Billy F
Billy F
Saint James The Mohammedan Slayer! Ora Pro Nobis!
Horsey looks rather determined not to break its stride 😊 Michael Davies. The French Revolution.More
Michael Davies. The French Revolution.
Billy F shares from HerzMariae
A group of Italian pro-lifers were attacked by abortion activists, including several city council members. This is the video that caused the outrage.
Billy F shares from Jeffrey Ade
You have to love these Carmelite sisters!

230 years ago today: The terror that was, and that which may yet still be

“As the French Revolution entered its worst days, sixteen Discalced Carmelites from the Monastery of the Incarnation in Compiègne …
chris griffin
@Jeffrey Ade...Can you tell me more about this and where to find it... Louis XIV in failing to act decisively also perpetuated the evil and became an …More
@Jeffrey Ade...Can you tell me more about this and where to find it... Louis XIV in failing to act decisively also perpetuated the evil and became an accessory to furthering it!
Billy F
Thanks. I’ll have to give it a listen. God Bless you too Brother!
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Being chosen to play Joan the Maid of Orleans…

Following the Steps of Joan of Arc: a French Tradition in the City of Orléans

For two years, due to the epidemic of COVID, the Johannine celebrations commemorating Joan of Arc’s victory in the Hundred …
1 Kings 19:11-13
Father Karl A Claver
He should have been allowed to talk. Now we will not know IF this WAS an inside job.
Live Mike
Psychological Warfare!
Billy F shares from Caroline03

Words about the Eucharist written by the Fathers of the Early Church who received their training directly from the Disciples.

Here is a chart to show which of the Apostolic (Early Church) Fathers had a direct connection with which Disciple and the words they wrote about the Lord's Presence in the Eucharist as handed down to …More
Here is a chart to show which of the Apostolic (Early Church) Fathers had a direct connection with which Disciple and the words they wrote about the Lord's Presence in the Eucharist as handed down to them by the Disciples themselves.
St. Ignatius, 3rd Bishop of Antioch, Syria. (Now Turkey) Disciple of St John (died c. 110, Rome;) Feast day October 17; Ignatius was the little child Jesus took into His arms in Matthew 18:2, Luke 9:46-48 and in Mark’s gospel 9:33-37:
Matthew 18:2-4
2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you
will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
St Ignatius Disciple of St John and St Peter wrote....
"I have no taste for corruptible food nor for the pleasures of this life. I desire the Bread of God, which is the Flesh of Jesus Christ, Who was of the seed of David; and for drink I desire His blood, which is love incorruptible.
Letter to the Romans 7:3 CHURCH …More
Billy F shares from Seidenspinner
What is your answer?
I tried to say that to John the Baptist but he stubborn.
Knights of Columbus acting like Freemasons!

Catholics rally to pray the rosary outside Knights of Columbus hall as LGBT ‘prom night' was going …

OTTAWA, Illinois (LifeSiteNews) — Catholics recently gathered to pray outside Knights of Columbus …
American Bishops!
Billy F
With the direction the RNC is going they might give them a few grapes too.
Pagan RNC Convention Prayers…
Fides Et Ratio
Write your reps and let them know your thoughts. WTP must be eternally vigilant. Our constitutional duties.
Ann Smith
Only God Can Clean Up This World. 🙏
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Billy F shares from Wilma Lopez
We urge everyone to contact Bishop William Crean to offer support for Fr. Gabriel Burke. info@cloynediocese.ieMore
We urge everyone to contact Bishop William Crean to offer support for Fr. Gabriel Burke.

Irish Politician Denied Communion For Anti Life Stance — Catholic Arena

With the country descending into anarchy over the aggressive and reckless migration policies currently being pursued, you would …
New Carmel in High Springs Florida!
Billy F shares from Fides Et Ratio

Prayer to Redeem Lost Time - St. Teresa of Avila - Fides et Ratio

St Teresa of Avila
Candace Owens and The Jews…