URGENT - URGENT - Growing Rumors of a “Final Solution” for the Traditional Latin Mass - TLM

in Quimper, Brittany, France, on Sunday, June 16, 2024) Dear readers, Once again, as at least twice in the past …
Ralph Ignotus
Which is why Fr. Ripperger wrote the book: The Limits of Papal Authority on the Liturgy
Maria delos Angeles
Does Fr Ripperger believe Bergoglio is the Pope? I don't. Fr Paul Kramer answers my query on that score.
Denis Efimov
Even if they introduce the death penalty for the Holy Mass of the ages, the Mass will continue everywhere. And besides, which traditional Catholics intend to obey this new ban? In our times, even just listening to what the Vatican dictates is bad manners.
James Manning
So, round us all up into thr SSPX and then epxcommunicate us. Got it.
Christopher Shahrazade
Common sense would dictate that traditional Catholics who love the TLM can and should totally ignore any new supression of the TLM by Homosexual perverts like Pope Francis and his army of gay goons from the Vatican and dioceses. Instead of whinning, panicking, and telling people to pray, pray pray!!!! just IGNORE Francis and all the rest. If they shut down a parish, build or buy another one (there …More
Common sense would dictate that traditional Catholics who love the TLM can and should totally ignore any new supression of the TLM by Homosexual perverts like Pope Francis and his army of gay goons from the Vatican and dioceses. Instead of whinning, panicking, and telling people to pray, pray pray!!!! just IGNORE Francis and all the rest. If they shut down a parish, build or buy another one (there are thousands of "protestant" "churches" for sale which are empty. If they go after a traditionalist religious Order, re-establish themselves in union with the SSPX or even a sede-vacantist traditonal group. Basically, stand up to Francis and his people. He is no Pope. Give him "the finger" if he goes against traditional Catholics. Bullies and enemies will eventually give up, if good people stand up against them and say "Go to Hell"..... which is where Francis and his people beling anyway.
John A Cassani
Wouldn’t an excommunication from this regime be, in reality, more of a letter of commendation?
Naomi Arai
This has been quite apparent from the time of Vatican II and the New Mass, further suspicious with the making of Ecclesia Dei -FSSP, etc., and has been pretty obvious by the actions of Francis from the start of his appearance in the Vatican. Nothing new really…
Maria delos Angeles
Yes - the Mass needs to get banned so the prophecy in Daniel and the Apocalypse will be fulfilled.
Louis IX
The Roman Rite is one of many legitimate rites in the Church. All rites would have to be banned abd even then the Masses would still happen.
Maria delos Angeles
Yes , this is so. My point is that the Novus Ordo does not have the graces to carry the Church through as we can see by the fruits all around, so cancelling the Latin Mass would contribute to the loss of graces; plus the fact I have heard some rumour they may be trying to concoct some service that would render the Mass and consecration invalid.
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