The time is now... open your eyes

St. Athanasius was excommunicated by his pope back then, yet, he became a saint and that pope didn’t, as a matter of fact he isn’t even remembered, you have to dig his name in order to know he once …More
St. Athanasius was excommunicated by his pope back then, yet, he became a saint and that pope didn’t, as a matter of fact he isn’t even remembered, you have to dig his name in order to know he once had a name (the Arian pope); St Athanasius stood his ground and endured the beatdown.
Today, everywhere inside the Catholic Church you check and outside of Bishop Vigano, there’s no Bishop, Cardinal or priest who has call Francis a false prophet due to his rotten fruits.
Not even in the most horrendous nightmare you would ever see the top calling NOT to evangelize other religions, proclaiming all religions ARE well viewed by God, ALLOWING worship to false deities (pachamama), tell the catholic world the Virgin Mary wasn’t born holy (denying the immaculate conception), saying Jesus DIDN’T multiply the loaves and the fishes instead some widow’s flour and oil never ended, and declared gay unions and those divorce and remarried ARE to be blessed.
For centuries many martyrs did die defending the …More
All Saints
@James Manning They got a dispensation…or so it seemed. But they will be next to be in the crosshairs of anapostate Rome.
James Manning
Anyone know how the eastern Catholics are making out?
Anthony Stine at Return to Tradition on YouTube had a video on this today and will have more tomorrow where he states that the Eastern Catholic churches are next after Bergoglio crushes the TLM. My take is this:He will probably put the pressure on them to drop their liturgy and join the NO sect. He stated several years ago that "Uniatism is not the answer." The Eastern Christians should make a …More
Anthony Stine at Return to Tradition on YouTube had a video on this today and will have more tomorrow where he states that the Eastern Catholic churches are next after Bergoglio crushes the TLM. My take is this:He will probably put the pressure on them to drop their liturgy and join the NO sect. He stated several years ago that "Uniatism is not the answer." The Eastern Christians should make a decision; either be Orthodox or fully Catholic.
James Manning
Thanks. I hadn't seen his video today yet. I'll be sure to check it out.
All Saints
Vigano is preaching to the Novus Ordo crowd. The rest of us are well aware and have been for a long time. We don’t need to be preached to because we already know.
Billy F
We are living through the Modernist Heresy which might be the worst of all!!!
Louis IX
St. Pope Pius X warned the Church about this and it is playing out as he said, yet so many people don’t see it.