Wilma Lopez
Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
New Front in the Liturgy Wars: Rome Requires Dominicans of the Holy Spirit to Hybridize Novus Ordo and TLM

Nuns of Pontcallec: Vatican Imposes Hybrid Rite And More Novus Ordo

The Holy See forces a strange, hybrid version of the Roman Rite Mass and the Novus Ordo on the hitherto traditional sisters of the "Institute of the Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit" in Pontcallec …More
The Holy See forces a strange, hybrid version of the Roman Rite Mass and the Novus Ordo on the hitherto traditional sisters of the "Institute of the Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit" in Pontcallec, France.
On July 25, the "synodal" Vatican imposed on the sisters ready-made decisions that will take effect on 1 December (communiqué on Dominicaines-Du-Saint-Esprit.fr, July 25):
- The Vatican requires that the Novus Ordo liturgical calendar be used.
- The Novus Ordo must be celebrated in all houses, one week a month on weekdays, and Holy Mass remains for three weeks and the Sundays.
- The readings are to be taken from the Novus Ordo lectionaries.
- The Novus Ordo prefaces are to be used at all Masses.
The Vatican calls these measures "a step toward the discovery" of the Novus Ordo.
The sisters will retain the Latin, the Gregorian chant, and the celebration toward the altar [for now]. #newsWsighfilfz
Frauenthemen und Vanitas
Rorate published a full translation of the statement: In a press release of the summer of 2023, we briefly touched on the liturgical question, which …More
Rorate published a full translation of the statement:
In a press release of the summer of 2023, we briefly touched on the liturgical question, which is particularly sensitive in these times. We pointed out that the Holy See, without asking us to renounce the vetus ordo, was inviting us to reflect on how to show, in our conventual life too, and not just on a few external occasions, that we do not exclude the missal according to the Novus Ordo.
This reflection has progressed over the past year, and elements of it have been communicated to the Holy See. At the beginning of the summer, he asked us, as you may have heard, that Masses during our community retreat at the end of July be celebrated according to the novus ordo, except on Sundays. The liturgical dignity, piety and beauty we cherish will remain, all the more so as our preacher this year is accustomed to celebrating in Gregorian ad orientem. [This is a peculiar French turn of phrase that means a new Mass ad orientem and with …More
Wilma Lopez shares from nie wieder
Blaspheming the Last Supper? Can the Paris Olympic opening ceremony get any worse?!
Wer kann Russland nicht verstehen, daß es diese - in der Olympia-Eröffnungs-Veranstaltung vorgetragene dekadente, widerliche, perverse Un-Kultur der EU-Länder, die obendrein noch den christlichen …More
Wer kann Russland nicht verstehen, daß es diese - in der Olympia-Eröffnungs-Veranstaltung vorgetragene dekadente, widerliche, perverse Un-Kultur der EU-Länder, die obendrein noch den christlichen Glauben verhöhnen, nicht in seinem Land haben will?
Welcher Normalbürger ist noch stolz, EUROPÄER zu sein?????
Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
Vatican allowed fewer than 60 parish churches worldwide to offer Latin Mass in 2022

