Opera 369
Opera 369

“The cappa magna does indeed represent the finery of the world, its power and prestige. That is why …

Don't let Franko (aka Francis) or Tucho see that! They will do a new Moto Proprio to have bishops and cardinals to start wearing "kilts" (a la Anglican).......before the synod starts again -where women will be 'turned' into .... deaconesses.
Opera 369


appalling humanoids.
Opera 369

Synod Working Document: Female Ministry for Preaching, Baptising and Weddings - Yet No Ordination

Whatever they say 'will be discussed at the October synod'. - has already been approved throughout these months and days leading to ... October! Bergoglio is very shrewd - he does not like bad publicity. So, in October, the communique will be: "the Bergoglian/Fernandez/Germans, in their specified fields, (just like Rev. Maurizio Chiodi, Professor of Moral Theology at the 'John Paul II Institute'…More
Whatever they say 'will be discussed at the October synod'. - has already been approved throughout these months and days leading to ... October! Bergoglio is very shrewd - he does not like bad publicity. So, in October, the communique will be: "the Bergoglian/Fernandez/Germans, in their specified fields, (just like Rev. Maurizio Chiodi, Professor of Moral Theology at the 'John Paul II Institute' in Rome. Chiodi is a homosexual activist, Archbishop Carlos Castillo Mattasoglio of Lima, Peru. He presided over a Pachamama procession in his cathedral in September 2019, called Christ a layman, and twice refused to give Communion to a kneeling Catholic)... "has approved 'masonic modernism/protestantism' to be the new doctrine of the new (non) church. In the meantime, Bergoglio is preparing his 'specially built hospital like-apartment- -next door to where he has chosen to be 'buried' Santa Maria Maggiore! We wonder why someone who is not Pope would build a hospital like/apartment..... 🤔 🤥
Opera 369

Il Vescovo italiano "consente" il "matrimonio" omosessuale

"CAVOLI!" Guarda un po' il Reverendo. Ma chi o cosa 'benedice'? Due esseri che vogliono fare spettacolo modernista, modus Bergogliano; ma che Dio non ha mai approvato! Cavoli, Rev. Cavoli, ma lei, quale Dio ha servito nella sua vita da ... prete?
Opera 369

Comments on Viganò's Excommunication: "Will He Be Given a Church in Rome to Celebrate Liturgy - like …

The question should be: are all the excommunicated priests, bishops and now Archbishop really excommunicated? How can a False-Pope excommunicate 'anyone'? The entire 11 + years false-papacy is...self-excommunicated! Therefore, it's all null and void. Vigano' is really all set; he's getting all the publicity he needed to create 'his' church -whatever that will be!
Opera 369

Svegliatevi o voi brava gente che dormite ancora sotto la 'cupola' (non quella di San Pietro) degli …

A volte, bisogna presentare il peggio, per aiutare certa gente ad aprire gli occhi; ogni indizio e' un pezzo del 'puzzle' che si fa sempre piu' completo. Sono passati oltre 11 anni... ma troppa gente crede o vuole credere che quell'uomo sia "della misericordia".. mentre invece e' quello 'degli affaracci suoi'!
Opera 369

The absolute gleeful expression on Francis’s face

It's called a "photo op"(?); anything that angers the Catholics.... for the humanoid dressed off white ... is an opportunity to show his 'glee'! Does anything he says or does still surprises or shocks you? That shrewd Franko!
Opera 369

New Abbot of Norcia: “Let's Be Prepared for a Long Winter in the Church”

Been at the Abbey: a beautiful experience!
Opera 369

Commenti sulla scomunica di Viganò: "Gli sarà data una chiesa a Roma per celebrare la liturgia - come …

Ma povero Mons. Vigano', guardiamo un po' come sta soffrendo! Ma figuratevi! Ma quale 'scomunica'? Quella dalla falsa-Chiesa? Questi "importanti" americani un po qui' un po la' che offrono la loro solidarieta' al Monsignore!.... Vigano' non aspettava altro che una 'scomunica ufficiale', in modo da 'creare' (da martire) la sua propria chiesa alla Vigano' (ancora da definire). Piuttosto la solidarieta …More
Ma povero Mons. Vigano', guardiamo un po' come sta soffrendo! Ma figuratevi! Ma quale 'scomunica'? Quella dalla falsa-Chiesa? Questi "importanti" americani un po qui' un po la' che offrono la loro solidarieta' al Monsignore!.... Vigano' non aspettava altro che una 'scomunica ufficiale', in modo da 'creare' (da martire) la sua propria chiesa alla Vigano' (ancora da definire). Piuttosto la solidarieta' dovrebbe andare ai poveri Sacerdoti, veramente vittime e martiri della Vera Chiesa.
Opera 369

Lo sciopero è un diritto insindacabile. Scioperare il giorno in cui il Santo Padre Francesco si reca …

Che orrore!! Chi osa chiamare Bergoglio "il Santo Padre Francesco" ?? Ma bisogna essere proprio fuori da ogni dignita' Cattolica!! 😡
Opera 369

Hoping that 'real' Catholics (SSPX or others) will get it ... simply!

You follow your heart Naomi - everyone is 'free' to do just that. One note: aren't we all "mouthpieces" one way or another? Do you really believe that there will be a 'second' Lefebvre or a second Fulton Sheen...or a second Padre Pio...or even a second Catherine of Siena? NO! Each century, each decade has the "mouthpieces" it has! Discernment is needed everywhere and logic and truth should be the …More
You follow your heart Naomi - everyone is 'free' to do just that. One note: aren't we all "mouthpieces" one way or another? Do you really believe that there will be a 'second' Lefebvre or a second Fulton Sheen...or a second Padre Pio...or even a second Catherine of Siena? NO! Each century, each decade has the "mouthpieces" it has! Discernment is needed everywhere and logic and truth should be the 'guiding light'.
Opera 369

Tomba già pronta per Bergoglio? Cosa sta succedendo

Se ne andra' quando quella rana gonfia di Davos - amico caro di Francisco - gli dira' di ... andarsene! Stanno giocando lo stesso gioco anti-Dio!
Opera 369

Deporre Bergoglio, c’è chi lo vuole. Fattibile?

Magari! Cosi tutto il clan argentino che sta 'sporcando' Roma e le sue Chiese... verrebbero spediti verso 'la fine del mondo'...da Pachamama!
Opera 369

Zuppi e i populismi. Ovvero, “ofelee fa el tò mestee” - Aldo Maria Valli

Ma sto 'Zuppi' prega ancora qualche Pater Noster o Ave Maria (nascosto dall'uomo di bianco coperto)prima di andare a letto o a fare le interviste...(oppure preferisce contare i ... gatti randagi?) Ma non si vergogna di uscire da casa? Apostati Italiani della societa' Italiana... che ancora gli danno ascolto!
Opera 369

Toronto police fail to arrest naked men at 'Pride Parade' because it wasn't in the public's 'interest …

..my question is: 'why anyone, in their right state of mind, would even attend a useless event like that?' Better to go to the forests and bird watch!, even if you don't like birds. At least birds are not .. obscene!
Opera 369

REPORTER: "You didn't mention the travel, the jetlag, the foreign trip.. So, I think you can understand …

An administration of 'had to be..to show their inclusionism'..... now the incompetence is all coming to the surface; only because the main stream media is being 'pushed' by the 'same forces'...but to focus on ..the other side. All part of the same criminal 'deep' plan!
Opera 369

A Francis’ Friend: James Martin SJ blasphemes with Homosexual "Madonna"

...and everyone at that 'round table' and all around them... are just repulsive with or without their 'emblem flag'!! 🤮