Christopher Shahrazade
Christopher Shahrazade

850 souls turn out to the last Latin Mass in Melbourne plead with their Archbishop to support the …

Instead of "begging for table scraps from radical liberal gay bishops regarding their rulings on the TLM, they should defy they and expand the TLM everywhere.
Christopher Shahrazade

Why Does the Nuncio in France Hate the Holy Mass So Much?

QUESTION----Why Does the Nuncio in France Hate the Holy Mass So Much?'
ANSWER--Because in between watching gay porn on his lap top and trying to appoint a new batch of queer bishops to vacant French dioceses...he doesn't have anything else to do.
Christopher Shahrazade

Cardinal O'Malley's Former Episcopal Vicar to "Marry" a Man 32 Years His Junior

Gee whiz, another Novus Ordo homo priest? I'm shocked. How can this be??? The screening at seminary is so strict!! And they are so holy and pious and pure and good and praiseworthy , models of faithfunessl to Church teachings, and devout, and obedient and totally loyal to the Holy Father, definitly not like those terrible corrupt , disloyal, impious, ambitious,heretical, rebellious, dissident , …More
Gee whiz, another Novus Ordo homo priest? I'm shocked. How can this be??? The screening at seminary is so strict!! And they are so holy and pious and pure and good and praiseworthy , models of faithfunessl to Church teachings, and devout, and obedient and totally loyal to the Holy Father, definitly not like those terrible corrupt , disloyal, impious, ambitious,heretical, rebellious, dissident , disrespectful young priests who dress in cassocks and habits rather than open necked clerical shirts and dirty slacks and love the Tridentine Latin MAss said with such devotion and piety with their minds and hearts focused toward the Heavens rather than towards the people on earth? They constantly remind people of sin which makes everyone especially homosexuals feel bad. What are they trying to prove? THat they are better than everyone else? HAHAHAHAHA!!

Now , if you think I actually believe that which I wrote about the true priests (not this guy, but the holy young men who are fighting for the true TLM Mass and Church against almost overwhelming odds thrown at them by Francis, Cardinal O'Malley and like minded clowns.... then you'll believe that Joe Biden can string a couple sentences together coherently without use of a teleprompter. (I saw his performance in Italy...not good)
Christopher Shahrazade

Francis’ Friend and Former Adviser Seen In Sauna for Homosexuals

HAAHAHA!! He's totally disgraced now. And so is Francis.
Christopher Shahrazade

The Pope claims that laughing at God is not blasphemy

God has flaws? Don't think so.
Christopher Shahrazade

The Pope claims that laughing at God is not blasphemy

And that will be much sooner than he (we) expect.
Christopher Shahrazade

Chanting the Salve Regina nightly - a century-old Dominican tradition SWNews

I read that the Dominican Order isn't doing too badly recruiting new vocations in many parts of the world, even in Italy and England and the USA. In some areas they have become increasingly traditional after 35-40+ years of radical progressivism and are enjoying small gains after massive loses. Of course most Orders of radical feminist nuns, and the Jesuits, Salesials and Franciscans OFM are still …More
I read that the Dominican Order isn't doing too badly recruiting new vocations in many parts of the world, even in Italy and England and the USA. In some areas they have become increasingly traditional after 35-40+ years of radical progressivism and are enjoying small gains after massive loses. Of course most Orders of radical feminist nuns, and the Jesuits, Salesials and Franciscans OFM are still clinging to the Vatican II progressivism, and are suffering the usuall massive defections/declines as a result.
Christopher Shahrazade

Complaint to the UN: Francis Listed as a "Perpetrator" of Human Rights Abuses

I hope he is indicted. The more scandals heaped on gay-boy Francis and his crew, the better.
Christopher Shahrazade

Liturgical Extremism: Francis to Ban All Latin Masses

There is a schism....the true Catholic Church with the TLM, and then the Vatican II/Francis Catholic Church dominated by a homosexual agenda and active homosexuals. The choice of which is the real Catholic Church should be easy.
Christopher Shahrazade

Liturgical Extremism: Francis to Ban All Latin Masses

Yes. Best answer, ignore gay-boy Francis and his homo squad, and keep with the traditional Mass. Go sede-vacantist, go independant, go SSPX, but do not bow to Bergoglio.
Christopher Shahrazade

Monsignor Schneider: Fiducia Supplicans Allows Blessing of Abomination

Our archdiosecean seminary was the usuall, corrupt, lax Vatican II seminary which hated Catholic tradition and faithful followed the Vatican II line with vigor. The result, pre-Vatican II, 580 seminarians. Post Vatican II (2024)- 136 seminarians of which 40+ are for our own diocese whearas before Vatican II of the 580 it would be somewhere like 475.
Now the seminary, a huge building on 150+ acres …More
Our archdiosecean seminary was the usuall, corrupt, lax Vatican II seminary which hated Catholic tradition and faithful followed the Vatican II line with vigor. The result, pre-Vatican II, 580 seminarians. Post Vatican II (2024)- 136 seminarians of which 40+ are for our own diocese whearas before Vatican II of the 580 it would be somewhere like 475.
Now the seminary, a huge building on 150+ acres is sold and closing. A big giant white cross from the reign of "do nothing but travel" Pope JPII was carted away to another location last week.
The "new seminary", purchasing space at a Catholic college, is in for a shock in the next year or so, especially if gay-boy Francis and his crew implement more restrictions on the TLM. THey are at 130+ seminarians nown, but will drop quickly if the worst happens. Within 2 years, they could fit all their seminarians into the 5 bedroom house my family has at the New Jersey Shore ( they could fit about 20 seminarians). And they might have even less than that before long!
Christopher Shahrazade

