Opera 369
.... to never put our guard down or in the hands of .. public health.
.... how many lies, throughout the centuries! (as is continuing now, by certain people to control and keep people succumbed to their sick diktats.
Thank you for posting this. It looks like they have removed it already. No surprise there.
It takes a lot of courage to expose these lies; we know people have been sent to prison for daring to question these things.
Ancora a ... Bologna (terra di .... ombre brutte).
Opera 369
Why this video? Simply because in Zuppi's city, Bologna, they are 'praying' the Hail Mary - but not the 'traditional' that we Catholics have known …More
Why this video? Simply because in Zuppi's city, Bologna, they are 'praying' the Hail Mary - but not the 'traditional' that we Catholics have known forever, but a 'new version' . Yes, of course, under the argentinian gnostic, synodal new church' it had to happen! After the change to the Our Father, now the Hail Mary. The new version adds: "blessed is the lord of the light" just before "the fruit of your womb Jesus". The author of the video, a renown journalist, author has been reporting for the last 5 years, the "errors" and heresies of the bergoglian circus. Including all the efforts to make sure that Jesus is replaced by 'the lord of the light'. Who is the lord of the light?....We all know. It is the fallen one. The one that St. Michael sank down. Many of you know it very well, and this 'lord' of theirs, is NOT JESUS. But the idol of the bergoglian Anti-Church. So beware, do NOT PRAY this new version of the Hail Mary, nor the Our Father in its new version - made by fake pope Bergoglio …More
Ma perché????!!!!! PERCHÉ???!!!! SERPI VELENOSE!!!More
Ma perché????!!!!! PERCHÉ???!!!!
One more comment
Pay attention and share while this video still exists.
Philadelphia Trad
May God bless, reward and protect Fr. Mawdsley. Please pray for his intentions and his safety.
Billy F
Awesome Priest! His books are amazing!
9 more comments
... secondo la dittatura di quell'uomo di bianco vestito (un bianco sempre piu' sporco) chiunque parli del Signore e del Suo Vangelo... dovra' essere rimosso e scomunicato. Quello vestito di bianco (…More
... secondo la dittatura di quell'uomo di bianco vestito (un bianco sempre piu' sporco) chiunque parli del Signore e del Suo Vangelo... dovra' essere rimosso e scomunicato. Quello vestito di bianco (sporco) non e' stato e non puo' chiaramente essere 'un papa'! Gli ecclesiastici che stanno quieti, quieti ... stanno ingannando i 'fedeli cattolici' quanto quell'argentino vestito di bianco.
Opera 369
This saintly Priests is being 'punished' by "merciful" Jorgo for having spoken out against the made up 'gnostic doctrine' of the dictatorial jesuit. …More
This saintly Priests is being 'punished' by "merciful" Jorgo for having spoken out against the made up 'gnostic doctrine' of the dictatorial jesuit. The Priest from Ivory Coast will have to face the 'investigator body of Bergoglian gendarmerie' on May 8th. Obviously they will give him the choice of retracting all his criticism (telling the truth by obeying the Gospel of the Lord) or .... being 'defrocked'. So it goes, this is the mercy of Bergoglio for who does not obey his 'wokeness'.
Long, but informative viewpoint.
Have a ... vision of what a "True" Catholic Pope was! Pity for the sedevacantists who, erratically and blindly, deem all 'popes' (after Pios X of course) all 'modernist' without discerning the what, …More
Have a ... vision of what a "True" Catholic Pope was! Pity for the sedevacantists who, erratically and blindly, deem all 'popes' (after Pios X of course) all 'modernist' without discerning the what, the who and especially the WHY of past actions. Anyway... here is Pope Benedict XVI .. the LAST TRUE POPE OF THE CATHOLIC, APOSTOLIC ROMAN CHURCH (who did defeat the "wolves" in the Vatican, with his own 'impeded see'
Benedict XVI? The guy who says Protestants are part of faithful? He was apostate and modernist to the core: Benedict XVI's recent heresy on the Anglican …More
Benedict XVI? The guy who says Protestants are part of faithful? He was apostate and modernist to the core:
Benedict XVI's recent heresy on the Anglican "faithful"
Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope
True Mass
Wait did he kiss the Koran or was it JP2?
