Cardinal Burke’s Position: Respect Papal Office Even If a Pope Is Failing

There are very serious problems in the Church, Cardinal Raymond Burke told Matt Fradd in a June 27 video. "But I certainly don't see how I can do God's will by abandoning Our Lord in the …More
There are very serious problems in the Church, Cardinal Raymond Burke told Matt Fradd in a June 27 video.
"But I certainly don't see how I can do God's will by abandoning Our Lord in the Church."
His advice: "Stay with our Lord and His Holy Church. Trust Him and His promises." And: "It may seem that all is lost, but it won't be. Our Lord doesn't permit that."
For Cardinal Burke, it is important to remain serene: "It can never be right, in combatting error and confusion, to fail to respect the office of the bishop or the Holy Father."
"There could be somebody in the office who is failing, but the office is a divine institution established by Christ."
He recalls the period after the Second Vatican Council, when his own seminary where he was an alumnus, was in complete turmoil: "I lived through all the liturgical abuses." He saw many priests and religious abandoning their priesthood and vows.
On synodality, Cardinal Burke said that no one can define the term. It has never existed …More
Gisela Mueller
Dimissioni nulle di Benedetto XVI: istanza al Tribunale vaticano - the Italian original.
Andrea Cionci: Benedict XVI's resignation is null and void: application to Vatican tribunal - the English translation.
Every mass "una cum pope Francis" is null and void.More
Sandy Barrett shares this
"Cardinal Raymond Burke, a prominent Catholic cleric, has condemned President Joe Biden’s reception of Holy Communion as a “sacrilege” due to his unrepentant support for legal abortion and other issues."
That like shooting fish in the barrel. What the point having guard dog that never bites its just barks.
Carol H
The Pope is protected by His Office. No biting.
Read church history especially first 600 years
How many antipopes in the history of the church?
The office been hijacked by imposter dog is free to bite 😎
Boanerges Boanerges
The Church is on fire, Bergoglio is burning it down with millions of souls in it, and what is his Eminence saying: even though "the pope" is failing I have a lot of respect for "his office". Well, the news is: Bergoglio is not failing, he is succeeding in executing his vicious plan and the one whose failing here is you, your Eminence.
Soft man with soft answers
Not a time to be lukewarm
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio's own Circus, full of contradictions, unmasks his falsehood. For the apostate and schismatic Jorge Bergoglio, neither Christ nor the Church are necessary for salvation, but he vengefully persecutes faithful Catholics who reject his apostate pseudo-gospel.
The same schismatic and traitor Jorge Bergoglio who claims he is not afraid of schism and who will go down in history as the one who …More
Bergoglio's own Circus, full of contradictions, unmasks his falsehood. For the apostate and schismatic Jorge Bergoglio, neither Christ nor the Church are necessary for salvation, but he vengefully persecutes faithful Catholics who reject his apostate pseudo-gospel.
The same schismatic and traitor Jorge Bergoglio who claims he is not afraid of schism and who will go down in history as the one who divided the Church was the one who gave the schismatics the relics of St. Peter, but accuses Viganò of being a "schismatic." When the same apostate ecumenical universalist heresy that Bergoglio promotes says that everyone will be saved. Even the false Pope himself shows that no one needs him to be saved.
St. Vincent Ferrer: "Schismatics are those who obey the false (Pope) as if he were legitimate."
Live Mike
Let us pray that the Fortitude & Courage of Archbishop Viganò, demonstrated in his Declaration of 28 June 2024, has shown Cardinal Burke what he must do!
Tony M
Souls are being hereticised and apostatised right now, by Bergoglio's scandalous words and deeds. He is accompanying Catholic faithful to the gates of Hell, day by day. Something has to be done NOW!!!!
Tony M
Archbishop Vigano has more courage than any others in the hierarchy, including yourself Cardinal Burke. Please do not speak against his efforts to save the Catholic Church in these tumultuous times!!! Cardinal Burke....what is your game plan to stop the flow of scandalous soul destroying words & deeds coming from Bergoglio????
All Saints
I am on the road this weekend. The priest at Mass this morning (FSSP) said that there are serious problems in the Church today and for all present to pray for the Church and for the local LM community. He said not to be fooled to think that Jesus would not know what is going on in His own Church. And that indiscretion and lack of prudence by one not in a position to publicly critisize commits a sin …More
I am on the road this weekend. The priest at Mass this morning (FSSP) said that there are serious problems in the Church today and for all present to pray for the Church and for the local LM community. He said not to be fooled to think that Jesus would not know what is going on in His own Church. And that indiscretion and lack of prudence by one not in a position to publicly critisize commits a sin even worse than the sins they decry. He did not have to reveal the name to whom he was referring. I think everyone knew.
la verdad prevalece
That argument is never valid when the position is usurped by a gay activist enemy of the Church who openly defies God and promotes a false gospel. St. Paul said that anyone who dared to do so would be considered CURSED.
Father Karl A Claver
I think you can respect, but still strongly disagree. It is like the office of president asks for respect. We can still dislike Biden, but we should not debase the presidency with foul or nasty words. We can strongly disagree with Francis, but we must not degrade the Petrine Office.
la verdad prevalece
Precisely those who remain united with Bergoglio have joined him in his rebellion against God and against the Church. To tolerate Bergoglio's defiance of the Divine Natural Law is to put Bergoglio above God and the Church.
la verdad prevalece
It is impossible to respect the Petrine office when Bergoglio openly challenges all the legitimate popes of the Church.
la verdad prevalece
I imagine the apostate angels saying the same thing: let us respect Lucifer even if he rebels against God.
Spot the difference
Pay attention to Viganò. It's how we could have a solution.
Views worth 30 pieces of silver.
I love Cardinal Burke, a faithful shepherd.
P. O'B
A lot of good here. But the obvious way to respect the office of the papacy is to conclude that Francis cannot be pope. If he is, the papacy is worse than meaningless, it is working for the other side.