Quimper: The Faithful Take to the Streets

I hope opposition to him grows by hundreds and thousands, and sweeps across France to engulf the Catholic Church in a tidal wave of fervent traditional Catholic outrage agains tthese homosexual bishops and their top man, super-fag Francis.
Christopher Shahrazade

Quimper: The Faithful Take to the Streets

Jews have nothing to do with what's happeneing to the TLM and our Catholic Faith. It is homo Francis and his army of queer bishops and goons who are to blame. Not Jews. Jews could probably not care less.
Christopher Shahrazade

Francis’ Friend and Former Adviser Seen In Sauna for Homosexuals

I hope this is the justice of the traditionalists. Do anything we can to discredit Francis, and every single member of his Vatican Curia who are actively against the TLM and Catholic tradition....and that included bishops around the world as dioceses and offices. Out the queers among them, discredit them, expose them all, and Francis. Bring the top man down and out(Francis), and the rest …More
I hope this is the justice of the traditionalists. Do anything we can to discredit Francis, and every single member of his Vatican Curia who are actively against the TLM and Catholic tradition....and that included bishops around the world as dioceses and offices. Out the queers among them, discredit them, expose them all, and Francis. Bring the top man down and out(Francis), and the rest will soon follow.
Christopher Shahrazade

Complaint to the UN: Francis Listed as a "Perpetrator" of Human Rights Abuses

I don't think a "good and holy Pope", which the Catholic Church has not had since 1958 (but possibly from 2005-13 with Benedict XVI) would need to worry about any scandals at all. Any scandals that happened during Benedict XVI's term were not caused by him, but rather by those trying to discredit him.
Christopher Shahrazade

Complaint to the UN: Francis Listed as a "Perpetrator" of Human Rights Abuses

Who really cares if it goes badly for them and sets a dangerous precedent for the Vatican? The Vatican of Pope Francis is filled with totally corrupt, radical progressive homosexuals who are trying to turn the Catholic Church into a totally new organization which has no connection to its history or tradition. If he (Francis) is found liable of a criminal activity, good riddance. If it helps to bring …More
Who really cares if it goes badly for them and sets a dangerous precedent for the Vatican? The Vatican of Pope Francis is filled with totally corrupt, radical progressive homosexuals who are trying to turn the Catholic Church into a totally new organization which has no connection to its history or tradition. If he (Francis) is found liable of a criminal activity, good riddance. If it helps to bring down his regime, so much the better.
Christopher Shahrazade

URGENT - URGENT - Growing Rumors of a “Final Solution” for the Traditional Latin Mass - TLM

Common sense would dictate that traditional Catholics who love the TLM can and should totally ignore any new supression of the TLM by Homosexual perverts like Pope Francis and his army of gay goons from the Vatican and dioceses. Instead of whinning, panicking, and telling people to pray, pray pray!!!! just IGNORE Francis and all the rest. If they shut down a parish, build or buy another one (there …More
Common sense would dictate that traditional Catholics who love the TLM can and should totally ignore any new supression of the TLM by Homosexual perverts like Pope Francis and his army of gay goons from the Vatican and dioceses. Instead of whinning, panicking, and telling people to pray, pray pray!!!! just IGNORE Francis and all the rest. If they shut down a parish, build or buy another one (there are thousands of "protestant" "churches" for sale which are empty. If they go after a traditionalist religious Order, re-establish themselves in union with the SSPX or even a sede-vacantist traditonal group. Basically, stand up to Francis and his people. He is no Pope. Give him "the finger" if he goes against traditional Catholics. Bullies and enemies will eventually give up, if good people stand up against them and say "Go to Hell"..... which is where Francis and his people beling anyway.
Christopher Shahrazade

Complaint to the UN: Francis Listed as a "Perpetrator" of Human Rights Abuses

Hope it goes very badly for Francis and his Vatican, especially Parolin.
Christopher Shahrazade

Francis Was "Star Guest" at a Homosex-March in Rome

This Pope Francis has transformed the Vatican and Papacy with his meeting with comedians, emphasis on openness to homos, and the appointment of active homosexuals from a highly respected, honorable and venerable institution and office into a shady, filthy organization which exists in the dark shadows, on the prowl to abuse young men and to hold up the most disgusting of sins and lifestyles as people …More
This Pope Francis has transformed the Vatican and Papacy with his meeting with comedians, emphasis on openness to homos, and the appointment of active homosexuals from a highly respected, honorable and venerable institution and office into a shady, filthy organization which exists in the dark shadows, on the prowl to abuse young men and to hold up the most disgusting of sins and lifestyles as people worthy before God. He applauds sin. Rather than being appalled by this image of Francis for gay day, Francis and his Vatican are probably proud to be included with a parade of their favorite people.