Liam Ronan
Liam Ronan


My question is precisely what did he do? Resign effective immediately or announce he will not run again? That's two different things. In short whose finger is on the button and the nuclear suitcase?
Liam Ronan


Did he 'resign' the Presidency (as in effective when?) or simply announce that he 'will not run' for re-election (as in he remains President until January 2025)?
Liam Ronan

Why Conservatives Are Easily Deceived ยซ The Thinking Housewife

@Jeffrey Ade Agree. Trump is not the only choice. You can write-in the name of anyone on the Presidential ballot. It's not an either or situation.
Liam Ronan

Happy Coincidences, American Music, and Mom

Great song.
Liam Ronan

URGENT: Pray for young Texas woman with brain injury having her nutrition and hydration withdrawn - โ€ฆ

@Servant Of Divine Mercy I was just wondering if she receives home care and/or if her parents receive respite care. Do they carry the sole responsibility for her care? Is she on a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order from her personal physician? It's in God's Hands of course. I took the social media posting to be akin to a cry for help.
Liam Ronan

The Deep State wanted his brains blown out on live, global feed. They were going for a global โ€ฆ

@The Wandering Recluse "Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops." - Luke 12:2-3
Liam Ronan

Why Conservatives Are Easily Deceived ยซ The Thinking Housewife

"Clown show" - October 1, 2017 60 men and women killed and 800+ injured by sniper in Las Vegas Nevada at the Harvest Country Music Festival.
Liam Ronan

URGENT: Pray for young Texas woman with brain injury having her nutrition and hydration withdrawn - โ€ฆ

What is the young woman's age? Can she have a Guardian ad Litem appointed for her under Texas law who would independently represent her?
Liam Ronan

WATCH: Does This Look Catholic To You?

@occasnltrvlr You're taking my observation a bit far aren't you? I didn't say boo about the people in the video or cast aspersions on anyone. Just pointing out that a faith based solely on emotion is a fragile thing.
Liam Ronan

WATCH: Does This Look Catholic To You?

@yuca2111 Faith and understanding based chiefly on emotion is bound to falter.
"And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall thereof." Matthew 7:27
Liam Ronan

WATCH: Does This Look Catholic To You?

Puts me in mind of Neil Diamond's (1969) "Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show" and The Doobie Brothers' (1972) "Jesus Is Just Alright' - Right out of the largely Evangelical Christian 'Jesus Movement' that began in the 60s and fluttered out in the 70s. Emotion-based faith.
Liam Ronan


"Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!" - Thomas More 'A Man for All Seasons'
Liam Ronan

Be careful what you share on social media! ๐Ÿ‘ฎ ๐Ÿค”

Is considered social media?
Liam Ronan

Concerned Citizen @BGatesIsaPyscho Food Shortages - British Farmer โ€œThe Government has offered us a โ€ฆ

Benedict XVI alone in a room post 'resignation' praying before the image of the Immaculate Heart. Masonic crowds chant the 'pope' is our slave! (per St, Maximillian Kolbe) While we have the pope in the mirror...There are dry martyrdoms that are being suffered now (and wet ones) all of which are consistent with what we know of the Third Secret. No words; however.
Liam Ronan

Concerned Citizen @BGatesIsaPyscho Food Shortages - British Farmer โ€œThe Government has offered us a โ€ฆ

@English Catholic I've thought about those statements of St. Jacinta as well. I thought they could apply to the flood of illegals jamming the roads crying for food.
Liam Ronan

โ€œThe People Shall Save the Church.โ€ But How?

I read the article. To me, the thinking was fuzzy. A hit here; a miss there.
Liam Ronan

Kansas City: Another Reminder to Stay Confessed

@John A Cassani Have they been making them blast-proof since Oklahoma City?
Liam Ronan

Kansas City: Another Reminder to Stay Confessed

@Dr. Bobus Sad.
โ€œDeath comes for us all; even at our birth-- even at our birth, death does but stand aside a little. And every day he looks towards us and muses
somewhat to himself whether that day or the next he will draw nigh. It is the law of nature, and the will of God.โ€
โ€• Robert Bolt, A Man for All Seasons: A Play in Two Acts