2022: Vatican "Authorized" Latin Masses in 55 Parish Churches

In 2022, the Dicastery for the Liturgy has "allowed" the celebration of the Mass in the Roman rite in 55 parish churches in ten countries. The figures were published on July 26 in the Dicastery's bulletin …More
In 2022, the Dicastery for the Liturgy has "allowed" the celebration of the Mass in the Roman rite in 55 parish churches in ten countries. The figures were published on July 26 in the Dicastery's bulletin (“Notitiae”).
The list of "dispensations" by country:
USA: 34 parish churches in 20 dioceses
Poland: 3 parish churches in 3 dioceses
Great Britain: 5 parish churches in 4 dioceses
Canada: 4 parish churches in 3 dioceses
Germany: 5 parish churches, Diocese of Regensburg
Austria, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania: 1 parish church in only 1 diocese Figures for 2023 are not yet available. Francis has tried to ban the celebration of Mass in parish churches. A bishop cannot “allow” it, only the Vatican can. Such permissions are officially granted only when no other chapel or church is available. There is a large number of unreported Holy Masses celebrated in parish churches without a "dispensation" from the Vatican or with a dispensation that expired this summer. Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, …More
Next the Vatican will authorize the sun to shine. Vatican has no rights over the true Mass. They should stick with their protestant service. AKA, Novus Ordo
Wilma Lopez
Due to Pope Francis’ sweeping restrictions on the Latin Mass, fewer than 60 parishes were granted permission to celebrate the traditional liturgy in …More
Due to Pope Francis’ sweeping restrictions on the Latin Mass, fewer than 60 parishes were granted permission to celebrate the traditional liturgy in 2022, most of them in the US, according to a new report from the Vatican’s liturgy office.
Wilma Lopez shares from Werte
$66m suspected fraud at Caritas Luxembourg 🇱🇺

Millionen-Betrugsskandal bei Luxemburgs Caritas schlägt hohe Wellen

Zu dem millionenschweren Betrugsfall bei der luxemburgischen Caritas will das Erzbistum Luxemburg vorerst keine Stellungnahme abgeben …
Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
The community of Discalced Carmelites of San José monastery in Lucena in Spain’s Córdoba province is being forced to leave due to a lack of vocations, after the order’s presence of more than 400 years …More
The community of Discalced Carmelites of San José monastery in Lucena in Spain’s Córdoba province is being forced to leave due to a lack of vocations, after the order’s presence of more than 400 years in the city.

Failed Novus Ordo: Spanish Monasteries Struggle to Survive

Cloistered life in Spain has lost nearly 3,700 nuns since 2013, and 162 monasteries have been closed. Many more will follow. Spain and Italy are the countries with the largest number of cloistered …More
Cloistered life in Spain has lost nearly 3,700 nuns since 2013, and 162 monasteries have been closed. Many more will follow.
Spain and Italy are the countries with the largest number of cloistered monasteries.
According to the Spanish Bishops' Conference (CEE), there are 703 active convents, compared to 865 in 2013.
And so far in 2024, four more have closed their doors. The latest is the Congregation of the Carmelite nuns of Lucena, which has been linked to this city in Cordoba for four centuries.
Of the total number of convents currently in operation, 666 are for women and 37 for men.
The unstoppable secularisation of the Church, together with the low birth rate and the ageing of the communities (the average age of the nuns is around 80), is disastrous.
For the first time, the average number of nuns per convent has fallen below 11.
The convent of the Carmelite nuns of Ronda is one of the monasteries struggling to survive, writes Heraldo.es (21 July). Its abbess, the Gibraltarian Sister …More
Wilma Lopez
It's a Vatican II Update
Wilma Lopez shares from Lea Hofmann
The Catholic cathedral of Linz, Austria, is draped with pink hoses that have funnels at one end, from which can be heard voices and sounds that have to do with migration, climate change, and the extinction …More
The Catholic cathedral of Linz, Austria, is draped with pink hoses that have funnels at one end, from which can be heard voices and sounds that have to do with migration, climate change, and the extinction of species

Mariendom Linz - Nächste Provokation: Pinke Rohre im Kirchenraum

80-Jähriger zündete unabsichtlich Schießstand an Nach einem Vandalenakt an einer Marienfigur – wir haben berichtet – gibt es im Linzer …
Wenn man die verantwortlichen Hirten mit diesen Stricken an die Kanzel fesseln würde, machten sie wenigstens einen Sinn!! Die Farbe rosa wäre dazu …More
Wenn man die verantwortlichen Hirten mit diesen Stricken an die Kanzel fesseln würde, machten sie wenigstens einen Sinn!! Die Farbe rosa wäre dazu äußerst passend!!!
Louis IX
Looks like silly string.
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Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
Legionaries of Christ Founder Almost Removed From Priesthood During 1950s

