sp2 . .
sp2 . .
Happy 4th of July IndependenceMore
Happy 4th of July
sp2 . .

A Rebuke to Francis re. Heaven is for ‘Everyone, Everyone, Everyone’

Dear Francis, I must issue you a stern rebuke on your theology that Heaven is for everyone, in that you are not presenting clearly the words that Christ spoke. You seem to be picking and choosing partial …More
Dear Francis,
I must issue you a stern rebuke on your theology that
Heaven is for everyone, in that you are not presenting clearly the words that Christ spoke.
You seem to be picking and choosing partial truths and not speaking as Christ did.
In the Bible that you use – The Nova Vulgate, please read Mark 1: 15
et dicens: “ Impletum est tempus, et appropinquavit regnum Dei; paenitemini et credite evangelio ”.
(and saying: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.)
Why do you consistently omit that Jesus Christ calls us to repent in order for us to enter and REMAIN in heaven. In order to to enter, in faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus, you must repent as instructed by Christ. Clearly, either you are a complete imbecile or you are deliberately not speaking the entire truth. Either way – your not doing your job.
sp2 . .
EVANGELIUM SECUNDUM MARCUM - Nova Vulgata, Novum Testamentum And another thing while I have your attention: If you are using another bible, you need …More
EVANGELIUM SECUNDUM MARCUM - Nova Vulgata, Novum Testamentum
And another thing while I have your attention:
If you are using another bible, you need to update your Vatican Webpage
sp2 . .


Many times Artisans depict the dual nature of their art work. When done with the grace of the Holy Spirit, this art is inspirational and instills all holiness. When looking at the first image of Mama …More
Many times Artisans depict the dual nature of their art work. When done with the grace of the Holy Spirit, this art is inspirational and instills all holiness.
When looking at the first image of Mama Mary – it is called Triumph.
Examine her hands, they are the hands of Christ. She carries these hand during battle to defeat Satan.
Likewise, examine the hands of this Christ the King. Are these the hands of a Carpenter?
They are the hands of his beloved Mother, Theotokos.
Artisans of religious figures have a very difficult time, as they are always pestered by Satan to screw up in one way or another. I can attest to this first hand while doing mosaics. The devil wants to know who is it for, and your time table for completion.
It is extremely important to be fasting to overcome these barbs to present a fastidious holy work of art.
Unlike the two forms of art just presented here on GT. Does Tuccho really look holy? Since when are legs presented in such manner? Does it really instill all holiness? …More

Suggestion to Gloria TV

Demonic activity comes in many forms, to post shocking pictures at this web site lowers the integrity of the True Catholic Faith in which we become no better than the Novus Ordo we criticize. Pictures …More
Demonic activity comes in many forms, to post shocking pictures at this web site
lowers the integrity of the True Catholic Faith in which we become no better than the Novus Ordo we criticize.
Pictures such as Pride Parades, confused goofy men dressed up in lipstick, and of course this latest example which I will not discuss.
I get it, for some readers they have a big bone to pick for such activities and want to expose it to the whole world. However, I must remind each of us that these are portals to the demonic world. Portals that create division across the board.
Is this what you want?
Maria delos Angeles
@GTV Please remove obscene images from the site, as this wont be pleasing to Our Lord, and you would not want to incur His displeasure if it may mean …More
@GTV Please remove obscene images from the site, as this wont be pleasing to Our Lord, and you would not want to incur His displeasure if it may mean setback or reversal in fortune.
Jeffrey Ade
@sp2 . . Thank you posting this! God bless you! I do not want this! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
2 more comments
sp2 . .


Well - that afternoon assault upon me was a doozee ! The truth will be returned to you 1000 fold. You're gonna start speaking only the truth for years - till the cows come home.More
Well -
that afternoon assault upon me was a doozee !
The truth will be returned to you 1000 fold.
You're gonna start speaking only the truth for years - till the cows come home.


Test your skills examine this closely - What can you hear Just completed this mosaic. I especially like framing with this wood. It's called African Paduak. It has exceptional fragrant odor unlike any …More
Test your skills
examine this closely - What can you hear

Just completed this mosaic. I especially like framing with this wood.
It's called African Paduak. It has exceptional fragrant odor unlike any other wood I've used.
Sorry - but I cannot respond to comments .
HEY COPTICS, are you ready for Idol Worship?