
Gänswein: Removal from Vatican Like Exile, Bitter Personal Experience

He was fired by Francis because he's not a flower-picking effeminate.

Tucho went to Francis over Concerns He Was Being "Surveilled"

If your paranoid, you must be doing some sketchy things. Perhaps, when he slips out of the Vatican in civilian cloths in the evenings to go to his boyfriend's flat, he's worried that someone is trying to catch him on video or take a photo. If he is doing those kinds of things in which many Catholics are suspicious of, I really hope someone in Rome does eventually that and exposes his scandalous …More
If your paranoid, you must be doing some sketchy things. Perhaps, when he slips out of the Vatican in civilian cloths in the evenings to go to his boyfriend's flat, he's worried that someone is trying to catch him on video or take a photo. If he is doing those kinds of things in which many Catholics are suspicious of, I really hope someone in Rome does eventually that and exposes his scandalous behavior.

95-year-old "Nazi grandma" sentenced again for Holocaust denial

Agreed, Even though she's still wrong, at her age it's really a waste time and tax payers money.

Nihilism: Tucho Begins an "Anglican Dialogue" Without Canterbury

The only reason for any ecumenical dialogue is to assist the Anglicans in seeing the errors that began with Henry VIII and accumulated over the centuries, and inviting them to cross the Tiber.

A Little Levity Never Hurts

When the enemy of my enemy becomes my friend. The liberal Western elite's behavior has pushed Russia toward closer ties with the East. It will be only when the West recovers it's traditional and classical values based on Traditional Catholicism and philosophical-realism that Russia will once again look towards the West. Don't blame Putin!

Viganò Rejects Defense Against Schism Accusation

Cardinal Vigano's eclessiastical trial will be about as fair as the one that Trump received in N.Y.

Pope Francis’ Feel-Good Gospel Fans The Flame Of Radical Gender Ideology

What's wrong with normies? The pope should reach out to the peripheries and invite some everyday Catholic families with many children to lunch, instead of trans-sex workers, porn stars, pop-icons, and corporate media comedians.

An American woman entered and refused to leave the men’s area of a Mosque in Jaffa. Police were called …

The progressives, liberals, and modernists have created a Clown world.

Another Spanish Jesuit Abused More Than 100 Indigenous Girls in Bolivia

Good point, this guy's sexual-aberration is monstrous.

Another Spanish Jesuit Abused More Than 100 Indigenous Girls in Bolivia

Tie a millstone around his neck, and throw him from a bridge.

An American woman entered and refused to leave the men’s area of a Mosque in Jaffa. Police were called …

Where is the liberal out-cry? lol. She found out, real quick what the real Islam was all about.

PiusX: New Announcement

I support the Society, but I hope they at the very least send a request to Rome for approval. Archbishop Lefebvre did no less. Rome initially approved, but then reneged on his request, (the modernists were playing politics) However, this at least showed that he was still going through the proper procedures within the structure of the Church.

10+ Wild Foods You Should Forage For This Summer - Ask a Prepper

Definitely don't put any 3 leaf greens in your salid, lol.


The Templars knew how to handle the Saracens!


That's the thesis of Salman Rushdi's book Satanic Verses that the so called Angel that brought the Koran to Mohamet was actually a demon from hell.

France: Persecution of the Church Is Going Well

They do, as they do in the U.S. They just keep a low profile. How they get around it is if they are wealthy enough, is to have the second wife in another country, or are spiritually married to the second but not legally.

PI-NEWS (Original) ❌


France: Persecution of the Church Is Going Well

Islam only advances by the sword and not through conversion. Anyone who leaves it is marked for assination by another Muslim, i.e. the writer Salman Rushdi. A Fatwa was issued decades ago and approximately 2 years ago a Muslim fanatic rushed the stage where he was speaking and cut his throat. He survived.

Burke: There Is no Such Thing as 'Non-Liturgical Blessings'

That was an awesome attack by Okawa. Sabre is the best!

Burke: There Is no Such Thing as 'Non-Liturgical Blessings'

@sp2 . . @Adrien I think there are a few if not many bishops and Cardinals who are fit. Bishops Barron, Cordileone, Cdl. Ganswein. My RCIA priest many years ago was a blackbelt in judo and a marathon runner. This is muscular Catholicism, something worthy of inspiring young men. This is why I go to the gym and fence b/c staying fit and strong at any age is a rebellion against modernity that promotes …More
@sp2 . . @Adrien I think there are a few if not many bishops and Cardinals who are fit. Bishops Barron, Cordileone, Cdl. Ganswein. My RCIA priest many years ago was a blackbelt in judo and a marathon runner. This is muscular Catholicism, something worthy of inspiring young men. This is why I go to the gym and fence b/c staying fit and strong at any age is a rebellion against modernity that promotes no control of self and hedonism.