6 more comments
Questo sacerdote lo dice da almeno 6 anni. Purtroppo...tanti preti, per la loro inerzia e pochissima Fede, cadono sotto il regime di Mario e Tucho. Meglio fuori dall'anti-chiesa, che 'prigionieri' dei …More
Questo sacerdote lo dice da almeno 6 anni. Purtroppo...tanti preti, per la loro inerzia e pochissima Fede, cadono sotto il regime di Mario e Tucho. Meglio fuori dall'anti-chiesa, che 'prigionieri' dei dittatori 'misericordiosi' (che non lo sono realmente).
Another perspective ... to review.
Rome reflections • “Infinite Dignity” • Should Catholics vote for Trump? • Love for the truth Rome reflections: from catacombs to basilicas. United Nations and the Vatican agree on "the Infinite …More
Rome reflections • “Infinite Dignity” • Should Catholics vote for Trump? • Love for the truth
Rome reflections: from catacombs to basilicas. United Nations and the Vatican agree on "the Infinite Dignity" of all human persons. Modernists want to bury the Catholic Church as Pharisees wanted to bury Christ. Trump blasts pro-life Arizona: can a Catholic vote for him? Israel vs Iran: setting stage for World War? Did St Gregory VII really say Muslims worship true God? Annual miracle at Holy Sepulcher? Glory of God vs conceit of man. Love for the truth is key to fidelity.
This episode was recorded on 4/16/2024
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Please consider making a monetary donation to What Catholics Believe. Father Jenkins remembers all of our benefactors in general during his daily Mass, and he also offers one Mass on the first Sunday of every month specially for all supporters of What Catholics Believe. May God bless you for your generosity! More
Fr. Jenkins is a truly Catholic priest - so glad to see this posted! I watched it on the wcbohio.com website. It is excellent!
Opera 369
This is an informative video from a good Priest; if you just want to listen to his interpretation of "Dignitas Infinita" (I would change Fernandez's …More
This is an informative video from a good Priest; if you just want to listen to his interpretation of "Dignitas Infinita" (I would change Fernandez's and Francis' last waste of paper to 'dignitas 'finita' - caput) start around minute: 15:47.....
....something encouraging, once in a while.....
It's all too clear... what's going on.
Mike Johnson Is Fighting to Protect the Government Spy Program Used on Trump The FISA bill is dead but, like herpes, it’ll be back. It’s important to punish the people who pushed it. Watch more here: …More
Mike Johnson Is Fighting to Protect the Government Spy Program Used on Trump
The FISA bill is dead but, like herpes, it’ll be back. It’s important to punish the people who pushed it.
Watch more here: bit.ly/3RCq6cc
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...who's preparing to go to The Vatican in 2025?! 😎
Whatever some ( 'vede'-vacantists) might accuse Him of..... BXVI was the last Pope of the Catholic Church, until Dec. 31, 2022!
Maria Magdalena
You have to join the PICCOLO RESTO CATTOLICO!
James Manning
He was probably the best of the post-conciliar popes, but his liturgical theology was very influenced by Hegel.
7 more comments
...about that man dressed in white ( cloudy white, however)
...... the man that 'suffers' from; 'selective manipulation of (anti-papal) presence'; meaning he has not 'celebrated a Mass in over 2 years'...he just seats on every throne he can usurp: first the …More
...... the man that 'suffers' from; 'selective manipulation of (anti-papal) presence'; meaning he has not 'celebrated a Mass in over 2 years'...he just seats on every throne he can usurp: first the Chair of Peter.. the Popemobile, the wheelchair,... now he's eyeing the "Sedia Gestatoria", but never will he 'genuflect' for Jesus or Mary.
Great viewpoints....