Wilma Lopez
Wilma Lopez
Protestantism: The Youth Pastor and Senior Pastor at student camp.
Could have just as easily passed for a Catholic Novus Ordo mass somewhere.
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Wilma Lopez
Fr. Karle is the founder of a program called Ignatian Spirituality & Yoga. It is endorsed by the Midwest Jesuit Province and purports to “hold Ignatian spirituality and the Dharmic traditions in …More
Fr. Karle is the founder of a program called Ignatian Spirituality & Yoga. It is endorsed by the Midwest Jesuit Province and purports to “hold Ignatian spirituality and the Dharmic traditions in conversation.”

Catholic college students in Michigan should avoid Jesuit priest mixing yoga and Ignatian spirituality …

(LifeSiteNews) — Young people headed back to college in the southeastern part of Michigan may be in …
A lot of it about: The "Spirituality Lead" at London Jesuit Centre is an Anglican "priest" and yoga teacher. Revd Dr John Russell | TutorMore
A lot of it about: The "Spirituality Lead" at London Jesuit Centre is an Anglican "priest" and yoga teacher.
Revd Dr John Russell | Tutor
sp2 . .
youtube.com/watch?v=A0X1TuZxYLA At nine min into this video link you will learn the Ignatian Yoga pose to be a proper Rump Ranger worshiping Saint …More
At nine min into this video link you will learn the Ignatian Yoga pose to be a proper Rump Ranger worshiping Saint Ignatius.
You Modernist are destroying Ignatius.
Wilma Lopez
Rather sweet.
Never mind the carbon emissions... they never count when HE is responsible for them....

Australia enlisted to fly Pope to ‘the most remote’ town during PNG tour - CathNews

The Papua New Guinean Government has enlisted the help of the Australian Defence Force to fly Pope Francis to the remote …
Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
"There are those who systematically work to drive away migrants, and this, when done knowingly and deliberately, is a grave sin." "What kills migrants is our indifference, our rejection"

Finally! Francis Discovers "Grave Sin"

During his Wednesday audience, Francis finally discovered the terminology of "grave sin" but applied it to repelling illegal immigrants who break the law of a country. Departing from his prepared …More
During his Wednesday audience, Francis finally discovered the terminology of "grave sin" but applied it to repelling illegal immigrants who break the law of a country.
Departing from his prepared remarks, Francis said: "It must be said clearly: There are those who work systematically and by all means to reject [illegal] migrants. And this, if done with awareness and responsibility, is a grave sin."
Francis praised the allegedly "courageous men and women" [including human traffickers] who "do their utmost to rescue and save injured and abandoned migrants on the routes of desperate hope."
Francis also claimed that his God is with the illegal immigrants, "he suffers with them, he weeps and hopes with them" [but God does not "believe" an he does not "hope"].
Europe has been facing a violent immigrant crisis for years due to the mass influx of young, barely educated men, mostly from African Muslim nations.
sp2 . .
Listen up Francis, Migration is not the problem - it is illegal immigration. Let’s say a boat load of people from Africa bring themselves to the Republic …More
Listen up Francis,
Migration is not the problem -
it is illegal immigration.
Let’s say a boat load of people from Africa
bring themselves to the Republic of Malta.
Then the Islamics who disdain homosexuality also follow suit
by the droves. They occupy every nook and cranny of that
very small island, infact, the economics and health care system is now burdened beyond repair. This burden creates hardships upon the entire island to a point where these new people are raping innocent women and children – just like they are now doing in France and Germany. Next, they blame the Rump – Rangers for every nickel and dime and start setting the buildings afire. YOU Francis have committed a GRAVE Sin against your Rump Ranger Friends on The Island of Malta. Legal immigration – yes. Illegal immigration – heck NO. YOU have incited the raping of innocent women and children, YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS IN THIS MATTER. For the good of your Rump – Rangers in Malta and World wide YOU NEED TO REPENT OF YOUR GRAVE SINS.
Louis IX
Who is systematically working to drive away migrants? Please tell us so we can send them cash.
Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
Abp. Nkea Fuanya (Cameroon) has refuted claims that "cultural factors" are the primary reasons behind Africa's rejection of "rights" for sinful behaviour against nature (6th com.), the "ordination of …More
Abp. Nkea Fuanya (Cameroon) has refuted claims that "cultural factors" are the primary reasons behind Africa's rejection of "rights" for sinful behaviour against nature (6th com.), the "ordination of female deacons" etc., the real reason being "fidelity to what Christ taught".

