Rep. McClain: "What are you hiding? What are you covering up?"

Yet another DEI hire wrecks an organization. But of course another one will be hired to replace her.

Jerusalem to Receive Monumental Statue of Christ

I doubt this project will ever happen. The most conservative orthodox Jews in Jerusalem have become much less tolerant of anything non-Jewish in the last few years, and they are the primary source of the votes needed to keep the current government in office.

Late Abbé Pierre, Founder of Emmaus, Accused of Groping by Six Women

Gee, what a monster he was, probably the worst in human history. Really, though, when on earth will we stop whining about ancient minor infractions of priestly perfection and save our outrage for behavior that warrants it.

Cardinal Tucho Announces Even More Rulings on Apparitions "in Coming Days"

Just another item on his and Francis's list of things distinctively Catholic that need destroying. I've noticed they haven't yet banished their expensive, custom-tailored silk duds, though.

Heroic Priest Denies Communion to Pro-Death Politician

Things have gotten so bad there that I doubt any politician in Ireland could be elected without endorsing abortion.

People Smugglers Strike Again In Germany: Group of Teens Run Down by Trafficker Evading Cops – Allah's …

Time for the muzzles to come off so the discussion of Merkel's destruction of her own country can begin. No need to wait until her bloated autobiography is published.

No Name: Pro-Biden Vatican Condemns "Violence" after Assassination Attempt on Trump

So Francis's hatred of the United States has so infected the Vatican that they issue a statement de facto eliminating the hated Trump since the bullet didn't do it for them. Great way for Christ's church to represent Him here on earth.

Conan O'Brien, commenting to press on his invitation to meet Pope Francis: “I say, “why am I here? …

I really don't have a problem with this meeting. Comedians have always played a useful part in human life by making human burdens and misfortunes and frailties more bearable. Sure, there are comedians who are in the gutter, but most serve at least some useful purpose in this vale of tears.

An Austrian Diocese Hands a Parish Church to "Holy Hydra"

Unfortunately, I don't think there's any other way to describe it. I thought I was by this time unshockable, but this shocked me.

Baying Beagle Scares Alligator Away || ViralHog

Why anyone would want to live next to a pond in allegator country is beyond me.

Pope Francis’ future tomb, at the feet of the Virgin Mary

Since this man is monumentally conceited and political, he may want to be buried there so he will be segregated from other popes and a cult could more easily be formed around him, with the location of his body becoming a pilgrimage site for all his fellow non-believing “Catholic” fans, and they could be inspired to continue their yet unfinished goal of dismantling the Church.

Viral Video: Authoritarian Priest Refuses Communion

The archdiocese reaffirms that Communion on the tongue must be given if requested, but makes no mention of the priest being punished for being arrogantly disobedient to the bishop and deliberately humiliating one of God's faithful.

Football Player Speaks Truth - National Football League Lets Its Pants Down

He also has more faith than most of them.

Spain: Whole Convent of Poor Clares Joins a Sedevacantist Group

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Rowan: Trustees Have Been Asleep at the Wheel

Penn hasn't had a male president for the last 30 years, so it got soft (same thing has happened to most Ivies). The Board needs to hire a strong, clear-thinking man confident enough to reject the strange intellectually dishonest era we're going through and make Penn a university again, not the foggy-brained social work project it's become. Preferably one young enough to be around for a couple of …More
Penn hasn't had a male president for the last 30 years, so it got soft (same thing has happened to most Ivies). The Board needs to hire a strong, clear-thinking man confident enough to reject the strange intellectually dishonest era we're going through and make Penn a university again, not the foggy-brained social work project it's become. Preferably one young enough to be around for a couple of decades, because the damage is so deep that's how long it will take to clean up the mess.

Leave behind Tridentine model of priesthood, embrace synodality, Cardinal Hollerich bids parish priests

The priests who were selected by their bishops to attend this were already true Francis believers, so this was really just a political meeting.