A Rebuke to Francis re. Heaven is for ‘Everyone, Everyone, Everyone’

Dear Francis,
I must issue you a stern rebuke on your theology that
Heaven is for everyone, in that you are not presenting clearly the words that Christ spoke.
You seem to be picking and choosing partial truths and not speaking as Christ did.

In the Bible that you use – The Nova Vulgate, please read Mark 1: 15

et dicens: “ Impletum est tempus, et appropinquavit regnum Dei; paenitemini et credite evangelio ”.

(and saying: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.)

Why do you consistently omit that Jesus Christ calls us to repent in order for us to enter and REMAIN in heaven.
In order to to enter, in faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus, you must repent as instructed by Christ.

Clearly, either you are a complete imbecile or you are deliberately not speaking the entire truth. Either way – your not doing your job.
sp2 . .
EVANGELIUM SECUNDUM MARCUM - Nova Vulgata, Novum Testamentum
And another thing while I have your attention:
If you are using another bible, you need to update your Vatican WebpageMore
EVANGELIUM SECUNDUM MARCUM - Nova Vulgata, Novum Testamentum

And another thing while I have your attention:

If you are using another bible, you need to update your Vatican Webpage