Dollfuss and the Catholic Corporate State Is a Catholic Corporate State the best form of government and is it possible today? Any thoughts?More
Dollfuss and the Catholic Corporate State
Is a Catholic Corporate State the best form of government and is it possible today? Any thoughts?
When German essentialism meets American Pragmatism -Humor
Alex A
This is good.
Novena - Oremus shares this
The Truth About the Dark Ages.
So excellent, with a good analysis of why the dark ages myth is promulgated, and an invitation for us to value our past and how it created the world we …More
So excellent, with a good analysis of why the dark ages myth is promulgated, and an invitation for us to value our past and how it created the world we live in.
Yes, Our Minds Can Get at Reality: Defending Thomistic RealismMore
Yes, Our Minds Can Get at Reality: Defending Thomistic Realism
Israel Rafah Attack Strategy Explained
What a complete and total load of crap.
Dennis Prager: "Sick Jews".
Sean Johnson
Alex A
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Tucker interview with Russian Philosopher Alexsandr Dugin
Filozof, prawdziwy filozof nie jakiś tam dupek jak Duda, Tusk czy inne wypierdki historii. Główna sprawa to zmiana znaczenia słów w polityce. Mówią …More
Filozof, prawdziwy filozof nie jakiś tam dupek jak Duda, Tusk czy inne wypierdki historii.
Główna sprawa to zmiana znaczenia słów w polityce. Mówią liberalizm ale myślą Nowy -Liberalizm, w którym demokracja nie działa, większość społeczna nie rządzi ale te małe grupy wpływu co jest zaprzeczeniem Demokracji.
Jak opętani zwalczają wszystko co tradycyjne a Putin i Rosja chroni tradyconalizm, tradycyjne rodziny, tradycyne genders, on i ona, pięknie Dugin mówi i dlatego te nowe stwory polityczne zabili mu córkę.
Putin chroni Chrześcijaństwo, broni Chrześcijaństwo, tak jak powiedział bp Williamson.
To Ameryka i cały Zachód dziś jest NeoLiberalny, NeoKomunistyczny z terrorem mniejszości nad większością.
Wyraźnie to było widać w okresie Pandemii, małe grupki rządziły całym światem
Evola's Errors in the Revolt Against Modernity
Evola got a lot right in his criticisms of modernity, but its also important to note his errors concerning Catholicism. He was impressed with Medieval …More
Evola got a lot right in his criticisms of modernity, but its also important to note his errors concerning Catholicism. He was impressed with Medieval Christianity but abandoned Catholicism in his own time b/c the Catholic hierarchy and intellectuals were willingly adopting modernist principles. IMHO he was correct in his diagnosis of the modern world but wrong on suggesting the solution was a return to pre-modern paganism. The treatment for the disease of modernity is a recovery of Traditional Catholicism.
Julius Evola, Revolt Against The Modern World ''Unreason & Individualism''More
Julius Evola, Revolt Against The Modern World ''Unreason & Individualism''
Evola identifies the source of the movement in Christendom away from the metaphysical hierarchy (Great Chain of Being) and toward philosophical materialism …More
Evola identifies the source of the movement in Christendom away from the metaphysical hierarchy (Great Chain of Being) and toward philosophical materialism with Luther and the Protestant-Revolt. This subsequently leads to the Enlightenment and French Revolution with its emphasis on the rule of an atomized, hedonistic and hyper-individualistic masses.
A Pure Catholic State
God bless Poland. But they have to be ever vigilant..communists and socialists do have much support in various areas of the country.More
God bless Poland. But
they have to be ever vigilant..communists and socialists do have much support in various areas of the country.
Muscular Catholicism, love it! Jan Sobieski has awakened!
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Understanding Modern Civilization
Why Liberals Love Ugly Art
Ivan Tomas
Because they are enslaved by the ugly One.
The Virgin Mary and Christian Civilisation - Professor Rachel Fulton BrownMore
The Virgin Mary and Christian Civilisation - Professor Rachel Fulton Brown
Dr. Phil, Mosab Yousef aka Son of Hamas, unmasks the violent intentions of Hamas.
The 5 Virtues of St. Joseph/ Do You Have Them The Catholic Gentleman
You Can't Keep a Good Man Down/ The Greatest Comeback of All Time
Martin Serling Sloan
Great story. It is a tragedy that Max Baer was so brutally mischaracterized. I remember an interview with Max Baer Jr. and he effectively said that to …More
Great story. It is a tragedy that Max Baer was so brutally mischaracterized. I remember an interview with Max Baer Jr. and he effectively said that to show Braddock as a great man, which was evident, they didn't have to lie and make my dad a monster.
Braddock was not only a great athlete but also a good husband, father, and Catholic gentleman!
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The 4 Virtues of the Fighter - Sword Maestro- Fiore de' LiberiMore
The 4 Virtues of the Fighter - Sword Maestro- Fiore de' Liberi
Russian Style Boxing: Pendulum As A Defence Against An Agressive Opponent
The Priest Swordsman Fr. Leckuchner
Breaking News from Columbia Untisemity