Live Mike
Positive Proof Of An Assassination Conspiracy! - Who Did The Shooter Communicate With Over In Israel?! "Would-be Assassin in Butler PA Utilized Three Foreign Encrypted Communications Services. The …More
Positive Proof Of An Assassination Conspiracy! - Who Did The Shooter Communicate With Over In Israel?!
"Would-be Assassin in Butler PA Utilized Three Foreign Encrypted Communications Services. The Origin & Destination IP Addresses for those communications were between the Shooter and IP Addresses in Israel." - Hal Turner, 22 July 2024
I think we had a picture of a different shooter here on this site within a day of the shooting; just too hard to believe the 20 y.o. kid who was constantly …More
I think we had a picture of a different shooter here on this site within a day of the shooting; just too hard to believe the 20 y.o. kid who was constantly bullied had the wherewithal to initiate communications in Israel and all the rest.
Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned. Rumor has it that she may go back to guarding Doritos at Pepsico.
Correct. Ms. Cheat-all was so belligerent in this hearing that when she was finally forced out the American people were supposed to think that "justice …More
Correct. Ms. Cheat-all was so belligerent in this hearing that when she was finally forced out the American people were supposed to think that "justice" had been done in serving up consequences for D.E.I. incompetence. So the real sinister aspects of the assassination attempt are memory-holed! See Ms. Ann Barnhardt's excellent take on this: All of this blustering about getting Cheatle to resign is pure misdirection. This isn’t about people RESIGNING. This is about attempted First Degree Murder of Trump, and the collateral murder of Corey Comperatore within the same conspiracy. We’re talking death penalty, here. Not resigning to a corporate payoff job and pension. | Barnhardt
Maria delos Angeles
Fall gall
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Possible Trajectories Illustration of Attempted Assassination of Trump Part 1 & 2
"Trump Shooter Another Lee Harvey Oswald PATSY? Thomas Matthew Crooks A Social Media GHOST"
Live Mike shares from religions
Archbishop Viganò Gives Message Calling out Ennemies of the Church with transcription Laudetur lesus Christus. Dear friends, extend my greeting to all of you gathered here to honor and adore the …More
Archbishop Viganò Gives Message Calling out Ennemies of the Church with transcription
Laudetur lesus Christus. Dear friends, extend my greeting to all of you gathered here to honor and adore the Eucharistic King publicly. The world cries out: We have no king but Caesar. You answer: Christ is King! And you are accompanying this Divine King along the streets to pay him public honors, bearing witness to your faith and your love for the Lord. A faith that we intend to bear witness to, also in the love and defense of the Traditional Apostolic Mass, the beating heart of the Holy Church agains which the hemel powers alle unleashed the beating heart of the Holy Church, against which the infernal powers are unleashed. A few days ago, the Roman Sanhedrin, that presents itself as the supreme tribunal of the Church, declared me to be in schism and excommunicated. This authoritarian decision has once again made evident the extraneousness of the Beroglian church to the true Church of Christ, whose …More
Billy F
V for Vigano!
Archbishop Viganò: The Masonic takeover of the Catholic Church began with Vatican II - Viganò said a Masonic 'coup d’état began with the Second Vatican Council' with the intention of ushering in a …More
Archbishop Viganò: The Masonic takeover of the Catholic Church began with Vatican II - Viganò said a Masonic 'coup d’état began with the Second Vatican Council' with the intention of ushering in a false, 'conciliar church' while maintaining the appearance of being the Catholic Church.

Archbishop Viganò: The Masonic takeover of the Catholic Church began with Vatican II - LifeSite

(Catholic Family News) — In this exclusive interview, which will continue in a further installment, …
"Shadowy Figure Recorded on Water Tower Above Trump Rally Shooting" "Eyewitness says the Counter-Sniper was firing Towards the Second Shooter on the Water Tower"More
"Shadowy Figure Recorded on Water Tower Above Trump Rally Shooting"
"Eyewitness says the Counter-Sniper was firing Towards the Second Shooter on the Water Tower"

Video reveals shadowy figure on water tower above Trump rally shooting

Discover more from Seemorerocks Video reveals shadowy figure on water tower above Trump rally shooting HERE Lady saw the the counter …
Billy F
Definitely The Alphabets!
Live Mike
Butler Farm Show Inc., Pennsylvania Check out the blue water tower in the upper right hand corner USA map satellite // North AmericaMore
Butler Farm Show Inc., Pennsylvania
Check out the blue water tower in the upper right hand corner
USA map satellite // North America
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Live Mike
"The Trump Shooter Didn't Act Alone" - Former Special Operations Sniper of 14 Years, Dallas Alexander | Source

"The Trump Shooter Didn't Act Alone" Sniper Dallas Alexander Reveals | Redacted w Clayton Morris

