Conan O'Brien, commenting to press on his invitation to meet Pope Francis: “I say, “why am I here? I don’t belong”…and I think that’s how a lot of us felt. We’re all looking at each other like, “…More
Conan O'Brien, commenting to press on his invitation to meet Pope Francis: “I say, “why am I here? I don’t belong”…and I think that’s how a lot of us felt. We’re all looking at each other like, “something’s wrong!” We’re in this beautiful, beautiful space in the Vatican, and for some reason they’ve let comedians in…which is always a mistake!”
I really don't have a problem with this meeting. Comedians have always played a useful part in human life by making human burdens and misfortunes and frailties more bearable. Sure, there are comedians who are in the gutter, but most serve at least some useful purpose in this vale of tears.