Live Mike
Live Mike
Possible Trajectories Illustration of Attempted Assassination of Trump Part 1 & 2
"Trump Shooter Another Lee Harvey Oswald PATSY? Thomas Matthew Crooks A Social Media GHOST"
On this 107th Anniversary of the Great Secret of Fatima listen to Fr. Malachi Martin make an allusion to that Secret. - Edited clip from a debate between Reader of the Secret of Fatima / Advisor to …More
On this 107th Anniversary of the Great Secret of Fatima listen to Fr. Malachi Martin make an allusion to that Secret.
- Edited clip from a debate between Reader of the Secret of Fatima / Advisor to the Pope, Fr. Malachi Martin and Evangelical Protestant Dave Hunt on the radio program, Steel on Steel with John Loeffler, 1991. Source
Wow - I had not heard this clip before! Thank you for posting this on this critical day in the Fatima cycle of apparitions.
Billy F shares this
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Live Mike
Did Our Lady of Good Success predict Vatican II? Acclaimed Vatican II scholar Mr. Atila Sinke Guimarães answers this important question. Source
Mir vsjem
Liberale Katholiken sündigen, denn Liberalismus ist SÜNDE VOR GOTT.. Noch böser ist der Modernist. Er wurde von Papst Pius X. EXKOMMUNIZIERT.More
Liberale Katholiken sündigen, denn Liberalismus ist SÜNDE VOR GOTT..
Noch böser ist der Modernist. Er wurde von Papst Pius X. EXKOMMUNIZIERT.
Carlus shares this
Die Warnung der Gottesmutter lässt erkennen, sie hat vorm Geist des 2. VK gewarnt.More
Die Warnung der Gottesmutter lässt erkennen, sie hat vorm Geist des 2. VK gewarnt.
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Carol H
la verded prevalce: Please, stop with the theatrics. We all know Pope Francis is a bad Pope. We all know he gives scandal and seems to be working hand …More
la verded prevalce: Please, stop with the theatrics. We all know Pope Francis is a bad Pope. We all know he gives scandal and seems to be working hand-in-hand with Freemasons. Moreover most of us here are traditionalists who have made a lot of personal sacrifices to hold onto the faith and attend the Latin Mass. So that's not the issue and you are dishonest to make it so. The fundamental difference is that I refuse to usurp the authority of the Magisterium of the Church; I refuse to join your private - and very bitter - revolution. Archbishop Lefebvre showed us how we can lawfully maneuver through this chaotic mess without openly attacking the visible Church of Rome like the Freemasons - and without compromising our own faith and our children's faith. It's Christ's Church. It's our Church. Our Lord won't allow this to go on for much longer.
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la verdad prevalece
An impostor A heretic who was fraudulently elected Pope has no rights or privileges that a legitimate Pope has. Just as a man cannot become a woman, …More
An impostor A heretic who was fraudulently elected Pope has no rights or privileges that a legitimate Pope has.
Just as a man cannot become a woman, neither can a heretic become a pope.
Bergoglio was disqualified from became a pope due to his heretical, apostate and schismatic past in Argentina.
1. The case of St. Catherine of Siena shows us how even a Catholic woman has the right to judge who was the legitimate pope.
2. That the history of the Church shows us that there have been several very famous antipopes who have usurped the chair of Peter even with the support of the cardinals and the government. Like the case of Anacletus II. So history shows us that we are not facing a unique case but that the antipopes who have usurped the papacy illicitly for many years have been judged and deposed by the Church in a particular way. So the invalidity in the case of the heresiarch Jorge Bergoglio must begin with his heretical and apostate background in Argentina, which demonstrates his invalidity …More
Ignorance concerning the Church history and oversimplification. St. Catherine of Siena may have called the Avignon pope (Clement) an antipope (only …More
Ignorance concerning the Church history and oversimplification. St. Catherine of Siena may have called the Avignon pope (Clement) an antipope (only because Urban VI was elected first; BTW, Msgr. Vigano also misunderstood that crisis in his comments as the argumentation he provided regarding irregularities during the Bergoglian conclave as similar to the argumentation of cardinals that chose Clement (i.e. the anti-pope) ) but it was her very private judgement that meant nothing for the Church.