New Document: Vatican Officials Took Homosexuality of Marcial Maciel Seriously

As early as the 1940s and 1950s, the Holy See suggested that Father Marcial Maciel (1920-2008), founder of the Legionaries of Christ, was guilty of homosexual acts, drug use, financial recklessness, …More
As early as the 1940s and 1950s, the Holy See suggested that Father Marcial Maciel (1920-2008), founder of the Legionaries of Christ, was guilty of homosexual acts, drug use, financial recklessness, and mendacity.
Maciel later also fathered three children and used his religious order to hide and finance a double life. Maciel founded the Legion of Christ in Mexico in 1941.
In 2012, some of Maciel's Mexican victims published on LaVoluntadDeNoSaber.com about 200 documents from the Congregation for Religious from the 1940s to 2002 .
Corriere.it (20 July) added to the known information one new document from the Vatican archives of the papacy of Pius XII (1939-1958).
It is the original draft of a note dated 1 October 1956, written by Monsignor Giovanni Battista Scapinelli of the Holy Congregation for Religious. This was the day that Maciel arrived in Rome after being removed by the Vatican as superior of the Legionaries of Christ.
The note called for Maciel to be barred from any contact with …More
Germany’s Passau diocese posts surprise surplus 🇩🇪

Bistum Passau schließt Geschäftsjahr 2023 mit dickem Plus ab

Das Bistum Passau hat 2023 zur Überraschung seiner eigenen Fachleute einen Überschuss von rund 37,7 Millionen Euro erwirtschaftet. Das geht …
nujaas Nachschlag
Eben nicht. Die Kirchensteuern erbrachten ein deutliches Minus. Passau gehört zu den Bistümern, die Vermögen haben, das sie am Kaapitalmarkt anlegen …More
Eben nicht. Die Kirchensteuern erbrachten ein deutliches Minus. Passau gehört zu den Bistümern, die Vermögen haben, das sie am Kaapitalmarkt anlegen können. Der hat sich positiv entwickelt.
Everyday for Life Canada
It’s all about the Church Kirchensteuer. The schism pays good dividends.
Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
The Mass Prohibition Document Arrived in Francis Hands -- but he decided against signing it

Rumours and Facts about the Document against Holy Mass That Wasn't Published

Caminante-Wanderer.blogspot.com (22 July) commented on rumours about an alleged new anti-Holy Mass document from the Holy See. Main points - Such a document, in the form of an Apostolic Constitution,…More
Caminante-Wanderer.blogspot.com (22 July) commented on rumours about an alleged new anti-Holy Mass document from the Holy See. Main points
- Such a document, in the form of an Apostolic Constitution, has been in the Vatican's drawers since late 2021.
- Francis was supposed to sign it in February 2022, but he refused.
- Cardinal Roche, head of the Dicastery for the Liturgy, who presented the document to Francis, fell out of favour with the tyrant. Francis has not received Roche personally since.
- Cardinal Roche is "not a skilful person, let alone an intelligent one", but "a person who has a habit of screwing up every project and every organisation".
- Cardinal Roche ended up in Rome because in just three years as Bishop of Leeds, England, he had caused all kinds of chaos, including financial, although the diocese is wealthy. Cardinal Nichols asked Benedict XVI to remove Roche from England, and Benedict had no better idea than to make him Secretary of the Congregation for the Liturgy.
Once again, Francis plays both sides.

