Sean Johnson
Sean Johnson
+Williamson comments on +Vigano’s June 28 letter (“J’accuse”).

VIGANO COMMENTARY – Just another WordPress site

Last week these “Comments” (July 13, # 887) gave a summary of Archbishop Vigano’s June 28 long justification of his decision not to respond to a Newchurch …
Sean Johnson
“Susanvacantism:” Hilarious satire which drives home the point.

The WM Review | S.D. Wright | Substack

Essays on the Catholic Church, theology, history and more. Without the right questions, we won't make sense of the right answers.
Anthony November shares this
“Susanvacantism:” Hilarious satire which drives home the point.
Sean Johnson
Viganò’s 1st sermon following “excommunication” (dated July 7, but just released today, July 16).

In Sanguine tuo

In Sanguine tuo In Sanguine tuo Homily on the external Solemnity of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ Rev 5:9-10 Dear brothers and sisters, First of all, allow me to share …
Opera 369
...and other 'societies' well.
Sean Johnson
Vigano on the indult (and a warning to the SSPX): “ If our Ministry could be “tolerated” in some way, it would mean that it is ineffective and …More
Vigano on the indult (and a warning to the SSPX):
If our Ministry could be “tolerated” in some way, it would mean that it is ineffective and compromised, if only because of the implicit acceptance of an impossible coexistence between opposites, of a hermeneutic of continuity in which there is room for truth and error, light and darkness, God and Belial.”

VIGANO COUNTER-ATTACKS – Just another WordPress site

Summoned by Rome to appear before a Newchurch court on June 28 to answer accusations of “schism,” the heroic defender of the Faith, Archbishop Vigano …
Sean Johnson

Pope St. Celestine Teaches Ipso Facto Deposition of Heretics

“The authority of Our Apostolic See has determined that the bishop, cleric, or simple Christian who had been deposed or excommunicated by Nestorius or his followers, after the latter began to preach …More
“The authority of Our Apostolic See has determined that the bishop, cleric, or simple Christian who had been deposed or excommunicated by Nestorius or his followers, after the latter began to preach heresy, shall not be considered deposed or excommunicated. For he who had defected from the faith with such preachings, cannot depose or remove anyone whatsoever.”2
What is the difference between an excommunicate and an open heretic?
Sean Johnson
This heavily implies ipso facto loss of office for public heretics (In addition to proving the “excommunications” of Lefebvre, the 4 SSPX bishops, and …More
This heavily implies ipso facto loss of office for public heretics (In addition to proving the “excommunications” of Lefebvre, the 4 SSPX bishops, and Vigano worthless).
Assassination attempt? Trump bloody and rushed off stage by secret service.

Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after popping noises heard at his Pennsylvania rally

Former President Donald Trump was rushed off the stage just minutes into his rally in Butler, Pa., on Saturday …
The BBC is reporting that just prior to Trump taking the stage, rally attendees alerted police regarding a man crawling on a roof holding a rifle. Police …More
The BBC is reporting that just prior to Trump taking the stage, rally attendees alerted police regarding a man crawling on a roof holding a rifle. Police did nothing.
Bruceph Mildur
Let's see if the shooter has three names...
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Lefebvre on sedevacantism: Not what the post-1991 SSPX taught you.

+Lefebvre: 'Any sensible man must ask' if a heretic is still pope, can discuss with others

