Servant Of Divine Mercy

Who is St. Mary Magdalene?

St. Mary Magdalene was one of Christ's closest disciples during His earthly ministry. On this week's Saints in Focus, Br. Steve Castellano, MIC, shares how God's mercy worked …
Servant Of Divine Mercy

Trump’s Assassination Attempt. Archbishop Vigano’s Excommunication | Church and State | The Fatima …

First Saturday Challenge | #100by100 FS Challenge Signup FS Challenge Dashboard First Saturday Devotion …
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Note - For some reason I can not post any websites video straight up like, etc so go to their websites if you want to watch their …More
Note - For some reason I can not post any websites video straight up like, etc so go to their websites if you want to watch their videos from now on.

More Signs and More Wonders! Revelation 13:3—The Beast from the Sea . . . It couldn't could it?

The Beast from the Sea … 2 The beast I saw was like a leopard, with the feet of a bear and the mouth of …
We have to be careful that we do not get consumed by all of this by giving it far too much attention. We are being manipulated by principalities and …More
We have to be careful that we do not get consumed by all of this by giving it far too much attention. We are being manipulated by principalities and powers who have been studying human behavior for eons. Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven......then the rest shall be given to you.
I thought Trump's critics couldn't go lower than calling him "literally Hitler" - now we're being told he's the servant of Satan (and No I don't hold …More
I thought Trump's critics couldn't go lower than calling him "literally Hitler" - now we're being told he's the servant of Satan (and No I don't hold him as some messianic figure). Gee, guess the leftists were right all along... But don't they also serve the Father of Lies, a.k.a. the Devil? Reminded of Christ's words "a house divided against itself".
8 more comments
"Apocalyptic 150F heat dome smashes temperature records as the world bakes" (from MSN). "Heat dome settles over West Coast with 112F temps creating deadly conditions for 10 million and sparking wildfire …More
"Apocalyptic 150F heat dome smashes temperature records as the world bakes" (from MSN). "Heat dome settles over West Coast with 112F temps creating deadly conditions for 10 million and sparking wildfire fears" (The Independent). "Extreme heat waves broiling the US in 2024 aren’t normal" (The Conversation U.S.). And from Scientific American: "Geoengineering the climate could pose a new risk to the planet". Question, how bad do conditions need to be before populations wake up and realize we face a fight for life on Earth? The latest installment of Global Alert News

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 20, 2024, #467

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 20, 2024, #467 "Apocalyptic 150F heat dome smashes temperature records as the world bakes" (from …

URGENT: Pray for young Texas woman with brain injury having her nutrition and hydration withdrawn - …

(LifeSiteNews) — LifeSiteNews is urging Catholics to pray and help Margo Naranjo, a young Texas woman who …
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Not sure what her age is; we need to all pray for her. Love is growing COLD all over the world.
Liam Ronan
What is the young woman's age? Can she have a Guardian ad Litem appointed for her under Texas law who would independently represent her?
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Most Important Virtues to Get to Heaven - Explaining the Faith w/Fr. Chris Alar

It's the feast day of Saint Maximilian Kolbe is one of the 20th century's most famous saints and influential priests. Why …
Servant Of Divine Mercy