The Chaldean Church refuses to bless homosexual unions

The Synod of the Chaldean Church, led by Cardinal and Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako, has publicly announced that it refuses to bless homosexual unions in order to preserve the sanctity of marriage. In …More
The Synod of the Chaldean Church, led by Cardinal and Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako, has publicly announced that it refuses to bless homosexual unions in order to preserve the sanctity of marriage. In the same statement, they indicate the need to raise awareness among priests about the seriousness of sexual abuse of minors.
The Chaldean Church, which has given a good number of martyrs to the Catholic Church in recent times, killed out of hatred for the faith by Islamist fundamentalists of ISIS, follows the pattern set by the Eastern churches, whether they are in communion with Rome or not, and by a good part of the world's Latin-rite episcopate, and refuses to bless homosexual unions.
The Chaldean Church is one of the twenty-four sui iuris Churches that make up the Catholic Church. It is an Eastern Catholic Church that follows the Chaldean (or East Syrian) liturgical tradition, using East Syriac as its liturgical language and Peninsular Arabic as its auxiliary language. It is presided …More
Wilma Lopez shares from Niki Cole
“I saw deplorable things: they were gambling, drinking, and talking in church; they were also courting women. All sorts of abominations were perpetrated there. Priests allowed everything and said Mass …More
“I saw deplorable things: they were gambling, drinking, and talking in church; they were also courting women. All sorts of abominations were perpetrated there. Priests allowed everything and said Mass with much irreverence. I saw that few of them were still Godly… All these things caused me much distress.” - Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich 🇻🇦 🕊️
Kirche Mariä Himmelfahrt in Aichach, Deutschland, Diözese Augsburg. Das Rad-Theater fand im Rahmen der Samstagsvigil um 18 Uhr am 13. Juli statt.
God in Heaven, what have we become?
Ivan Tomas
Those are people without healthy, strong fundament of their Faith. If they have any faith at all, because going to the churches at Sundays is something …More
Those are people without healthy, strong fundament of their Faith. If they have any faith at all, because going to the churches at Sundays is something what these (de)generations are doing out of folklorism, namely, where goes the folks I use to go too...
All of this huge, massive apostasy is made with thanks to 2V-revolution.
And we kbow that every revolution eats its own children.
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Wilma Lopez shares from Carlus
Biking in Church
SKANDAL: Mit dem FAHRRAD durch die KIRCHE! Sie ERGÖTZEN sich und klatschen BEIFALL! Quelle SKANDAL: Mit dem FAHRRAD durch die KIRCHE! Sie ERGÖTZEN sich und klatschen BEIFALL! (youtube.com)More
SKANDAL: Mit dem FAHRRAD durch die KIRCHE! Sie ERGÖTZEN sich und klatschen BEIFALL!
SKANDAL: Mit dem FAHRRAD durch die KIRCHE! Sie ERGÖTZEN sich und klatschen BEIFALL! (youtube.com)
Eduard John Carnarvon
So many English speakers here. Wonderful. God bless, my friends. Let me say something clear: Let me make something clear: the priest who allowed this …More
So many English speakers here. Wonderful. God bless, my friends. Let me say something clear:
Let me make something clear: the priest who allowed this to happen and the people who applauded should be given a dressing down. I would have thrown them all out of the church in the style of Don Camillo. When I was in the 8th grade, I was very shy and went to a church boarding school. The headmaster was a priest. One time he read the mass so fast and without any respect, as he often did. I went over and confronted him. But I'm no better. When i was about 34 i went to an evangelical church and because I was suffering from depression and was tired, I thought I could lie down on a bench and rest for a while. Then a man came and yelled at me. The difference? Basically none, except that in a Catholic church there is the sacrament of the altar. So let's pray for all those who give the holy things to pigs.
The crowd may 👏 but God will not be mocked.
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Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
Another petition to Francis has been launched in defense of the Latin Mass, taking inspiration from UK petition of July 3. “We join our voices with theirs in asking that no further restrictions be …More
Another petition to Francis has been launched in defense of the Latin Mass, taking inspiration from UK petition of July 3. “We join our voices with theirs in asking that no further restrictions be placed on the traditional Latin Mass,” letter reads.

