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Many times Artisans depict the dual nature of their art work. When done with the grace of the Holy Spirit, this art is inspirational and instills all holiness.

When looking at the first image of Mama Mary – it is called Triumph.

Examine her hands, they are the hands of Christ. She carries these hand during battle to defeat Satan.

Likewise, examine the hands of this Christ the King. Are these the hands of a Carpenter?
They are the hands of his beloved Mother, Theotokos.

Artisans of religious figures have a very difficult time, as they are always pestered by Satan to screw up in one way or another. I can attest to this first hand while doing mosaics. The devil wants to know who is it for, and your time table for completion.
It is extremely important to be fasting to overcome these barbs to present a fastidious holy work of art.

Unlike the two forms of art just presented here on GT.

Does Tuccho really look holy?
Since when are legs presented in such manner?
Does it really instill all holiness?

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