Opera 369
Opera 369

Please don't call the humanoid in white, 'pope' - he has never been, one minute of the entire 11 plus years!

The last Real Pope

Aprite bene le vostre orecchie e le vostre menti; potreste salvare la vostra Fede.

Good to know.... just in case

Udite gente, svegliatevi; dopo 12 anni e' piu' che ovvio!

Another "act of love" ... (as proposed by that man dressed in white)

Isn't this just recycled fear-mongering? The Mon(k)eypox was all over the MSM in 2022.

Voi che vi ritenete 'cattolici', ascoltate il video per intero, PRIMA DI GIUDICARE; imparerete cose importanti.

Attenti al lupo, cantava anni fa Lucio Dalla. Ebbene il lupo se non muore ritorna sempre per "mettere paura". Svegliatevi Italiani, proteggete la vostra …

Just a thought, for anyone who cares:

🤫 Do not 'retweet', or repost or share content that might be talking about the wives of Macron or Obama. Supposedly it's a trap, created by the 'heads of states' so as to have more of a reason to …More
🤫 Do not 'retweet', or repost or share content that might be talking about the wives of Macron or Obama. Supposedly it's a trap, created by the 'heads of states' so as to have more of a reason to shut down free internet-independent media, because of hate crime.
Here’s What People NEED to Realize About the Olympics Here’s what people NEED to realize about the Olympics. In this episode of Living in Babylon, Martyn Iles discusses what happened at the 2024 Olympics …More
Here’s What People NEED to Realize About the Olympics
Here’s what people NEED to realize about the Olympics. In this episode of Living in Babylon, Martyn Iles discusses what happened at the 2024 Olympics, the significance of what happened, and how Christians should respond to it.
Martyn’s book Who Am I? is available for purchase here: answersingenesis.org/store/product/who-am-i/
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (Christianity-defending) ministry dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ effectively.
On our YouTube channel, you’ll find answers to your most pressing questions about key issues like creation, evolution, science, the age of the earth, and social issues. We desire to train believers to develop a worldview based on the Bible and expose the bankruptcy of evolutionary ideas and their implications.
You’ll hear from top teachers such as Ken Ham, Martyn Iles, Bryan Osborne, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson …More
The polluted Seine of the woke olympics... memes.
Jan Joseph
...did the man dressed in white finally listened to the good sense of others? Or, is it just that he's postponing the decision to a new date(maybe the October continuous synod?) just to surprise people …More
...did the man dressed in white finally listened to the good sense of others? Or, is it just that he's postponing the decision to a new date(maybe the October continuous synod?) just to surprise people with his usual big unholy bang?


From our friends at Argentine blog Caminante Wanderer: July 16, the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the third anniversary of Traditiones custodes, was the date set for the release of …
A tutti quelli a cui "manca" la Chiesa Cattolica. Forza, coraggio e Fede. Siate voi stessi i creatori della 'Verita'!
...."The S U N (the TRUTH) is the S O N of the HEAVENLY FATHER". ....
Opera 369
@V.R.S. I'm not sure if you have misinterpreted - but I applaude Bishop Mari - in fact I restated his quote about the "Sun/Son" It's a sublime message …More
@V.R.S. I'm not sure if you have misinterpreted - but I applaude Bishop Mari - in fact I restated his quote about the "Sun/Son" It's a sublime message! Everyone in the world should be up in arms about the geo-engineers who are attempting to "hide the sun" - following the dictates of vicious entities, whose aim is to get humanity into continuous.... darkness/lies!
@Liam Ronan And what prayer should he have offered in your opinion?More
@Liam Ronan
And what prayer should he have offered in your opinion?
😱 viruses, anti-viruses, fake vaccines, dimming the sun, raining acid, lab-meat, insect flour,.... and now...drum roll: "silicone fruits and vegetables"..... 🥴 😎 from the people who want to annihilate …More
😱 viruses, anti-viruses, fake vaccines, dimming the sun, raining acid, lab-meat, insect flour,.... and now...drum roll: "silicone fruits and vegetables"..... 🥴 😎 from the people who want to annihilate humanity....
Attenzione: suggerimenti per i veri Cattolici della: SANCTA ECCLESIA CATHOLICA ET APOSTOLICA! (Se volete veramente salvare la Vostra Fede e la Vostra Anima! 🙏More
Attenzione: suggerimenti per i veri Cattolici della: SANCTA ECCLESIA
CATHOLICA ET APOSTOLICA! (Se volete veramente salvare la Vostra Fede e la Vostra Anima!
Mario Sedevacantista Colucci shares this
...maybe 'Nato' should be called something else...nowadays?
Amen. The plan is to deplete our reserves and send the money across the ocean it’s a made up war I don’t support - they should take a hard look at …More
Amen. The plan is to deplete our reserves and send the money across the ocean it’s a made up war I don’t support - they should take a hard look at their population being decimated and agree on a cease fire asap
Louis IX
The Army of Mordor?
...'summer reflections'..... 😎
translation: If it were the right to speak for me/ it would be easier to stay where I am/ Not being the Pope would not be a nagging/ and you never know …More
If it were the right to speak for me/ it would be easier to stay where I am/ Not being the Pope would not be a nagging/ and you never know/ what still may happen/ before the jubilee comes.../
Suppose all of a sudden it touches me to cut and run/ rather to die a little bit.../ I'm making my coffin/closed but not too much.../ Suppose all of a sudden there's no more way out/ and to be left holding the candle/ right inside the Vatican/ to me, it's weird!
They said it at the time of "St. Gallen"/ that I wouldn't have the attributes to do it/ and it's not my fault.../ it takes assistance from above.../ and Benedict is gone!/
Suppose all of a sudden I get to cut and run/ rather to die a little bit.../ inside a safe coffin/ sealed up but not too much.../ suppose all of a sudden there's no way out/ and to be left holding the candle/ right inside the Vatican/ heaven forbid.../
The monsignor crows get wind of it/ the spinster nuns want to take me out/ taking advantage of a tampered …More
3 more comments
..Lezione utile (per chi non ha le orecchie otturate, a prescindere 🥴)
Per gli Italiani ancora addormentati oppure proprio senza alcun minimo di senso logico (e veramente Cattolico, malgrado il loro andare a 'messa' la domenica, tanto per.... ma quale messa andate ad …More
Per gli Italiani ancora addormentati oppure proprio senza alcun minimo di senso logico (e veramente Cattolico, malgrado il loro andare a 'messa' la domenica, tanto per.... ma quale messa andate ad ascoltare?). Uditevi la sfilza di eresie del 'vostro' anti-papa... Se avete orecchie per ascoltare... e coraggio di ascoltare la VERITA'!
Ottimo riassunto delle eresie del vescovo vestito di bianco... Ma per rispondere alla tua domanda: Si va ad ascoltare da oltre 60 anni quella messa …More
Ottimo riassunto delle eresie del vescovo vestito di bianco...
Ma per rispondere alla tua domanda:
Si va ad ascoltare da oltre 60 anni quella messa protestantizzata di Paolo VI & bugnini.
Cerchiamo di essere un po' più intellettualmente onesti.
Riconosciamo e prendiamo coscienza che con il concilio vaticano II gli eretici modernisti hanno avuto la loro vittoria! Bergoglio è il loro frutto marcio!
Se è eretico bergoglio lo era pure Paolo VI.
Elezione invalida per bergoglio, elezione invalida per Paolo VI, in quanto pure lui fu "scelto" dai Cardinali modernisti prima del conclave.