Letter from both Americas - More Intellectuals Support the Roman Rite

Another open letter, this time from the Americas, urges Francis not to impose rumoured new restrictions on the Mass in the Roman Rite. This letter, published on LetterToPopeFrancis.org (15 July), comes …More
Another open letter, this time from the Americas, urges Francis not to impose rumoured new restrictions on the Mass in the Roman Rite. This letter, published on LetterToPopeFrancis.org (15 July), comes two weeks after prominent British figures from the arts, business, and politics made a similar appeal.
The new letter was organised by a former chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, Michael Dana Goia. He is a poet, literary critic, literary translator, and essayist.
It is co-signed by the political commentator Andrew Sullivan, the Mexican actor Eduardo Verastegui, the theologian Larry Chapp, and a number of other figures from the arts and politics.
They are "Catholics and non-Catholics, believers and non-believers" and call it it "short-sighted" to deprive the next generation of this source of mystery, beauty, and contemplation of the sacred:
"All of us, believers and non-believers alike, recognise that this ancient liturgy, which inspired the work of Palestrina, Bach, and …More
Ari B
People who push for this don't know their history or the history of the Church. Read +Lefebvre's books. Learn history. Learn about VII. This is a bandaide …More
People who push for this don't know their history or the history of the Church. Read +Lefebvre's books. Learn history. Learn about VII. This is a bandaide on a bullet wound.
Denis Efimov
If Francis leaves the Latin Mass alone, or even allows it everywhere, will the problems with the conciliar church be solved? No, the liturgy here is …More
If Francis leaves the Latin Mass alone, or even allows it everywhere, will the problems with the conciliar church be solved? No, the liturgy here is like the tip of the iceberg.
Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
Fine Gael - Shut embassy to the Vatican out of spite - Whipped up hate against local parish for newsletters that dissented from government - Burke has tried to dictate appointment of Cardinals -Partners …More
Fine Gael - Shut embassy to the Vatican out of spite - Whipped up hate against local parish for newsletters that dissented from government - Burke has tried to dictate appointment of Cardinals -Partners Green Party surrounded church during Mass because they disagreed with priest

Heroic Priest Denies Communion to Pro-Death Politician

On Friday, Rev. Gabriel Burke, the parish priest of Whitechurch, County Cork, Ireland, refused Holy Communion to pro-abortion politician Colm Burke at the funeral of a long-time party friend of the …More
On Friday, Rev. Gabriel Burke, the parish priest of Whitechurch, County Cork, Ireland, refused Holy Communion to pro-abortion politician Colm Burke at the funeral of a long-time party friend of the political activist.
Colm Burke is a minister of state and a member of the Irish Fine Gael party, one of the parties of the regime.
The priest told the politician that he was excommunicated latae sententiae. Colm Burke had voted in favour of repealing the Eighth Amendment, which banned the introduction of abortion in Ireland, ahead of a referendum in 2018.
Colm Burke then contacted the Diocese of Cloyne to clarify his status in relation to participation in the Eucharist.
A spokesman for the diocese said that Monsignor William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne, would contact the politician.
Picture: Colm Burke © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsEgjexclrzz
Things have gotten so bad there that I doubt any politician in Ireland could be elected without endorsing abortion.
Naomi Arai
It’s truly remarkable that it is now considered heroic to defend Our Lord from sacrilege…or even to tell the truth in what used to be the Catholic …More
It’s truly remarkable that it is now considered heroic to defend Our Lord from sacrilege…or even to tell the truth in what used to be the Catholic Church.
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Wilma Lopez shares from Michi Gini
Visitors at the Dome of St. Peter's: the terrace gates rusted, and in a very obvious way... and only a few months before the Jubilee begins. For some years now, St. Peter's Basilica has preferred to …More
Visitors at the Dome of St. Peter's: the terrace gates rusted, and in a very obvious way... and only a few months before the Jubilee begins. For some years now, St. Peter's Basilica has preferred to give space to events and shows rather than to the maintenance of the site
Questa è la condizione che si trovano davanti i turisti che vogliono visitare la Cupola di San Pietro, cancellate della terrazza arrugginite, e in maniera molto evidente… e a pochi mesi dall’inizio …More
Questa è la condizione che si trovano davanti i turisti che vogliono visitare la Cupola di San Pietro, cancellate della terrazza arrugginite, e in maniera molto evidente… e a pochi mesi dall’inizio del Giubileo.
E’ da qualche anno che nella Basilica di San Pietro si preferisce dare spazio a eventi e spettacoli piuttosto che alla manutenzione del luogo.
Il 30 giugno 2024 nell’atrio della Basilica di San…
Il 28 marzo 2013 durante la celebrazione nella Bas…
Basilica di San Pietro: I canonici anziani sono co…
Basilica San Pietro: cadono calcinacci, intervengono i Vigili del Fuoco - Silere Non Possum
Basilica San Pietro allagata. La gestione Gambetti continua a far danni - Silere Non Possum
Basilica San Pietro: gli uomini di Gambetti distruggono anche le statue - Silere Non Possum
Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
Bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand, expels traditional Latin Mass-celebrating Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (Transalpine Redemptorists) from diocese.

