Football Player Speaks Truth - National Football League Lets Its Pants Down

Harrison Butker, 28, a talented kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, who attends the Roman Mass, proclaimed some truisms in a speech on 11 May at Benedictine College in Kansas (full video below). The …More
Harrison Butker, 28, a talented kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, who attends the Roman Mass, proclaimed some truisms in a speech on 11 May at Benedictine College in Kansas (full video below).
The Kansas City Chiefs are a professional American football team. Butker's common sense provoked a backlash in obscurantist circles in the US, including the oligarchs' propaganda media. Butker said things like:
"I'm able to be the man I am because I've got a wife who leans into her calling. I'm more than blessed with the many talents God has given me. But it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band in junior high school converted to the faith, became my wife and took on one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.
She's the primary educator of our children. She's the one who makes sure I never let football or my business distract me from being a husband and father.
She is the person who knows me best at my core. And it is through our marriage …
more young man should have the courage to speak like him
Wilma Lopez shares this
It is obvious that most people commenting negatively upon Harrison Butker’s speech at Benedictine College neither read or listened to it. They are responding to headlines, characterizations, and misrepresentations, not to what Butker actually said. Social media has made folks lazy.
True Mass
The Pope should speak like this man.
Everyday for Life Canada
Butker kicked the best field goal of his life with his speech. May God bless the man and his family.
God bless this truly courageous, masculine hero. We need bishops with this intestinal fortitude.
Credo .
God bless and bravo to this young man and his good wife! 😍
He has more courage than almost all bishops in the world today.
He also has more faith than most of them.