The Church waited and in Constance treated all three papal claimants (John XXIII, Benedict XIII, Gregory XII) equally asking them to provide a resignation to choose an undisputed pope (Martin V), BTW with a peculiar, unprecedented voting method (and Martin V is considered the valid pope). It was just the most practical way to solve the crisis.
Moreover, most Catholics of that period (and the later times - e.g. Bellarmine in his treatise about the councils) considered Baltasare Cossa - John XXIII …More
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All Saints
I stand against Francis. And all his works. And all his pomps.
Live Mike
"Machinery has been set in motion that simply can't be stopped." SourceMore
"Machinery has been set in motion that simply can't be stopped."
English Catholic
It seems inevitable. Our Lady said at Fatima that war is a punishment for sin. I can't believe that sin was greater in the world at the times of World …More
It seems inevitable. Our Lady said at Fatima that war is a punishment for sin. I can't believe that sin was greater in the world at the times of World War I and II.
So sad to think that we are heading for all out war and that many leaders actually want it.
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Live Mike
Language Alert: British MP Andrew Bridgen confirming on a radio show yesterday... "We are actually at war with Russia now... They're not going to tell the people probably until July or August; maybe …More
Language Alert: British MP Andrew Bridgen confirming on a radio show yesterday... "We are actually at war with Russia now... They're not going to tell the people probably until July or August; maybe later."
Maria delos Angeles
It is a total uniparty system in the UK. Pray God will expose those in parliament who have been bought out by Bill G et al. It is quite obvious Rishi …More
It is a total uniparty system in the UK. Pray God will expose those in parliament who have been bought out by Bill G et al. It is quite obvious Rishi wants out
chris griffin
The USA has given Ukraine billions of dollars to fight Russa, so in a very real sense we are a war with Russa also.
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This was a wonderful video. I would like to know the mysteries of the Fatima Rosary, which Padre Pio told to the children.
The Wandering Recluse shares this
Fascinating broadcast!! Thanks for posting @LiveMike. Personally, those who can't see the direct connection between Fatima and Garabandal should be in …More
Fascinating broadcast!! Thanks for posting @LiveMike. Personally, those who can't see the direct connection between Fatima and Garabandal should be in our prayers!
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One of these is not like the others... Can you guess which one?
Ivan Tomas
The not Catholic one. Pachapapa.
Ann Smith
No need to guess
Live Mike
Go to Confession: If NATO Troops Enter Ukraine, SARMAT, YARS, & AVANGARD (Nukes) Will Hit NATO Decision-Making Centers - Russian State Controlled TV's Dmitry Kiselyov, 28 April 2024 Source | Original …More
Go to Confession: If NATO Troops Enter Ukraine, SARMAT, YARS, & AVANGARD (Nukes) Will Hit NATO Decision-Making Centers - Russian State Controlled TV's Dmitry Kiselyov, 28 April 2024
Source | Original Source: Россия-1 @51:22 and following
I thank you for sharing this, and I encourage you to continue sharing so many meaningful things as you consistently do. (And, @Live Mike I would be …More
I thank you for sharing this, and I encourage you to continue sharing so many meaningful things as you consistently do. (And, @Live Mike I would be delighted to buy for you breakfast or lunch at Shady Maple.)
But, it seems clear, this segment is intended for local consumption. The point being made here is "strategic defeat of Russia" defined by the statement of something like "a world without Russia in it".
So, the point is not the retaliation by Russia if NATO forces attack Russia from within the Ukraine, but rather the retaliation by Russia if NATO forces threaten the elimination of Russia from within the Ukraine.
Although I do not doubt the capabilities that are spoken of in this video segment, I see this as little more than internal propaganda to reassure Russians that they have the leadership and ability to stop any military attempt to overwhelm Russia that might be borne of the current conflict in the Ukraine.
what ever happened to the 99 red balloons?
