He knows exactly what he's doing.
James Manning

URGENT - URGENT - Growing Rumors of a “Final Solution” for the Traditional Latin Mass - TLM

So, round us all up into thr SSPX and then epxcommunicate us. Got it.
James Manning

Francis Wants an Ecumenical Recognition of a "Papacy Without Content"

The Church and anti-Church, previously sharing physical space, are finally separating in a tangible way.