New Zealand: Transalpine Redemptorists Kicked Out

Bishop Michael Gielen of Christchurch, New Zealand, has forced the Transalpine Redemptorists, who celebrate the Mass in the Roman Rite, to leave the diocese. The decree of 14 July also removes their …More
Bishop Michael Gielen of Christchurch, New Zealand, has forced the Transalpine Redemptorists, who celebrate the Mass in the Roman Rite, to leave the diocese.
The decree of 14 July also removes their priestly faculties within the diocese. It is effective immediately: "Any ministry [...] will be unauthorised and liturgical celebrations will be illicit - that is, outside the rules of the Church."
There are wishy-washy accusations of "spiritual and psychological abuse" and "unauthorised" exorcisms against the Redemptorists.
Former Bishop Robert McGuckin of Toowoomba, Australia, carried out an Apostolic Visitation in November 2023. Subsequently, the Vatican's Dicastery for Religious sent recommendations to Bishop Gielen, who is now happy to accept them.
Gielen promises to make "a new provision for the pastoral care and celebration of the Eucharist and other sacraments for the Traditional Latin Mass community" in Kaiapoi, starting on 21 July.
Edie Loughmiller
Fr Anthony Mary explained the situation back in 2023 in a YouTube video. I think it boils down to some complaints made by a few unhappy parishioners …More
Fr Anthony Mary explained the situation back in 2023 in a YouTube video. I think it boils down to some complaints made by a few unhappy parishioners who were keeping things stirred up over some petty criticisms.
J G Tasan
I'm quite confused about this "Bishop Michael Gielen"... I've re-read that statement many times! 🥴
Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
Sir James MacMillan, the Scottish composer who spearheaded a July 3 open letter signed by Catholics and non-Catholics in public life to stop the ban on the Traditional Mass, has now turned that letter …More
Sir James MacMillan, the Scottish composer who spearheaded a July 3 open letter signed by Catholics and non-Catholics in public life to stop the ban on the Traditional Mass, has now turned that letter into a petition that all can sign here

World-Famous Composer Continues Fight for Holy Mass

Sir James MacMillan, a world-famous Scottish composer, has launched a petition on Change.org calling for "an end to the ban on the Traditional Latin Mass". MacMillan, along with many other people from …More
Sir James MacMillan, a world-famous Scottish composer, has launched a petition on Change.org calling for "an end to the ban on the Traditional Latin Mass".
MacMillan, along with many other people from the arts and public life, had already written to The Times on 3 July asking the Vatican to end its recent policy of banning the ancient Traditional Latin Mass from Catholic parishes around the world.
MacMillan, 64, is the son of a simple carpenter. As a young man he was briefly a member of the Young Communist League.
He first came to public attention in 1990 with the premiere of The Confession of Isobel Gowdie, a work for large symphony orchestra.
The work's international acclaim led to further high-profile commissions. MacMillan's percussion concerto Veni, Veni, Emmanuel has become his most performed work.
He was also asked by the legendary Mstislav Rostropovich to compose his Cello Concerto, which Rostropovich premiered in 1997.
MacMillan's Catholic faith has inspired many of his sacred …More
Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
The FSSP have elected Fr. John Berg as new Superior General of the traditional-Mass saying Fraternity for the next 6 yrs. He was formerly Superior General from 2006 - 2018, and takes over from Fr. …More
The FSSP have elected Fr. John Berg as new Superior General of the traditional-Mass saying Fraternity for the next 6 yrs. He was formerly Superior General from 2006 - 2018, and takes over from Fr. Andrzej Komorowski.

New Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP)

The Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP), which celebrates solely the Mass in the Roman Rite, has elected Father John Berg as Superior General for a term of six years. Father Berg, an American born …More
The Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP), which celebrates solely the Mass in the Roman Rite, has elected Father John Berg as Superior General for a term of six years.
Father Berg, an American born in Minnesota, was already the Superior General of the FSSP from 2006 to 2018. For the past six years, he has returned to parish ministry in Providence, Rhode Island and Omaha, Nebraska.
He succeeds Father Andrzej Komorowski. He said he wanted to "continue the work of the last 6 years in the service of the Fraternity".
The General Chapter of the Priestly Fraternity takes places from July 3 to July 18 at their Seminary in Denton, Nebraska. 32 capitulants were present.
The election of the assistants and counselors will follow in the next few days.
Picture: John Berg, FSSP.org, #newsOghlewefix
No. Absolutely not. An yes, Fr. John Berg is a homosexual. You can contact him, and ask him directly. If I am wrong I will apologize. I know I am not …More
No. Absolutely not. An yes, Fr. John Berg is a homosexual. You can contact him, and ask him directly. If I am wrong I will apologize. I know I am not wrong.
Lives of many innocent children, boys, the Catholic church and wrath from God is at stake.
I wonder if you are confusing Fr. Berg with Fr. James Jackson, who was also at the FSSP parish in Providence, Rhode Island - and lost his ministry for …More
I wonder if you are confusing Fr. Berg with Fr. James Jackson, who was also at the FSSP parish in Providence, Rhode Island - and lost his ministry for such issues.
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"Remember that true schism requires innovation, something you have not done but something that Bergoglio does with every breath."

Mel Gibson’s Letter to Archbishop Viganò

Dear Archbishop, I’m sure you expected nothing else from Jorge Bergoglio. I know that you know he has no authority whatsoever – so I’m not sure how this will …
Carol H
You forget St. Athanasius and Archbishop Lefebvre. The point is that there is a precedence; that it is not an innovation like sede-vacantism.
Louis IX
Once, and not as a matter of practice or as a solution to a very big problem.
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...whether this ordained ministry can be open to women. But this is part of a process and we must not think that all the processes have ended with this session of the Synod. The Church will advance in …More
...whether this ordained ministry can be open to women. But this is part of a process and we must not think that all the processes have ended with this session of the Synod. The Church will advance in a synodal manner, the People of God will go through history in a synodal manner. And there will be questions to be answered.

Hollerich: "The Synod has not raised the issue of women's ordination, because not everyone has raised it"

Among the testimonies at the press conference for the presentation of the Instrumentum laboris of the second session of the Synod on synodality, there could not be missing that of the Jesuit Cardinal …More
Among the testimonies at the press conference for the presentation of the Instrumentum laboris of the second session of the Synod on synodality, there could not be missing that of the Jesuit Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, rapporteur general of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.
We asked the Luxembourg cardinal to elaborate on some of the document's themes, from ecclesiology to the co-responsibility of lay people, including the Church's evangelising mission and the common path, based on baptism, with other Churches and Christian communities.
Your Eminence, where do we start? How has the Instrumentum laboris, which has been presented today, been constructed in comparison with previous documents, such as the Synthesis Report and the Instrumentum laboris of the first session?
The working instrument is not made from scratch. We have the Synthesis Report of the first session, then we have again the reactions of all the Churches. It is a theological reflection on what …More