Marysrose shares from Marysrose

Climate Change is Climate Geoengineering

Those who fell for the COVID jab will fall for the climate change narrative. Those who fall for the farce that carbon dioxide is dangerous for the planet, although CO2 is needed by plants for growth …More
Those who fell for the COVID jab will fall for the climate change narrative. Those who fall for the farce that carbon dioxide is dangerous for the planet, although CO2 is needed by plants for growth and production of oxygen, will fall for anything. They will fall for the pooh-poohing of geoengineering like HAARP and chem trails, even thought they can see the signs in the skies. They will fall for the demons of the air alien narrative. They will fall for the worldwide carbon tax which will fund the New World Order and the kingdom of satan ruled by the anti-Christ.
Geoengineering Watch: Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 6, 2024, # 465 ( Dane Wigington )
Traditional (as opposed to Modernist) Catholics have the fullness of the faith and thus great responsibility to live and promote the faith. Our Lady of Fatima asked Catholics to pray the daily Rosary and do penance/fast to prevent WWII. Not enough Catholics heeded the call. If faith can move mountains (i.e. kingdoms) and faith …More
Tom Jones
Do we care enough to try? Please pray, fast and do penance and it will become a joy to do so,

Climate Change is Climate Geoengineering

Those who fell for the COVID jab will fall for the climate change narrative. Those who fall for the farce that carbon dioxide is dangerous for the planet, although CO2 is needed by plants for growth …More
Those who fell for the COVID jab will fall for the climate change narrative. Those who fall for the farce that carbon dioxide is dangerous for the planet, although CO2 is needed by plants for growth and production of oxygen, will fall for anything. They will fall for the pooh-poohing of geoengineering like HAARP and chem trails, even thought they can see the signs in the skies. They will fall for the demons of the air alien narrative. They will fall for the worldwide carbon tax which will fund the New World Order and the kingdom of satan ruled by the anti-Christ.
Geoengineering Watch: Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 6, 2024, # 465 ( Dane Wigington )
Traditional (as opposed to Modernist) Catholics have the fullness of the faith and thus great responsibility to live and promote the faith. Our Lady of Fatima asked Catholics to pray the daily Rosary and do penance/fast to prevent WWII. Not enough Catholics heeded the call. If faith can move mountains (i.e. kingdoms) and faith …More
Marysrose shares from Marysrose
Bypass the NWO Genocide!More
Bypass the NWO Genocide!

Nicotine for COVID

Nicotine patches remedy damage by spike proteins: Ozempic and Wegovy weight loss drugs are injectable LIZARD VENOM PEPTIDES that may unleash a devastating wave of organ failure… side effects align with …More
Nicotine patches remedy damage by spike proteins:
Ozempic and Wegovy weight loss drugs are injectable LIZARD VENOM PEPTIDES that may unleash a devastating wave of organ failure… side effects align with symptoms of SNAKE BITES
The jab is made from aborted baby mRNA for replication in human cells. It is also made with snake venom. Nicotine has been proven to prevent the uptake of the spike protein of COVID and the jab. Of course, this means the knowledge is suppressed by the pharmaceutical industrial complex, as it endangers pharmaceutical profits.
Most Liberal useful idiots will refuse to look beyond the shallow talking points, as they have been brainwashed. However, as Jesus said, the truth will set you free. Be free from greedy brainwashing. Try Nicotine patches for a week or 2 and see what difference it makes.
"And by the torrent on the banks thereof on both sides shall grow all trees that bear fruit: their leaf shall not fall off, and their fruit shall not fail: every month shall they …More

Nicotine for COVID

Nicotine patches remedy damage by spike proteins: Ozempic and Wegovy weight loss drugs are injectable LIZARD VENOM PEPTIDES that may unleash a devastating wave of organ failure… side effects align with …More
Nicotine patches remedy damage by spike proteins:
Ozempic and Wegovy weight loss drugs are injectable LIZARD VENOM PEPTIDES that may unleash a devastating wave of organ failure… side effects align with symptoms of SNAKE BITES
The jab is made from aborted baby mRNA for replication in human cells. It is also made with snake venom. Nicotine has been proven to prevent the uptake of the spike protein of COVID and the jab. Of course, this means the knowledge is suppressed by the pharmaceutical industrial complex, as it endangers pharmaceutical profits.
Most Liberal useful idiots will refuse to look beyond the shallow talking points, as they have been brainwashed. However, as Jesus said, the truth will set you free. Be free from greedy brainwashing. Try Nicotine patches for a week or 2 and see what difference it makes.
"And by the torrent on the banks thereof on both sides shall grow all trees that bear fruit: their leaf shall not fall off, and their fruit shall not fail: every month shall they …More

