More Signs and More Wonders! Revelation 13:3—The Beast from the Sea . . . It couldn't could it?

The Beast from the Sea … 2 The beast I saw was like a leopard, with the feet of a bear and the mouth of …
We have to be careful that we do not get consumed by all of this by giving it far too much attention. We are being manipulated by principalities and powers who have been studying human behavior for eons. Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven......then the rest shall be given to you.
I thought Trump's critics couldn't go lower than calling him "literally Hitler" - now we're being told he's the servant of Satan (and No I don't hold him as some messianic figure). Gee, guess the leftists were right all along... But don't they also serve the Father of Lies, a.k.a. the Devil? Reminded of Christ's words "a house divided against itself".
Maria delos Angeles
The Antichrist gets mortally wounded, so that doesnt hold - at least not yet.
"Gee, guess the leftists were right all along... But don't they also serve the Father of Lies, a.k.a. the Devil?"
Yes, they obviously serve. But they are so blatant that they are not able to deceive.
Jeffrey Ade
@Orthocat Hitler was the enemy of the German people. And Trump is the enemy of the American people. It should be obvious Trump is part of the "deep state." It also should be easy to connect the dots. We have been posting articles to prove this relationship beyond a shadow of a doubt for sometime. Trumps ascendency to the presidency is filled with satanic connections just like Vance. And now these …More
@Orthocat Hitler was the enemy of the German people. And Trump is the enemy of the American people. It should be obvious Trump is part of the "deep state." It also should be easy to connect the dots. We have been posting articles to prove this relationship beyond a shadow of a doubt for sometime. Trumps ascendency to the presidency is filled with satanic connections just like Vance. And now these evil people have come out in broad daylight with their occult ritualistic behavior and proven their god is the devil and no one bats an eyelash! Their mockery of Catholics and Americans is off the charts and yet the zionist christians will rush to support him! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Jeffrey Ade
Maria delos Angeles
My mum on the phone told me last night she saw the Blessed Virgin covering Trump with her mantle, protecting him from the bullet(s?). Apparently dad and sis did not see, only her. Mum prays the rosary every day and other prayers.
Servant Of Divine Mercy
I didn't get a chance to watch video yet but read the article.
Jeffrey Ade
I didn't watch the video but there were a lot of rapture type comments. Not a very good source of information, but thanks for trying!
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Maybe, maybe not? However it's a possibility.
Follow the Catholic Bible version - Douay-Rheims Bible Online, Official Catholic Version with Search.More
Maybe, maybe not? However it's a possibility.

Follow the Catholic Bible version - Douay-Rheims Bible Online, Official Catholic Version with Search.