aderito compartilhou de De Profundis
21,8 mil
Anti-Abortion protester on hunger strike
Iam not sure if this is a new posting ,i think i saw it before some time ago in 2017 ?
Bravo and God bless this young man i hope he succeds ,if all humanity would think like him we all would be ,,in a better place today ,unfortunatly the …Mais
Bravo and God bless this young man i hope he succeds ,if all humanity would think like him we all would be ,,in a better place today ,unfortunatly the world is more like the interviewer .
aderito compartilhou de malemp
31,7 mil
What is Truth? Lecture on Truth. What is it? How is it distorted today? For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest IMPORTANT TEACHING sensus fideliumMais
What is Truth?
Lecture on Truth. What is it? How is it distorted today? For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
IMPORTANT TEACHING sensus fidelium
"And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall …Mais
"And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying:" [2 Thessalonians 2:10]
Jesus personifies Truth
Mais 1 comentário

no updated news?

Why the gloria tv news stop on the 23 of december
aderito compartilhou de Rafał_Ovile
14,8 mil
Bp.fellany on infallibility of the Pope. What ever you say or do specially the Pope always has good or bad consequencesMais
Bp.fellany on infallibility of the Pope.
What ever you say or do specially the Pope always has good or bad consequences
Bp. Fellay o nieomylności Papieża. Bp. Fellay tłumaczy w przystępny sposób dlaczego nieomylność jest błędnie rozumiana.Mais
Bp. Fellay o nieomylności Papieża.
Bp. Fellay tłumaczy w przystępny sposób dlaczego nieomylność jest błędnie rozumiana.
Vatican I declared the dogma of infallibility as having three marks: 1. Officially as Vicar of Christ; 2. Regarding faith and morals; and, 3. As an …Mais
Vatican I declared the dogma of infallibility as having three marks: 1. Officially as Vicar of Christ; 2. Regarding faith and morals; and, 3. As an obligation upon the entire church.
(Note that Francis rejected the role of Vicar of Christ, saying he is only the bishop of Rome and has thus never said anything infallible.)