When the seminary returned from the holiday, he elaborated on this sermon and ‘the Pope Question,’ in what may …
Harry Jones
The error here is the conflating of personal opinions and legitimate discourse with an official position of an organization. Some official publications …More
The error here is the conflating of personal opinions and legitimate discourse with an official position of an organization.
Some official publications where the SSPX and Archbishop Lefebvre expressed their opposition to Sedevacantism include (according to ChatGPT):
1. “Open Letter to Confused Catholics” (1986) by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre - In this book, Lefebvre criticizes the post-Vatican II reforms but maintains that the pope is still the legitimate pontiff.
2. “The Mystery of the Church and the Pope” (1982) - A collection of texts and conferences by Archbishop Lefebvre, where he discusses the crisis in the Church and the role of the pope.
3. “They Have Uncrowned Him” (1988) by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre - This book elaborates on his views about the Church’s crisis and reiterates his recognition of the legitimacy of the recent popes.
4. SSPX’s official publications such as “Fideliter” magazine - Various issues of this periodical included articles and interviews where Lefebvre and …More
Sean Johnson
On whether SSPX priests should discuss the pope question with the faithful and educate them that sedevacantism is a possibility: “ Well. I told the …More
On whether SSPX priests should discuss the pope question with the faithful and educate them that sedevacantism is a possibility:
“ Well. I told the priests, in Paris, when I gathered them, and then to you, I had already told you, I said: ‘I think that, little by little, we must still enlighten the faithful a little…’
I do not say that it should be done brutally, and throw this to the faithful to frighten them… No. But I still think that it is precisely a matter of faith.
The faithful must not lose the faith. We are responsible for keeping the faith of the faithful, protecting it. They will lose the faith… even our traditionalists.”
That’s a rather striking contrast to the SSPX position since Lefebvre’s death, in which any discussion of the subject has run in the exact opposite direction (ie., dogmatic anti sedevacantism).
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The New SSPX
Sean Johnson
@philosopher- It might be more productive if you could even attempt an explanation of HOW/WHY he’s wrong, instead of gratuitously asserting it (because …More
It might be more productive if you could even attempt an explanation of HOW/WHY he’s wrong, instead of gratuitously asserting it (because as the maxim says, “That which is alleged without proof can be dismissed without proof”).
Bishop Williamson's so called resistance SSPX is a very tiny group. Moreover, he has been excommunicated again for ordaining more bishops to his small …More
Bishop Williamson's so called resistance SSPX is a very tiny group. Moreover, he has been excommunicated again for ordaining more bishops to his small fractured group. I'll contue to support the SSPX and not Bishop Williamson - he's wrong on the Holocaust, and he's wrong on Bishop Fellay and the SSPX.
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Forward this to your SSPX priest who supports COVID and MMR shots.
All “approved” TLM groups must say the new Mass. All are inherently compromised.

The Latin Mass Magazine: The Journal of Catholic Culture and Tradition

The Semi-Traditionalists The Vatican levelled the Fraternity of St. Peter this summer-but most painful is the unfolding debacle …
Kevin Blakeman
This lesson seems to be lost on the “New SSPX” which is now making compromises with Rome.
Denis Efimov
Well, what did they expect? For people who made the wrong choice to leave Lefebvre, this, however, served as a good lesson. Perhaps some of them later …More
Well, what did they expect? For people who made the wrong choice to leave Lefebvre, this, however, served as a good lesson. Perhaps some of them later regretted their choice.
3 more comments
Sean Johnson
SSPX article connotes complete indifference regarding Vigano “excommunication.”

Le Vatican excommunie Mgr Viganò

Le Vatican excommunie Mgr Viganò Le Palais du Saint-Office, siège du Dicastère pour la doctrine de la foi Un communiqué du Dicastère pour la doctrine de la foi a …
Maria delos Angeles
A pope I should say. Or just that he is Pope.
Maria delos Angeles
Do the SSPX leadership think Bergoglio is actually the Pope (officially , I mean?)
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Saints Decanonized by the Conciliar Church

Los Santos “Descanonizados” Por La Iglesia Conciliar

Traducción del Artículo escrito por Nicholas D.C. Wansbutter, Esq. para DURENDAL. La fiesta de San Crispín, una fecha que según Shakespeare, marcaría …
Sean Johnson
I named one of my sons William, after St. William of Norwich
Billy F
Saint Simon of Trent Ora Pro Nobis!!!
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Sean Johnson
Francis as Public Heretic: The Evidence Leaves no Doubt by Dr. John LamontMore
Francis as Public Heretic: The Evidence Leaves no Doubt
by Dr. John Lamont

Pope Francis as Public Heretic: The Evidence Leaves No Doubt — by Dr. John Lamont

Pope Francis as Public Heretic: The Evidence Leaves No Doubt — by Dr. John Lamont Editorial Note: Rorate Caeli’s position …
I'm still waiting for his eclessiastical trial by the episcopate on charges of heresy and schism. Only the cardinals can do this.
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Petition in support of Archbishop Vigano

I stand with Archbishop Viganó

Earlier today the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) announced that former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó has been …
Maria delos Angeles
What does that do? Rome has lost the faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist, dont ya know?
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2 years ago, but suddenly relevant again: Gibson discusses Vigano, counterfeit Church, Francis, and infiltration.
Mel these "reforms" started before Vatican II. All the heresies the Church has battled against through the centuries were destroyed by saintly Popes. …More
Mel these "reforms" started before Vatican II. All the heresies the Church has battled against through the centuries were destroyed by saintly Popes. However the difference is that the Church hierarchy are cowards, except for a few.
This man knows way more then he letting on .Too bad he has to be drunk to say it .Red sea pedestrians .When they convert It will be the greatest act of …More
This man knows way more then he letting on .Too bad he has to be drunk to say it .Red sea pedestrians .When they convert
It will be the greatest act of mercy in salvation history
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SSPX +Hounder Memorial