Proven Natural Remedies Against the Jab (Covid-19 Vaccine)

Accepting cursed drugs like meth causes demonic attachment (Santeria). Accepting abominable abortion-tainted jabs causes demonic attachment. The Traditional Catholic faith has spiritual solutions for …More
Accepting cursed drugs like meth causes demonic attachment (Santeria). Accepting abominable abortion-tainted jabs causes demonic attachment. The Traditional Catholic faith has spiritual solutions for that -- Confession and Exorcism.
Accepting man-made poisons causes cancer and other bodily disasters. For many decades, we have been poisoned for profit. God's nature -- From the world God created for humanity, even fallen humanity -- we have natural remedies and cures. True scientists (science is just the study of nature) promote natural remedies God made for us.
If you want to educate yourself about natural remedies to the toxic, sinful jab:
Jonathan Otto, creator of ‘Healing Genesis’ joins Mike Adams to reveal spontaneous healing secrets SUPPRESSED by the medical establishment
Study the truth about the jab:
Our Lady of Good Studies, pray for us!
Marysrose shares from Marysrose
Stop the brainwashing! The worldly media is NOT God. Let's not worship at the TV.

Jonah is Back in Town!

Sadly,. brainwashed people are again wearing the mask. The last time, people took aborted baby cells (human RNA) and spike proteins because they were terrorized about flu symptoms. If the jab had in …More
Sadly,. brainwashed people are again wearing the mask. The last time, people took aborted baby cells (human RNA) and spike proteins because they were terrorized about flu symptoms. If the jab had in fact been an effective vaccine, it would NOT have mattered who didn't take it. However, it was a suicide shot, therefore half the world has died/is dying of the jab. Instead of believing in science (i.e., spiritual adultery), believe in God, repent, call out to God for help and healing. To call out to government for salvation is a Communist ideal, one of the errors of Russia that Our Lady of Fatima warned of.
The next plandemic is Marburg and other diseases, which are encapsulated in the jab. So, when people start bleeding out their eyes and ears and nose, etc., who are you going to call out to? Governments for the next jab? Or, will we listen to Jonah and call out to God with prayer and fasting?
Jonah's in town: Information
From the Traditional Latin Mass: "I will take the chalice of …More

Jonah is Back in Town!

Sadly,. brainwashed people are again wearing the mask. The last time, people took aborted baby cells (human RNA) and spike proteins because they were terrorized about flu symptoms. If the jab had in …More
Sadly,. brainwashed people are again wearing the mask. The last time, people took aborted baby cells (human RNA) and spike proteins because they were terrorized about flu symptoms. If the jab had in fact been an effective vaccine, it would NOT have mattered who didn't take it. However, it was a suicide shot, therefore half the world has died/is dying of the jab. Instead of believing in science (i.e., spiritual adultery), believe in God, repent, call out to God for help and healing. To call out to government for salvation is a Communist ideal, one of the errors of Russia that Our Lady of Fatima warned of.
The next plandemic is Marburg and other diseases, which are encapsulated in the jab. So, when people start bleeding out their eyes and ears and nose, etc., who are you going to call out to? Governments for the next jab? Or, will we listen to Jonah and call out to God with prayer and fasting?
Jonah's in town: Information
From the Traditional Latin Mass: "I will take the chalice of …More
Marysrose shares from Tom Jones
We must take up our crosses, because to follow Jesus is to enrage satan. It is more difficult to do what's right, and doing evil is often easier in this fallen world.

St Polycarp and suffering

St. Polycarp and the Response to Suffer | The Fatima Center “Don’t you know who I am, Polycarp?” the heretic Marcion asked. “Oh yes,” said the saint, “I know the firstborn of satan when I see him.”More
St. Polycarp and the Response to Suffer | The Fatima Center
“Don’t you know who I am, Polycarp?” the heretic Marcion asked.
“Oh yes,” said the saint, “I know the firstborn of satan when I see him.”
Marysrose shares from Marysrose

Plagues in the Skies!