African Archbishop Refutes Francis: Condemning Homosexuality Not "Cultural"

Cultural factors are not the reasons for Africa's strong opposition to homosexual "blessings" and deaconesses, Archbishop Andrew Nkea Fuanya of Bamenda, Cameroon, said in an August 23 speech at a synodal …More
Cultural factors are not the reasons for Africa's strong opposition to homosexual "blessings" and deaconesses, Archbishop Andrew Nkea Fuanya of Bamenda, Cameroon, said in an August 23 speech at a synodal meeting (VaticanNews.va).
"Our position had nothing to do with culture. It was about fidelity to the truth. Fidelity to what Christ taught. It was about fidelity to what the Apostles handed down to the generations," he explained.
And: "Africa was not defending a cultural idea. Africa was defending the doctrine that the Church has had for 2,000 years."
Francis had come up with this narrative in January, saying that Africa's stance on homosexuality was culturally driven ("for them, homosexuality is something bad from a cultural point of view").
Picture: Andrew Fuanya Nkea © ACI Africa, #newsEpcclkisje
Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
Canadian Novus Ordo priest Tom Rosica accused of sexual assault in lawsuit

Sexual Assault? Pater Thomas Rosica Sued in Ontario Court

Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB, was stripped of his faculties as a priest on 29 June, writes VoxCantor.Blogspot.com (28 August). A Toronto priest who worked under Father Rosica at World Youth Day 2002 …More
Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB, was stripped of his faculties as a priest on 29 June, writes VoxCantor.Blogspot.com (28 August).
A Toronto priest who worked under Father Rosica at World Youth Day 2002 alleged that he was sexually abused by the Basilian priest.
The assaults began in the late 1990s. A lawsuit filed in the Ontario court, which has now been made public, says the relationship "allowed Rosica the opportunity to be alone with the plaintiff and to exercise total control over him, exploit him and sexually abuse him".
It alleges that Rosica repeatedly "groped and fondled" the young priest's sexual organs.
The lawsuit also blames the Congregation of St Basil for failing to properly supervise Rosica.
Francis appointed Father Rosica as the Vatican's English-language spokesman in February and March 2013. Rosica also served as the Vatican's media adviser during the Synod of Bishops in October 2018.
He left the post when his serial plagiarism, exposed by VoxCantor.Blogspot.com in 2015 (…More
The Socialist government's agency for international development (AECID) has published a SHOCKING magazine MOCKING Christianity It depicts Christ exposing his penis and pubic hair on the Cross
Billy F
Satanic Bolshevik Commies!
@Wilma Lopez pls give source details.
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“It’s just like the missionaries who went all over to evangelize,” said Archbishop Renatus Leonard Nkwande of Mwanza, Tanzania. Except now, he said, the West is “sending us missionaries of evil.” …More
“It’s just like the missionaries who went all over to evangelize,” said Archbishop Renatus Leonard Nkwande of Mwanza, Tanzania. Except now, he said, the West is “sending us missionaries of evil.”
Examples of this ideological proselytization include everything from NGO (nongovernmental organization) workers promoting sexual ideologies in the classroom to activists recruiting African youth to gay sex parties.

African Archbishops: ‘They Are Sending Us Missionaries of Evil’

The West used to send Africa the Gospel. Now, African Church leaders are warning that Western nations and individuals are spreading a far …
Wilma Lopez shares from Tom Morelli
Wilma Lopez shares from Tom Morelli
George Weigel publishes an analysis of the term “inculturation” at firstthings with regard to the “sinicization” propagated by the communist Chinese government.

