Have a ... vision of what a "True" Catholic Pope was! Pity for the sedevacantists who, erratically and blindly, deem all 'popes' (after Pios X of course) all 'modernist' without discerning the what, …More
Have a ... vision of what a "True" Catholic Pope was! Pity for the sedevacantists who, erratically and blindly, deem all 'popes' (after Pios X of course) all 'modernist' without discerning the what, the who and especially the WHY of past actions. Anyway... here is Pope Benedict XVI .. the LAST TRUE POPE OF THE CATHOLIC, APOSTOLIC ROMAN CHURCH (who did defeat the "wolves" in the Vatican, with his own 'impeded see'
Benedict XVI? The guy who says Protestants are part of faithful? He was apostate and modernist to the core:
Benedict XVI's recent heresy on the Anglican "faithful"
Benedict XVI: Was He A Real PopeMore
Benedict XVI? The guy who says Protestants are part of faithful? He was apostate and modernist to the core:

Benedict XVI's recent heresy on the Anglican "faithful"
Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope
True Mass
Wait did he kiss the Koran or was it JP2?
No, he only visited a mosque (a must see for any "holy" post-conciliar pope) and continued the Assisi tradition.
Tried to change the Good Friday prayer for the Jews because the Jews complained about Summorum Pontificum.
Anthony November
I’ve read that Benedict’s doctoral thesis got him put on the “suspect of heresy” list. I much preferred him to JPII, but his hermeneutic of continuity thesis doesn’t hold water.
A funny text. 1958 "sedes" are bad but 2023 "sedes" are good. Why? BECAUSE.
Anthony November
I would hardly call their position erratic or blind. From what I’ve studied it’s very carefully considered. Not a Sede myself but I have yet to witness a real Catholic solidly refute their claims. I suspect their position amidst the crisis in the Church has yet to play its full role.
Opera 369
Research and see how "modernist" Bishop Lefebvre ..might have been to the eyes of some people! Nothing is ever so black and white as we would like it to be. But sedevacantists (or modern traditionalists) cannot, in all fairness, claim that Bergoglio is 'only following, or the result of' John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI . That is just manipulation of the facts (and intentions).