The skies are full of aluminum and other heavy metals from weather geoengineering, such as plane spraying. Such metal particulates prevent plants from absorbing nutrients, so plants die and cause fires …More
The skies are full of aluminum and other heavy metals from weather geoengineering, such as plane spraying. Such metal particulates prevent plants from absorbing nutrients, so plants die and cause fires and famines. Such are the plagues of Revelation.
Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones
Aluminum Poisoning of Humanity From Geoengineering, The First Science Publication Goes Live
The plagues of Revelation are punishment for sin, mainly spiritual fornication which is worshiping anything other than Almighty God, the Holy Trinity. Jesus is the ONLY way, truth and life, and no one comes to the Father except through Jesus (Jesus' own words). For example, during COVID, people declared they believed in science, technology, i.e., man-made gods.
"And I saw another sign in heaven, great and wonderful: seven angels having the seven last plagues. For in them is filled up the wrath of God."
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 15:1]
"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: …More
Jeffrey Ade
Thank you for posting this! It may seem overwhelming to some but we must trust in Our Lady of Fatima, if we are to make it through this evil time. She …More
Thank you for posting this! It may seem overwhelming to some but we must trust in Our Lady of Fatima, if we are to make it through this evil time. She has given us the answers to what we can do to be effective. We can take preventative measures to mitigate the damage this weapon system causes by distancing ourselves from the 5G infrastructure, detoxing our bodies from heavy metals, and practicing frequent earthing techniques! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

Plagues in the Skies!

The skies are full of aluminum and other heavy metals from weather geoengineering, such as plane spraying. Such metal particulates prevent plants from absorbing nutrients, so plants die and cause fires …More
The skies are full of aluminum and other heavy metals from weather geoengineering, such as plane spraying. Such metal particulates prevent plants from absorbing nutrients, so plants die and cause fires and famines. Such are the plagues of Revelation.
Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones
Aluminum Poisoning of Humanity From Geoengineering, The First Science Publication Goes Live
The plagues of Revelation are punishment for sin, mainly spiritual fornication which is worshiping anything other than Almighty God, the Holy Trinity. Jesus is the ONLY way, truth and life, and no one comes to the Father except through Jesus (Jesus' own words). For example, during COVID, people declared they believed in science, technology, i.e., man-made gods.
"And I saw another sign in heaven, great and wonderful: seven angels having the seven last plagues. For in them is filled up the wrath of God."
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 15:1]
"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: …More
Marysrose shares from Marysrose

Islamic Invasion and Conquest

Islam means surrender. There is an obligation to (eventually) conquer and impose Sharia (Islamic) law as soon as there are enough Muslims to enforce it. The U.S. is being invaded at the borders by …More
Islam means surrender. There is an obligation to (eventually) conquer and impose Sharia (Islamic) law as soon as there are enough Muslims to enforce it. The U.S. is being invaded at the borders by jihadists who are allied with drug cartels. Such alliance is a hudna agreement wherein there is a ceasefire until Muslims are strong enough to take over.
What Catholics Believe:
Islam 101:…/items/ChristianE-books/RobertSpencer-Islam101.pdf
This Week in Jihad: Video: This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer (Welcome to Dearborn Edition)
Let's NOT support the enemies of Jesus Christ. Let's NOT be traitors to our salvation through Jesus and the church Jesus Himself founded. Be what Islam calls people of the Book (the Bible) and show them The Way.

Death Certificates tell the story!


Islamic Invasion and Conquest

Islam means surrender. There is an obligation to (eventually) conquer and impose Sharia (Islamic) law as soon as there are enough Muslims to enforce it. The U.S. is being invaded at the borders by …More
Islam means surrender. There is an obligation to (eventually) conquer and impose Sharia (Islamic) law as soon as there are enough Muslims to enforce it. The U.S. is being invaded at the borders by jihadists who are allied with drug cartels. Such alliance is a hudna agreement wherein there is a ceasefire until Muslims are strong enough to take over.
What Catholics Believe:
Islam 101:…/items/ChristianE-books/RobertSpencer-Islam101.pdf
This Week in Jihad: Video: This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer (Welcome to Dearborn Edition)
Let's NOT support the enemies of Jesus Christ. Let's NOT be traitors to our salvation through Jesus and the church Jesus Himself founded. Be what Islam calls people of the Book (the Bible) and show them The Way.
Marysrose shares from Marysrose
"And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God, who hath power over these plagues, neither did they penance to give him glory." Apocalypse (Revelation) 16:9]More
"And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God, who hath power over these plagues, neither did they penance to give him glory." Apocalypse (Revelation) 16:9]

Disease X and it's jab...

The NWO elites have just prepared for Disease X:…l-meeting-2024/sessions/preparing-for-a-disease-x/ Are Catholics going to fall for it again and accept another sinful, deadly, abortion-…More
The NWO elites have just prepared for Disease X:…l-meeting-2024/sessions/preparing-for-a-disease-x/
Are Catholics going to fall for it again and accept another sinful, deadly, abortion-tainted jab?
Let us call out to Almighty God, not to the world:
Tom Jones
Like the Carthage when they sacrificed the children of the poor to gain victory over Rome.

Disease X and it's jab...

