Christopher Shahrazade
Christopher Shahrazade

New Document: Vatican Officials Took Homosexuality of Marcial Maciel Seriously

Yet JPII held this pervert in highest esteem, and gnored any and all accusations against him....even those by the great future Benedict XVI, CArdinal Joseph Ratzinger.
Christopher Shahrazade

Wrongly Parked Car: Police Stop Eucharist

I never thought of MUslims that way "asses over noses", but that's what it looks like.
Why do you keep calling the celebration "the eucharist", or "Sunday Eucharist"? That's total Protestant words. CAtholics go to Holy mass to recieve the Blessed Sacrament. We aren't Presbyterians celebrating "Eucharist
Christopher Shahrazade

Roman Rite: Arlington Carmelites Turn to Suspended Priests for Mass

These nuns are digging their own graves if, among the hundreds of good young traditional minided priests from the SSPX, FSSP, ICRSP or sedevacanist groups they pick two suppended priests accused of being homos is sick beyond words. I lost all support or sympathy for them if they did this,
Christopher Shahrazade

The Enemy of the Holy Mass: Vittorio Viola

" and there is always another problem underneath.", and that problem is often that the person is an embittered homosexual who has extreme hatred for the TLM and other traditions of the CAtholic FAith.
Christopher Shahrazade

Is John XXIV Already Under Way?

HOw about another Pope Pius, or Benedict, Gregory, Clement, Leo, and ven an Innocent, Callixtus or Gelasius? Never another John, or Paul, John Paul, or Francis
Christopher Shahrazade

Is John XXIV Already Under Way?

I think PArolin and his supporters are in for a disappointment.
Christopher Shahrazade

‘I Didn’t Lie’ But ‘I Was Not Honest,’ Peña Parra Tells UK Court

What an idiot. Shat else could this mean but that he lied? I was very happy to read that PArolin's Secretariate of Satte is bankrupt, selling off nunciatures and firing staff. And Francis' Vatican is so much in debt from lack of contributions that they already laid off 600 VAtican employees, and 300 more to come. How many employees do they have? Pretty soon they'll be down to 10-15 employees (all …More
What an idiot. Shat else could this mean but that he lied? I was very happy to read that PArolin's Secretariate of Satte is bankrupt, selling off nunciatures and firing staff. And Francis' Vatican is so much in debt from lack of contributions that they already laid off 600 VAtican employees, and 300 more to come. How many employees do they have? Pretty soon they'll be down to 10-15 employees (all gay of course). Good riddance. Down with Francis and his gay goons (Pena PAra, PArolin, etc)
Christopher Shahrazade

Synod Working Document: Female Ministry for Preaching, Baptising and Weddings - Yet No Ordination

After Pope Francis' visit to Trieste, Italy, I saw on an Italian newspaper dozens of anti POpe Francis comments from readers. Some comments were really vile...showing how much Francis is really hated in Italy. Good riddance though. He deserves all the hate directed to him and his homo crew of advisors.
Christopher Shahrazade

‘I Didn’t Lie’ But ‘I Was Not Honest,’ Peña Parra Tells UK Court

Another one of Pope Francis' gay guys.
Christopher Shahrazade

Paraguayan Priest Celebrates Eucharist as Show - with Music and Dance (Video)

He's probably gay as well. Those people love to do things like this, as well as put on costumes, "liturgical dance", etc.
Christopher Shahrazade

Linz: Obscenity Diocese Hoists Homosex Flag on Cathedral - for a Short Time

The enemy has taken over most dioceses, including Rome, a long time ago.
Christopher Shahrazade

Monsignor Strickland: Francis More Interested in Silencing Viganò than Solving the Problems

I would not be surprised if BIshop Strickland starts speaking out against Francis more, in the style of Archbishop Vigano. God bless both of them.
Christopher Shahrazade

Facts from France: No New Seminarians in Toulon

Because Francis is fat, bloated. And not necessarily from food.
Christopher Shahrazade

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Declared Excommunicated

Carol H said : Archbishop Vigano has publically placed himself in Schism and the Holy father has confirmed it."
Sorry, but Pope Francis is neither "holy" nor a "father", and certinly not a legit Pope but instead is a homosexual heretic who together with his gay gang in the VAtican has done his best to destroy the Catholic Church and our tradition. I'm only 22, so maybe I'm naive...but my suggestion …More
Carol H said : Archbishop Vigano has publically placed himself in Schism and the Holy father has confirmed it."

Sorry, but Pope Francis is neither "holy" nor a "father", and certinly not a legit Pope but instead is a homosexual heretic who together with his gay gang in the VAtican has done his best to destroy the Catholic Church and our tradition. I'm only 22, so maybe I'm naive...but my suggestion is to simply ignore any and all decrees, directives etc. coming from Pope Francis and his people......including anything regarding the LAtin MAss.
I don't feel sorry for, nor support any group of traditional CAtholics who willingly give up the TLM or pilgrimages, or close their traditional monasteries in obedience to the so-called "Holy Father". But I cheer on those who refuse, especially Archbishop Vigano.
Christopher Shahrazade

Monsignor Viganò Reacts to His Excommunication

Our new, substitute Pope, faithful to Jesus Christ, the Church and tradition.....Archbishop Vigano. I hope he and his growing priest associates open seminaries, monasteries, and I hope he consecrates an army of new faithful bishops (who are not gay), and maybe even assumes a substitute Papacy and creates new traditional Cardinals.
Christopher Shahrazade

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Declared Excommunicated

God Bless the true CAtholic, Archbishop Vigano!! I never knew much about the Church until last year in College, but alittle research showed me the real Catholic Church (Vigano, Lefebvre etc), and that which is a joke and a farce (the "VAtican II" Church of homos, LGBTQ's, TRANS, radical liberals, and their leaders Francis and Tucho (not to mention the late John XXIII, Paul VI, and JPII).
I think …More
God Bless the true CAtholic, Archbishop Vigano!! I never knew much about the Church until last year in College, but alittle research showed me the real Catholic Church (Vigano, Lefebvre etc), and that which is a joke and a farce (the "VAtican II" Church of homos, LGBTQ's, TRANS, radical liberals, and their leaders Francis and Tucho (not to mention the late John XXIII, Paul VI, and JPII).
I think Benedict XVI in his heart knew VAtican II was a disaster.