Louis IX
Louis IX

The reality is that there is little, to no, future for "pre-conciliar" Liturgies in the "Conciliar …

Only possible if the Vetus Ordo is allowed to flourish.
Louis IX

False Flag Operation? Obscene Statue in Linz Beheaded

Offending the Holy Mother of God, the Spouse of the Holy Ghost with blasphemous art is not dialog, it is not triggering discussions it is not taking part in productive dialog (to what end I wonder? Perhaps to question Her perpetual virginity? Is that the job of an episcopal vicar?) it is an offense against God and His Mother. The destruction of such ‘art’ is a good and holy act.
Louis IX

Cardinal Müller: Dicastery for Divine Worship Concerned About Chartres Pilgrimage

"interpret the preference for the ancient rite as the expression of a sterile traditionalism that is more interested in the theatricality of the liturgy than in the living communion with God that it conveys." Who are these men to “interpret” anything? To question motives of attendees of the TLM? To judge the internal forum of another Christian? These are the men who need censor in the Church, not …More
"interpret the preference for the ancient rite as the expression of a sterile traditionalism that is more interested in the theatricality of the liturgy than in the living communion with God that it conveys." Who are these men to “interpret” anything? To question motives of attendees of the TLM? To judge the internal forum of another Christian? These are the men who need censor in the Church, not faithful Catholics.
Louis IX

Tucho Fernández Revives the Glory of the of the Church of Bygone Days

Mediocre portrait painting. Face lacks volume, appears flat and not lifelike, poor modeling. Background adds nothing to the composition The full image is of course a joke.
Louis IX


So kind of like “may the force be with you”.
Louis IX


I don’t understand. What graces come from a blessing from pagans?
Louis IX

Shows an insight into who King Charles really is; his real goals and agenda. And it is not FOR you. …

Interesting, probably…renowned, doubtful, but heroic and virtuous? No doubt.
Louis IX

The time is now... open your eyes

St. Pope Pius X warned the Church about this and it is playing out as he said, yet so many people don’t see it.
Louis IX

Why Does the Nuncio in France Hate the Holy Mass So Much?

Bingo. These people should hold no authority over anything.
Louis IX

Shows an insight into who King Charles really is; his real goals and agenda. And it is not FOR you. …

Vlade the Impaler was a hero to his people and deadly to his enemies.
Louis IX

Just Stop Oil climate LARPers spray Stonehenge with orange paint

And diesel generators will be required to sandblast or pressure wash these stones of their vandalism. ( and where is the respect for indigenous cultures and ancient religious practices? (These folks lead very conflicted lives)
Louis IX

URGENT - URGENT - Growing Rumors of a “Final Solution” for the Traditional Latin Mass - TLM

The Roman Rite is one of many legitimate rites in the Church. All rites would have to be banned abd even then the Masses would still happen.
Louis IX

Ursula von der Leyen kündigt an, dass sich die Europäische Volkspartei in Europa mit der PSOE …

In other words “ we will continue to manage the destruction of European culture and society”.
Louis IX

Gabe @GabeZZOZZ Lindsey Graham has just confirmed that they are not sacrificing the Ukrainian people …

No better than any evil regime of the 20th century. No better at all.
Louis IX

Legal Victory: Rosary Can Be Prayed in Madrid Next Weekend

I would like to think that the Spanish would have ignored such a dubious order.
Louis IX

June is devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

Here in Ohio as well.
Louis IX

A Bible was torn apart after a man attempted to read it at Speaker's Corner this past weekend

Pretty sure that’s a hate crime in Old Blighty.
Louis IX

Champions League: Real Madrid in Front of Our Lady

Luka Modric, an all time great and a Catholic gentleman.