Father Karl A Claver
Father Karl A Claver

Canada Day: we must not forget our Christian roots

He and his father are demons from hell. They destroyed Canada as well as the Catholic Church.
Father Karl A Claver

St Peter's Basilica: Elderly Canons Are Forced Out

Christ said to the wayward Jews, you have made the house of God into a den of thieves. I say, you have made the house of God into a den of whores and faggots.
Father Karl A Claver

Did you know July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus?

Yes, and V2 dropped the feast of the Precious Blood like a hot potato.
Father Karl A Claver

Cardinals approve canonization of Carlo Acutis, date to be decided - Adoremus

I know there certainly more blessed that could be canonized, especially some who have been blessed for quite some time. I believe this case is being rushed. Make Hast Slowly.
Father Karl A Claver

No Ordination because of Latin Mass: Bishop Responds to "Real Ordeal" with Empty Words

Francis is totally political. Those seminarians should be ordained.
Father Karl A Claver

Pope who once advised learning from tattoos bans them in the Vatican

Tattoos are a form of self-mutilation. God made us the way HE wanted to, and tattoos are just telling God that we can do better.
Father Karl A Claver

Germany: Iranian man attacks three policemen with a knife and is shot dead (Video)

The Moslems are slowly but surely conquering Europe.
Father Karl A Claver

A Gänswein Hater Has Resigned from Office

If a picture is worth a thousand words, this one tells you this bishop is probably light in the loafers.
Father Karl A Claver

Trump Says Immunity Ruling 'Big Win For Democracy'

Deo Gratias. God is good and He has heard the cries of the poor. I have been praying for Mr. Trump every day at Mass for 8 years now.
Father Karl A Claver

AfD Congress in Essen Faces Violent Protests as Membership Soars 60% – Allah's Willing Executioners

Maybe, slowly but surely the Germans are waking up to see the horrible dangers that are at their doorsteps.
Father Karl A Claver

WATCH: Former Vatican Auditor Exposes Vatican Financial Corruption

It has been corrupted for at least 60 years. Pope John Paul I tried to stop it, and he WAS murdered.
Father Karl A Claver

Sulphuric acid attack by a man without ” origin” on visitors to a café in Bochum, Germany

Wake up from your communistic infused sleep, Germany.
Father Karl A Claver

Trump pledges to get jailed pro-lifers ‘back to their families’

Every good Catholic must vote for Trump and abandon the Democrat party. Trump is not perfect (only God is), but he is a billion times better than anything the Democrats have had to offer for the last sixty years.
Father Karl A Claver

Cardinal Müller: Dicastery for Divine Worship Concerned About Chartres Pilgrimage

By corrupting the sacraments and condemning sacramentals, the Church is committing suicide.
Father Karl A Claver

Germany: Seven Syrians attack young woman and sexually assault her

While I condemn rape and other evil acts, many times the victims ask for this by their immodest dressing. When so much skin is showing, the dogs will attack.
Father Karl A Claver

Priest: Pope Francis causing ‘many schisms’ and ‘deeper wounds’ in the Church than any other Pope …

If he smells like an antipope, speaks like an antipope, acts like an antipope, then maybe he is an antipope
Father Karl A Claver

Cardinal Burke’s Position: Respect Papal Office Even If a Pope Is Failing

I think you can respect, but still strongly disagree. It is like the office of president asks for respect. We can still dislike Biden, but we should not debase the presidency with foul or nasty words. We can strongly disagree with Francis, but we must not degrade the Petrine Office.
Father Karl A Claver

State Department Announces Forcing Gay Sex on Foreign Countries is a Matter of National Security - …

God will not bless the USA because of the evil things we have done and are continuing doing today.
Father Karl A Claver

WEF Pushes Plans to 'Reduce Car Ownership' Among Public - Slay News

These idiots can fly in the Lear jets and take their huge limousines all over, but we are forced to walk.