
The Pope claims that laughing at God is not blasphemy

The Pope claims that laughing at God is not blasphemy At a meeting with comedians, Pope Francis stated that if a joke about God is not offensive, …
Naomi Arai
Father Karl A Claver
This is what one says when he does not believe in God.
Billy F
He won’t be laughing when he is before the Judgment Seat of the Almighty!!!
Christopher Shahrazade
And that will be much sooner than he (we) expect.
Quote Francis: ""Can we also laugh at God? Of course, it's not blasphemy, we can, just as we play and joke with the people we love," said the Pontiff. "Humor does not offend, humiliate, or put people down according to their flaws..." 🤔 😲
Christopher Shahrazade
God has flaws? Don't think so.
Boanerges Boanerges
That's another way of encouraging blasphemy. "Well if the "pope" said so, it must be ok" Or few years down that road: "well if the "pope" said it's cool to go the Hell, let's go!" 😳