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Debate: Did Benedict XVI Really Resign? Contenders: Dr. Ed Mazza and Matt Gaspers SourceMore
Debate: Did Benedict XVI Really Resign? Contenders: Dr. Ed Mazza and Matt Gaspers
Why isn't Gaspers on Catholic Family News any longer? I thought he had to leave over a health issue but would come back.
Carlus shares this
Papst Benedikt hat nur die Amtsgeschäfte niedergelegt, dazu wurde er gezwungen. Sas Amt als Papst hatte er bis zu seinem Tode beibehalten. Bergoglio …More
Papst Benedikt hat nur die Amtsgeschäfte niedergelegt, dazu wurde er gezwungen. Sas Amt als Papst hatte er bis zu seinem Tode beibehalten. Bergoglio wurde durch ein nicht rechtmäßiges Konklave mit Hilfe von Verschwörern gegen Papst und Kirche zum Amtsräuber. Er ist der freimaurerische Gegenpapst und als solcher durch den Amtsmissbrauch zum Falschen Propheten geworden.
1. jeder rechtmäßige Papst ist Prophet aus dem heraus die Heilige Katholische Kirche spricht, d.h. Gott der Heilige Geist.
2. aus dem Falschen Propheten spricht der Gegenpapst und Falsche Prophet.
Live Mike
ISIS Claims Responsibility for Attack. Putin Explains Who Runs ISIS (ISIL) and Why | Valdai Discussion Club, The World Order: New Rules or No Rules, Sochi, 22-24 October 2014 | English Transcript
Would cnn call that genocide?
Ludovic 2Nîm
At the same time, the American Embassy informed Russia as well as its citizens but Russian president accused them to blackmail them… it’s like Israel …More
At the same time, the American Embassy informed Russia as well as its citizens but Russian president accused them to blackmail them… it’s like Israel with the 7th October, they were warned but let it happens. Now Putin can recruit more easily soldiers for his war that should continue in France and in Italy according to prophecies from Beata Elena Aïello, Marie-Julie Jahenny and many others.
Putin also did it once for the 2nd war in Tchétchénia accusing Chechens for a terrorist attack while the FSB was involved. He’s the main beneficiary for this attack like Israel did. He first ensured himself to be reelected.
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Live Mike
The Most Powerful Cinematic Movie Scene of all Time! Remington Olmsted, the Decurion, gave one of the greatest performances - as bit part - in the history of motion pictures. "This wordless encounter …More
The Most Powerful Cinematic Movie Scene of all Time!
Remington Olmsted, the Decurion, gave one of the greatest performances - as bit part - in the history of motion pictures. "This wordless encounter between Christ and the Decurion was nothing less than spellbinding, as the features on the Decurion’s face communicate bewilderment, shame and wonder as he has a totally unexpected encounter with the Divine. Whatever Olmsted was earning that day wasn’t nearly enough."
Love it!
The Wandering Recluse
Pre-Satanic Hollywood.
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Live Mike
THE ETERNAL GIFT Traditional Latin Mass Explained, narration by Right Reverend Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen, 1940 SourceMore
THE ETERNAL GIFT Traditional Latin Mass Explained, narration by Right Reverend Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen, 1940
Live Mike
@V.R.S. Thank you, we can always count on you for a positive and uplifting comment. God bless you.
Msgr. Sheen was quick to abandon that "eternal gift" when the time had come.