“Sinicization” Is Not Inculturation

Inculturation” has been a Catholic buzzword for over a half-century. It’s not the most elegant neologism, smacking as it does of sociologese. Still, it expresses a …
Naomi Arai
They aren’t doing anything, except removing God as the focal point of Christianity. Thus, the general population can be “freed” to worship the dictator …More
They aren’t doing anything, except removing God as the focal point of Christianity. Thus, the general population can be “freed” to worship the dictator as peon worker ants.
Everyday for Life Canada
Weigel describes the illness but fails to address the main cause: The Vatican agreement to allow the CCP to control the Catholic Church in China. All …More
Weigel describes the illness but fails to address the main cause: The Vatican agreement to allow the CCP to control the Catholic Church in China. All believers must worship the state first and accommodate their religious views based on state policies. The state is the only "religion" permitted. All the rest is mere words. Call out the Vatican for its colossal failure.
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..... rewires your brain, normalizes perversion/erodes morality, increases likelhood of risky sexual behavior, everyone and everything, every relationship and interaction, every word and object…… Feel …More
..... rewires your brain, normalizes perversion/erodes morality, increases likelhood of risky sexual behavior, everyone and everything, every relationship and interaction, every word and object……
Feel free to add to the list
Juan Perez
A weapon to destroy nations allowed by "our authorities". An offering in honor to the idol of liberty that has the cost of millions of souls.
Your thoughts on that?

Marian procession in Tunisia brings Catholics and Muslims together

ACI MENA, Aug 26, 2024 / 17:20 pm Every year in the heart of North Africa, the country of Tunisia offers a unique spectacle: an annual …
Edie Loughmiller
Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Universe and the Cosmos, Queen of All Hearts
Naomi Arai
I hope the Muslims convert. Their god and our God are not the same.

Spitting in the face of Ugandan martyrs: Pope Francis massively pushing LGBTQ in Africa - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — On this past week’s episode of In an unannounced event at the Vatican last week, Pope …
The question that Europeans want to know is how many Islamists, Islamist sympathisers, and actual Islamist terrorists are in Europe on the false pretences of being refugees. The is a question of security …More
The question that Europeans want to know is how many Islamists, Islamist sympathisers, and actual Islamist terrorists are in Europe on the false pretences of being refugees. The is a question of security. Terrifying to think that the EU has no idea.

Abuse crisis in the Catholic Church shows no signs of abating

Clerical abuse has been in the news again lately. For more than two decades, horrific stories of abuse and coverup have been a mainstay of …
Father Karl A Claver
On Mark Levin's show yesterday, it was revealed that over 500 priests in the Archdiocese of San Francisco were guilty of child abuse.
Jan Joseph
Wanneer komt er nu eindelijk een zuivering in de Rooms Katholieke kerk. Priesters, bischoppen, kardinalen en pausen die niet meer geloven in God moeten …More
Wanneer komt er nu eindelijk een zuivering in de Rooms Katholieke kerk. Priesters, bischoppen, kardinalen en pausen die niet meer geloven in God moeten ontslagen worden, zo voorkom je misbruik.
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Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested in France
Boanerges Boanerges
By this Illuminati are saying to Musk: watch it, you're next!
Not for being russian, but for not going with the agenda.
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How the Evangelical Elite Failed Their Flock

Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda by megan basham broadside books, 352 pages, $32.99 Sometimes, a book comes …
Father Karl A Claver
Catholic tradition comes from 2 sources: oral and written. Oral is what has been passed down by word of mouth. Written is the Bible. The Protestants …More
Catholic tradition comes from 2 sources: oral and written. Oral is what has been passed down by word of mouth. Written is the Bible. The Protestants said SOLO SCRIPTURA, only the Bible. And when modern theologians tore the Bible apart, saying it was mostly myths, the whole game show of the Evangelicals was over. That is why Protestantism leads to atheism.
Would you attend this??
What is this doing on Gloria TV? Again, I don't come hear to watch porn, trash,, stupidity or the ridiculous -- which is clip is. Please be careful of …More
What is this doing on Gloria TV? Again, I don't come hear to watch porn, trash,, stupidity or the ridiculous -- which is clip is. Please be careful of what you post. I come to watch something edifying, something inspiring or some light comedy. This video is waste of our time.
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