Hoping that 'real' Catholics (SSPX or others) will get it ... simply!
Sean Johnson
@Naomi: Yup,
Naomi Arai
I get it, but this isn’t as the Church was at the time of +Lefebvre’s consecrations. The Novus Ordo Church is quite apparently the CounterChurch…and while +Lefebvre was a true leader, the mouthpieces and bishops of the SSPX seem to not be the same now. I side with Vigano.
Opera 369
You follow your heart Naomi - everyone is 'free' to do just that. One note: aren't we all "mouthpieces" one way or another? Do you really believe that there will be a 'second' Lefebvre or a second Fulton Sheen...or a second Padre Pio...or even a second Catherine of Siena? NO! Each century, each decade has the "mouthpieces" it has! Discernment is needed everywhere and logic and truth should be the …More
You follow your heart Naomi - everyone is 'free' to do just that. One note: aren't we all "mouthpieces" one way or another? Do you really believe that there will be a 'second' Lefebvre or a second Fulton Sheen...or a second Padre Pio...or even a second Catherine of Siena? NO! Each century, each decade has the "mouthpieces" it has! Discernment is needed everywhere and logic and truth should be the 'guiding light'.
Naomi Arai
Huh? You’re putting words in my mouth and have no idea what I mean. I’m referring to all the various priests who feed the mediabytes, like the one who told people not to bother the bishop over the abomination in Linz, or the one who told Vigano they didn’t like him, or the one who said they weren’t consecrating more bishops…because somehow the fake pope is going to be nice to them. They are …More
Huh? You’re putting words in my mouth and have no idea what I mean. I’m referring to all the various priests who feed the mediabytes, like the one who told people not to bother the bishop over the abomination in Linz, or the one who told Vigano they didn’t like him, or the one who said they weren’t consecrating more bishops…because somehow the fake pope is going to be nice to them. They are mouthpieces. The Novus Ordo Church is not going to change for the SSPX. Bergoglio isn’t going to act any less thuggish. I have attended SSPX chapels in the past, but it’s merely out of convenience. I’ll go to a TLM diocesan or religious order or FSSP etc. if it’s more convenient. In reality, I consider myself sedevacantist which is similar to almost every other SSPXer I speak to. I know I can think for myself. Imagine that. I can’t believe I could possibly think differently than you. Keep on dreaming Opera…