"The Trump Shooter Didn't Act Alone" Sniper Dallas Alexander Reveals | Redacted w Clayton Morris 338,549…
Where Jared? The man who spent aprox1.5 billion on 666 fifth ave then recouped his loses from Saudi prince. I believe the son of predition is coming .…More
Where Jared? The man who spent aprox1.5 billion on 666 fifth ave then recouped his loses from Saudi prince. I believe the son of predition is coming . The show must go on. 🤔
Jeffrey Ade
I think the "assassination attempt" was a staged psy-op. Articles from others chiming in on certain aspects are designed to reinforce the main theme, …More
I think the "assassination attempt" was a staged psy-op. Articles from others chiming in on certain aspects are designed to reinforce the main theme, that it "really happened." This is what happens to you if they want you dead: "On August 6, 2011, insurgents shot down a Chinook transport helicopter in Afghanistan, killing all 38 people on board, including 15 Navy SEALS from Team Six's Gold Squadron." I am sorry to say it but Trump is mocking anyone who is supporting him thinking he cares about the working class, or Catholics!
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Archbishop Viganò responds to 'excommunication': 'If we had a pope...'

Archbishop Viganò responds to 'excommunication': 'If we had a pope...'

Following Vatican’s decree of automatic excommunication for the supposed delict of schism, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has issued …

‘Betrayal’ of Catholic faith: Potential Trump running mate JD Vance slammed for backing abortion …

The Ohio Republican, and Catholic convert, is considered a potential running mate for President Donald …
Ann Smith
Ari B
@giveusthisday No, he used to be an evangelical prot, but converted to Novus Ordo in 2015...although he has a very public semi-pro-abortion stance...
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Are we being told the truth about the true identity of the shooter?!

Maxwell Yearick Was Under FBI Radar Before He Shot Trump

Maxwell Yearick, 30, of Perry South, who pleaded guilty in connection with a police altercation during an anti-Trump protest almost in 2016, had …
Live Mike
@Ann Smith What is the actual net worth of JD Vance (with impeccable sources)?
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Gunman spotted by law enforcement nearly 30 minutes before shots were fired - Nicole Ford, WPXI-TV Pittsburgh

Alleged Trump shooter spotted by law enforcement nearly 30 minutes before shots fired, sources say

More for You Continue reading More for You
Father Karl A Claver
The FBI is our enemy. It is part of the deep state.
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Live Mike shares from Fides Et Ratio
Divine intervention
On this 107th Anniversary of the Great Secret of Fatima listen to Fr. Malachi Martin make an allusion to that Secret. - Edited clip from a debate between Reader of the Secret of Fatima / Advisor to …More
On this 107th Anniversary of the Great Secret of Fatima listen to Fr. Malachi Martin make an allusion to that Secret.
- Edited clip from a debate between Reader of the Secret of Fatima / Advisor to the Pope, Fr. Malachi Martin and Evangelical Protestant Dave Hunt on the radio program, Steel on Steel with John Loeffler, 1991. Source
Wow - I had not heard this clip before! Thank you for posting this on this critical day in the Fatima cycle of apparitions.
Billy F shares this
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Live Mike
Did Our Lady of Good Success predict Vatican II? Acclaimed Vatican II scholar Mr. Atila Sinke Guimarães answers this important question. Source
Mir vsjem
Liberale Katholiken sündigen, denn Liberalismus ist SÜNDE VOR GOTT.. Noch böser ist der Modernist. Er wurde von Papst Pius X. EXKOMMUNIZIERT.More
Liberale Katholiken sündigen, denn Liberalismus ist SÜNDE VOR GOTT..
Noch böser ist der Modernist. Er wurde von Papst Pius X. EXKOMMUNIZIERT.
Carlus shares this
Die Warnung der Gottesmutter lässt erkennen, sie hat vorm Geist des 2. VK gewarnt.More
Die Warnung der Gottesmutter lässt erkennen, sie hat vorm Geist des 2. VK gewarnt.
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Carol H
la verded prevalce: Please, stop with the theatrics. We all know Pope Francis is a bad Pope. We all know he gives scandal and seems to be working hand …More
la verded prevalce: Please, stop with the theatrics. We all know Pope Francis is a bad Pope. We all know he gives scandal and seems to be working hand-in-hand with Freemasons. Moreover most of us here are traditionalists who have made a lot of personal sacrifices to hold onto the faith and attend the Latin Mass. So that's not the issue and you are dishonest to make it so. The fundamental difference is that I refuse to usurp the authority of the Magisterium of the Church; I refuse to join your private - and very bitter - revolution. Archbishop Lefebvre showed us how we can lawfully maneuver through this chaotic mess without openly attacking the visible Church of Rome like the Freemasons - and without compromising our own faith and our children's faith. It's Christ's Church. It's our Church. Our Lord won't allow this to go on for much longer.
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"We will continue to support Ukraine on its irreversible path to full NATO membership."