The NWO elites have just prepared for Disease X:…l-meeting-2024/sessions/preparing-for-a-disease-x/ Are Catholics going to fall for it again and accept another sinful, deadly, abortion-…More
The NWO elites have just prepared for Disease X:…l-meeting-2024/sessions/preparing-for-a-disease-x/
Are Catholics going to fall for it again and accept another sinful, deadly, abortion-tainted jab?
Let us call out to Almighty God, not to the world:

Still in town...

Catholics. Are we repenting in sack clothe and ashes for accepting/tolerating/ignoring the horror of the toxic, suicidal, murderous, abortion-tainted jab? Are we praying for those doomed because they …More
Catholics. Are we repenting in sack clothe and ashes for
accepting/tolerating/ignoring the horror of the toxic, suicidal, murderous,
abortion-tainted jab? Are we praying for those doomed because they took the jab?
Let us call out to God Almighty, our Father, for help,
instead of to political, profit-mongering, man-made science (i.e. the study
and manipulation of God's creation) mongers. Pray and fast/do penance for
those dying of the jab and for those who rejected it, but are suffering from
its effects. Over half the world took the jab, which may have led to half the world having demonic attachments. For the anti-Christ to reign on earth, most people have to be possessed. Are we almost there? Practicing Traditional Catholics need to learn binding prayers and how to do spiritual warfare. Jonah: Information We are either of the Traditional Catholic faith, or we are not. 🙏 🙏
Marysrose shares from Tom Jones
The university of the minions of the anti-Christ.

3,800 graduates of Klaus Schwab’s globalist WEF education programs

… Still, they have developed various groups of globally distributed trainees who generally work in accordance with the detailed policies and positions developed and distributed by WEF leadership. Meet …More
… Still, they have developed various groups of globally distributed trainees who generally work in accordance with the detailed policies and positions developed and distributed by WEF leadership.
Meet all 3,800 graduates of Klaus Schwab's globalist WEF education programs by name
Psalm 145
2 Praise the Lord, O my soul, in my life I will praise the Lord: I will sing to my God as long as I shall be. Put not your trust in princes: 3 In the children of men, in whom there is no salvation.
Ivan Tomas
Well said Marysrose.
Marysrose shares from Marysrose

Fire will fall from the sky...

Our Lady of Akita said: "If men do not repent . . . The Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before …More
Our Lady of Akita said: "If men do not repent . . . The Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity."
God is allowing the geoengineering by the NWO elites to punish sinful humanity:

Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones
Dane Wigington and Mike Adams issue URGENT WARNING for the survival of the human race
The impending chastisement is almost here. Obviously, not enough Catholics are praying the DAILY Rosary, fasting/doing penance and changing their lives.
Who will be left to pray for the souls in purgatory and to pray and preserve the Traditional Catholic faith? ONLY the devout.
And yet, most Catholics don't. We can move mountains (i.e., kingdoms) with our faith.
This is essentially the same message as Fatima. Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary are non-negotiable for us.
One more comment

Fire will fall from the sky...

Our Lady of Akita said: "If men do not repent . . . The Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before …More
Our Lady of Akita said: "If men do not repent . . . The Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity."
God is allowing the geoengineering by the NWO elites to punish sinful humanity:

Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones
Dane Wigington and Mike Adams issue URGENT WARNING for the survival of the human race
The impending chastisement is almost here. Obviously, not enough Catholics are praying the DAILY Rosary, fasting/doing penance and changing their lives.
Who will be left to pray for the souls in purgatory and to pray and preserve the Traditional Catholic faith? ONLY the devout.
Marysrose shares from Tom Jones
This illustrates why the Catholic popes sanctioned crusades, they were DEFENSIVE wars to counter satans' minions who were trying to wipe out Christians. Catholics today don't even know their faith enough …More
This illustrates why the Catholic popes sanctioned crusades, they were DEFENSIVE wars to counter satans' minions who were trying to wipe out Christians. Catholics today don't even know their faith enough to be militant against satan's minions. There is no sin in self-defense or defense of others unless there is hatred.
"All whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." [Colossians 3:17]
"And they adored the dragon, which gave power to the beast: and they adored the beast, saying: Who is like to the beast? and who shall be able to fight with him?" [Apocalypse (Revelation) 13:4]

Christmas attacks against Christians in Nigeria leave at least 160 dead - Catholic Herald

YAOUNDÈ, Cameroon (Crux) – Attacks across Nigeria’s Central Plateau State on Christmas Eve left at least 160 …
Walid Shoebat: The Islamic Mahdi is the Christian anti-Christ: Kingdom of the Antichrist - Walid ShoebatMore
Walid Shoebat: The Islamic Mahdi is the Christian anti-Christ:
Kingdom of the Antichrist - Walid Shoebat