Ancora a ... Bologna (terra di .... ombre brutte).
Giovanna Delbueno
L' antico serpente che è il diavolo e satana ( v. Leone XIII) ha strisciato fino al Santuario della Madonna. Chi recita quel rosario è suo servo. Ho ascoltato un Exultet pasquale cantato sul tema gregoriano. Ma la prima parola non era Exultet ma Lucifer. Io non so se è un montaggio. Lo spero. Sconvolgente.
Opera 369
Why this video? Simply because in Zuppi's city, Bologna, they are 'praying' the Hail Mary - but not the 'traditional' that we Catholics have known forever, but a 'new version' . Yes, of course, under the argentinian gnostic, synodal new church' it had to happen! After the change to the Our Father, now the Hail Mary. The new version adds: "blessed is the lord of the light" just before "the fruit …Altro
Why this video? Simply because in Zuppi's city, Bologna, they are 'praying' the Hail Mary - but not the 'traditional' that we Catholics have known forever, but a 'new version' . Yes, of course, under the argentinian gnostic, synodal new church' it had to happen! After the change to the Our Father, now the Hail Mary. The new version adds: "blessed is the lord of the light" just before "the fruit of your womb Jesus". The author of the video, a renown journalist, author has been reporting for the last 5 years, the "errors" and heresies of the bergoglian circus. Including all the efforts to make sure that Jesus is replaced by 'the lord of the light'. Who is the lord of the light?....We all know. It is the fallen one. The one that St. Michael sank down. Many of you know it very well, and this 'lord' of theirs, is NOT JESUS. But the idol of the bergoglian Anti-Church. So beware, do NOT PRAY this new version of the Hail Mary, nor the Our Father in its new version - made by fake pope Bergoglio. And 'escape' any event and refuse any type of 'praying' that includes: 'the lord of the light'. These are NOT DOCTRINAL CATHOLIC PRAYERS. That's all...... and that is plenty!
Ma perché????!!!!! PERCHÉ???!!!!
Giovanna Delbueno
Pian piano ci arriviamo