Former Pfizer VP: Why evidence is lacking for the existence of COVID-19 ‘virus’ or any other - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Michael Yeadon, who formerly served as Pfizer’s vice president and chief scientist …
I would - the virus narrative is a convenient precursor to justify a "vaccine". The fact of the matter is that they developed a spike protein - a toxin …More
I would - the virus narrative is a convenient precursor to justify a "vaccine". The fact of the matter is that they developed a spike protein - a toxin. That toxic prion actually exists and the papers describe its action. That is what was injected into the arms of billions world wide (excluding those who have received an inert placebo) Nobody denies the development or the existence of that. I do not think Virology makes sense. A virus has no energy production system. It is not a living thing. Why should it want to "spread" - to self replicate as there is no "self". It is a biological chemical (prion) generated by a piece of DNA code. The spike protein contaminates the nucleus of the cell and causes it to produce toxic proteins. I would think that if it is not cleared in the body the protein production mutates in the body and may manifest as "another" infection (assumed acquired externally but in fact internally produced). We know that it perdures in some patients for months on end so …More
I wouldn't bet my life savings on that statement
Some of us won't be distressed when the power grid GOES OUT - pray, prepare and learn QUICKLY!
Someday (within 75 to 150 years) all the fossil fuel will run out as well as the green energy technology that is dependent on oil, gas, and coal. Then …More
Someday (within 75 to 150 years) all the fossil fuel will run out as well as the green energy technology that is dependent on oil, gas, and coal. Then, this will become the norm again.

St. Margaret – Virgin, Martyr | The Fatima Center

ACCORDING to the ancient Martyrologies, St. Margaret suffered at Antioch in Pisidia, in the last general persecution. She is said to have been instructed …

The existence of God can be known through His creation

The existence of God can be known through His creation Mother Miriam Live See More On this episode of Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available …
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Yes, as a hobby I use to do landscape photography mainly focusing on first light and sunrise, sunset and moonlight, overninight long exposure photos …More
Yes, as a hobby I use to do landscape photography mainly focusing on first light and sunrise, sunset and moonlight, overninight long exposure photos and I've heard the saying that God Almighty reveals Himself through BEAUTY and ORDER; if you know an atheist or agnostic, then invite them to your next landscape photo shoot and pray for them to know that God through His Son Jesus Christ Who is the Ultimate Artist, EXISTS!!!
Hmm; what really happened? To deceive the public you have to try to make it look real. It seems we will get the answer between now and November's election.
Juan Perez
Because it was all fake and they want it to make it as obvious as possible in order to force the masses to be complicit to an obvious hoax as it was …More
Because it was all fake and they want it to make it as obvious as possible in order to force the masses to be complicit to an obvious hoax as it was the "shooting" how can people dont see this? The sane with trumpie saying his hand was covered in blood when clearly, in the pictures, it was nnot.
All Saints
Photo has been altered, people. Fake.
7 more comments

WEF Order Govt's To Strip Parents of All Rights: 'Children Belong to The State'

The globalist elite have long dreamed of the day they can enact their longstanding plans to destroy the nuclear family and …

Top Doctor Blows Whistle About Bill Gates Plan To Force Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030

Dr. Paul Thomas, a pediatrician and co-author of the upcoming book, “Vax Facts: What to Consider Before …

Why You Need to Put Newspapers in Your Vegetable Garden - Ask a Prepper

When you think of newspapers, your mind probably conjures up images of your dad reading the Sunday paper groaning about everything …

The Staged Trump 'Shooting'

Why are Secret Service agents smiling during the attack? The MSM has promptly claimed this photo was made with AI, suggesting that it is authentic. "Trump was never meant …
Some interesting points

EMP preparedness: How to protect your electronics –

Both non-preppers and preppers often rely on various electronic devices. But there is a potential threat that could render all devices …

Global cyber outage leads to worldwide travel and banking disruptions - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A global cyber outage has caused chaos worldwide, grounding flights and disrupting banking and healthcare …

How to Identify and Prevent Blood Clots

Warning! This is an older article that may not reflect Dr. Mercola’s current view on this topic. Use our search engine to find Dr. Mercola’s latest position on …

AMAZING: How Father Altman got Trump the statue of St. Michael the Archangel - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In an exclusive interview with LifeSite’s John-Henry Westen, independent Hollywood producer, …

Archbishop Viganò: The Masonic takeover of the Catholic Church began with Vatican II - LifeSite

(Catholic Family News) — In this exclusive interview, which will continue in a further installment, …
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Arguably the prophetic apparition given by Our Lady of Good Success concerning the middle of the 1900's which I agree with.