The caption reads, "Help yourself, and make a donation to the memory of His Excellency, Bishop Vitus Hounder." The priest who sends this to me says it seems that this appeal and commemorative magazine …More
The caption reads, "Help yourself, and make a donation to the memory of His Excellency, Bishop Vitus Hounder."
The priest who sends this to me says it seems that this appeal and commemorative magazine appears at the front door of all SSPX chapels (not sure in which districts though).
Shameless posturing for Roman consumption: "We really, really love Novus Ordo bishops.”
[Click on the icon in the upper-right corner of the pic to expand it, to see the whole message]
Sean Johnson
Update: “A member of The Catacombs [forum] wrote that the SSPX is more than just passively putting out a collection box for this purpose in one chapel …More
“A member of The Catacombs [forum] wrote that the SSPX is more than just passively putting out a collection box for this purpose in one chapel - they are actively soliciting donations for this 'memorial': the SSPX chapels in Munich (there may be several other chapels doing the same but this area it was confirmed) are sending out fliers in the mail seeking funds to honor +Huonder with a memorial.
Why so much effort to honor a Novus Ordo bishop who never renounced Vatican II and it's errors, never renounced the New Mass.
Perhaps it is a gesture to please their new masters in Rome? Or perhaps it was 'suggested/requested' of them and to keep the 'favors' they have been receiving from Francis et al., they must comply?”
SSPX Erecting +Hounder Memorial
K R Ross
In French, the brochure says that donations are be made in Bishop Huonder’s memory, with the proceeds to be sent, at his specific request, to Society …More
In French, the brochure says that donations are be made in Bishop Huonder’s memory, with the proceeds to be sent, at his specific request, to Society chapels. The brochure says nothing about donating to construct a memorial. This is untrue. Sean, please correct or delete this post as your statements are calumnious in nature.
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Collection of Writings from Current and Former SSPX Priests and Allied Religious Against an Agreement with Unconverted Rome (Front/back matter and annotations incomplete, but collection of letters is …More
Collection of Writings from Current and Former SSPX Priests and Allied Religious Against an Agreement with Unconverted Rome
(Front/back matter and annotations incomplete, but collection of letters is complete). Completed hard copy available later this year.
426 pages
Sean Johnson
Catechism of the Crisis in the SSPX
19 pages
Sean Johnson
By an anonymous SSPX priest of the French District

Why the SSPX Won’t Fight (Except Against Trads)

Excerpts from a 2019 article by Dr. John Lamont, who is neither sedevacantist nor Resistance, on why the SSPX is mute on Roman modernism (by 2024 you could also use this same explanation to understand …More
Excerpts from a 2019 article by Dr. John Lamont, who is neither sedevacantist nor Resistance, on why the SSPX is mute on Roman modernism (by 2024 you could also use this same explanation to understand its silence -then recent distancing from- +Vigano, or its scandalous response not to “mindlessly attack the bishop” of Linz for erecting a horrendously blasphemous statue of our Blessed Mother):
"It is true that Bishop Fellay is no longer the superior general of the SSPX. The character of the new leadership of the Society may give a clue to the position that the SSPX has taken toward the Open Letter. The current superior general of the Society is Fr. Davide Pagliarani, who was the superior of the SSPX seminary in La Reja, Argentina from 2012 until his election in 2018. The new assistants to the superior general are Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta and Fr. Christian Bouchacourt. Bishop de Gallareta was also a rector of the Society’s seminary in Argentina. Fr. Bouchacourt served as the district …More
Alex A
You still with us Sean?
It is called controlled resistance.
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Sean Johnson

Conciliarism CANNOT Tolerate Traditionalists

A recent article by Mr. Morrison over at The Remnant supposes that the reason Francis’s forthcoming suppression of all diocesan TLMs will exclude the suppression of the ex-Ecclesia Dei institutes, is …More
A recent article by Mr. Morrison over at The Remnant supposes that the reason Francis’s forthcoming suppression of all diocesan TLMs will exclude the suppression of the ex-Ecclesia Dei institutes, is because he must first show the false sects who will collaborate with him in the making of the universal antichrist religion that he himself can be tolerant of dissent within his own church.
I’d argue, on the contrary, that this is a fundamental misreading of the very purpose and role the ex-Ecclesia Dei institutes play in containing and reeducating would-be trads for their conciliar masters:
These institutes are not set up to tolerate integral traditionalism, but to dissolve it (why do you think the indult and/or Ecclesia Dei chapels are always so proximate to SSPX venues?).
Said differently, it’s not that Francis is willing to tolerate Traditionalists within a corner of the synodal/conciliar church (eg., to show other false religions its tolerance or ecumenical good will), but that bringing …More