Harry Jones

Viganò, Invoking Lefebvre, Faces the Vatican Summons

“It does not seem to me that Viganò is adhering to the Holy See in the way that Archbishop Lefebvre did his whole life – notwithstanding the latter’s criticisms and resistance.” Viganò, Invoking …More
“It does not seem to me that Viganò is adhering to the Holy See in the way that Archbishop Lefebvre did his whole life – notwithstanding the latter’s criticisms and resistance.”
Viganò, Invoking Lefebvre, Faces the Vatican Summons
Sean Johnson
Weird that 1P5 thinks Vigano attributes a position to Lefebvre that the latter did not hold, when Vigano invokes him as saying we cannot be in communion …More
Weird that 1P5 thinks Vigano attributes a position to Lefebvre that the latter did not hold, when Vigano invokes him as saying we cannot be in communion with this conciliar church. Not only did Lefebvre say exactly that in his book Spiritual Journey just a couple months before he died, but all the SSPX superiors declared it in their July 6, 1988 letter to Cardinal Gantin, when they stated:
“On the other hand, we have never wished to belong to this system which calls itself the Conciliar Church, and defines itself with the Novus Ordo Missæ, an ecumenism which leads to indifferentism and the laicization of all society. Yes, we have no part, nullam partem habemus,with the pantheon of the religions of Assisi; our own excommunication by a decree of Your Eminence or of another Roman Congregation would only be the irrefutable proof of this. We ask for nothing better than to be declared out of communion with this adulterous spirit which has been blowing in the Church for the last 25 years; we …More