Washington Summit Declaration issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting …

Washington Summit Declaration issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting …
The church of Davos Interview of James Henry and Robert Moynihan to H.E. Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò - August/September 2021 English text: The church of Davos Traduzione in italiano: La chiesa di DavosMore
The church of Davos
Interview of James Henry and Robert Moynihan to H.E. Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò - August/September 2021
English text: The church of Davos
Traduzione in italiano: La chiesa di Davos
Traduction en français: L'église de Davos
la verdad prevalece
An impostor A heretic who was fraudulently elected Pope has no rights or privileges that a legitimate Pope has. Just as a man cannot become a woman, …More
An impostor A heretic who was fraudulently elected Pope has no rights or privileges that a legitimate Pope has.
Just as a man cannot become a woman, neither can a heretic become a pope.
Bergoglio was disqualified from became a pope due to his heretical, apostate and schismatic past in Argentina.
1. The case of St. Catherine of Siena shows us how even a Catholic woman has the right to judge who was the legitimate pope.
2. That the history of the Church shows us that there have been several very famous antipopes who have usurped the chair of Peter even with the support of the cardinals and the government. Like the case of Anacletus II. So history shows us that we are not facing a unique case but that the antipopes who have usurped the papacy illicitly for many years have been judged and deposed by the Church in a particular way. So the invalidity in the case of the heresiarch Jorge Bergoglio must begin with his heretical and apostate background in Argentina, which demonstrates his invalidity …More
Ignorance concerning the Church history and oversimplification. St. Catherine of Siena may have called the Avignon pope (Clement) an antipope (only …More
Ignorance concerning the Church history and oversimplification. St. Catherine of Siena may have called the Avignon pope (Clement) an antipope (only because Urban VI was elected first; BTW, Msgr. Vigano also misunderstood that crisis in his comments as the argumentation he provided regarding irregularities during the Bergoglian conclave as similar to the argumentation of cardinals that chose Clement (i.e. the anti-pope) ) but it was her very private judgement that meant nothing for the Church.
The Church waited and in Constance treated all three papal claimants (John XXIII, Benedict XIII, Gregory XII) equally asking them to provide a resignation to choose an undisputed pope (Martin V), BTW with a peculiar, unprecedented voting method (and Martin V is considered the valid pope). It was just the most practical way to solve the crisis.
Moreover, most Catholics of that period (and the later times - e.g. Bellarmine in his treatise about the councils) considered Baltasare Cossa - John XXIII …More
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Live Mike
Matt's fatal error on display as he continues to recognize the leader of the "new religion" as the Pope of the "true religion" - the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Folks, this is Madness! Matt …More
Matt's fatal error on display as he continues to recognize the leader of the "new religion" as the Pope of the "true religion" - the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Folks, this is Madness! Matt has faith in a contradiction. Matt believes a future Pope can judge a reigning Pontiff. But then later says, "the Pope HAS NO SUPERIOR" [except God]. SO, HOW CAN AN EQUAL JUDGE HIS EQUAL?!... Matt has lost his mind! "A TRUE POPE CANNOT fall under the jurisdiction of the Church (or even a future or past Pope - as an equal cannot judge an equal), BUT A DUBIOUS POPE CAN fall under its jurisdiction. According to the Church's teaching and canonical tradition, AN HERETICAL OCCUPANT OF THE PAPAL THRONE CAN BE JUDGED by the Church. A heretic is an incapable subject of the papacy, for which reasons the canonical tradition of the Church rules that A HERETIC IS NOT A VALID POPE. A heretic can't be a true pope. IT IS A FATAL ERROR TO SAY THAT A HERETIC IS A VALID POPE AND THAT THOSE WHO SEPARATE …More

JOE BIDEN & POPE FRANCIS: Catholic Leaders of a Brave New World

Not a good week for the Globalists, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Bianca Jagger, and a host of celebrities tell Pope Francis to leave the Latin Mass …
Live Mike
Translation of Alex A's comment: Catholic laity are incompetent, lacking the capacity of right reason and the critical thinking skills necessary in …More
Translation of Alex A's comment: Catholic laity are incompetent, lacking the capacity of right reason and the critical thinking skills necessary in making the distinction between a Catholic from a formal public heretic. This is utterly ridiculous!
Alex A
Having listened intently to Michael Matt's latest video, which seems to have caused distress to a number of Gloria followers, I found myself somewhat …More
Having listened intently to Michael Matt's latest video, which seems to have caused distress to a number of Gloria followers, I found myself somewhat bewildered and perplexed as to why Matt's latest monologue on the current state of the Church, has resulted in so much controversy. Peeling away the layers of emotive reaction, the central issue in dispute surely can be best left to more competent notaries within the church and who would articulate in a manner, devoid of bias and disparagement.
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