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Live Mike
Response to Gaspers and Hall: No, Benedict Never Really Resigned - The Catholic Esquire, 23 February 2024 SourceMore
Response to Gaspers and Hall: No, Benedict Never Really Resigned - The Catholic Esquire, 23 February 2024
Live Mike
Dr. Tamitha Skov, (Heliophysics and Space Weather) The Space Weather Woman - 11 February 2024 This Space Weather News forecast sponsored in part by Millersville University: Space Weather and Environment …More
Dr. Tamitha Skov, (Heliophysics and Space Weather) The Space Weather Woman - 11 February 2024
This Space Weather News forecast sponsored in part by Millersville University: Space Weather and Environment: Science, Policy and Communication |
Source: |
Space Weather Woman – Dr. Tamitha Skov – The Space Weather Woman | |
Space Weather Woman |
Solar Imaging and Analysis SDO: SDO | Solar Dynamics Observatory Helioviewer: Flare Analysis: SolarSoft Latest Events Computer Aided CME Tracking CACTUS: GOES Xray: SOHO: Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Homepage Stereo: GONG magnetic field synoptic movie: GONG Magnetogram Synoptic Map Movies GONG magnetic field synoptic charts: GONG Magnetogram Synoptic Map Images MSAL Heliophysics Events HEK Heliophysics Event Registry Solar Wind DISCOVR solar wind: Real Time …More
The Wandering Recluse
I'm wondering whether eventually this is our "fire from heaven" or if solar flares are being promoted so much to justify the elite shutting down our …More
I'm wondering whether eventually this is our "fire from heaven" or if solar flares are being promoted so much to justify the elite shutting down our utilities and the internet/cell phones. We've had solar disturbances for centuries.
Is Donald J. Trump a Freemason? SourceMore
Is Donald J. Trump a Freemason?
Live Mike
What about that Jubilee Year Holy Door "Donald Trump" Brick? In 1984 Thomas Zimmer, "the hermit of Loreto", stated that he had a "premonition" that a …More
What about that Jubilee Year Holy Door "Donald Trump" Brick?
In 1984 Thomas Zimmer, "the hermit of Loreto", stated that he had a "premonition" that a certain man [Donald J. Trump] would lead America back to God." Because of that "premonition" Mr. Zimmer donated one brick with the inscription, "Donald J. Trump" for his prayerful intentions. That brick was only 1 of the 3000 bricks required to close up the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica at the end of the "Extraordinary" Holy Year of Redemption in 1983 and that brick would remain in place until the next Holy Year in 2000. Please note: The "Donald J. Trump" brick was only in place for 15 years from 1984 until 1999 - that's 17 years before the Presidential Election in 2016. The Holy Door sealed with the "Donald J. Trump brick" was removed before the start of "The Great Jubilee in 2000" which was later followed by another jubilee year, the "Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy" of 2016, which went from 8 December 2015 until 20 November 2016. …More
Live Mike
Eight Popes Condemed Freemasonry: 1738: Clement XII, In eminenti apostolatus. 1751: Benedict XIV, Providas Romanorum. 1821: Pius VII, Ecclesiam a Jesu …More
Eight Popes Condemed Freemasonry:
1738: Clement XII, In eminenti apostolatus.
1751: Benedict XIV, Providas Romanorum.
1821: Pius VII, Ecclesiam a Jesu Christo.
1825: Leo XII, Quo graviora.
1829: Pius VIII, Traditi humilitati.
1830: Pius VIII, Litteris altero.
1832: Gregory XVI, Mirari vos. 1846: Pius IX, Qui pluribus. 1849: Pius IX, Quibus quantisque malis. 1864: Pius IX, Quanta cura. 1865: Pius IX, Multiplices inter. 1869: Pius IX, Apostolicae Sedis moderationi. 1873: Pius IX, Etsi multa. 1882: Leo XIII, Etsi Nos. 1884: Leo XIII, Humanum genus. 1887: Leo XIII, Officio sanctissimo. 1890: Leo XIII, Dall'alto dell'Apostolico Seggio. 1892: Leo XIII, Custodi di quella fede. 1892: Leo XIII, Inimica vis 1894: Leo XIII, Praeclara gratulationis publicae. 1902: Leo XIII, Annum ingressi. Papal Condemnations of the Lodge | EWTN @brhenry
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Live Mike
"You're sheltering enemies of the state... Are you not?" Does a Faraday cage block microwaves? 😉More
"You're sheltering enemies of the state... Are you not?"
Does a Faraday cage block microwaves? 😉