
😭😭Watch What The Baby Does Next! #thisiseverything

@Boanerges Boanerges You don't know Latinas. No matter what, they always look good. I know b/c I'm married to one!

Priest: Pope Francis causing ‘many schisms’ and ‘deeper wounds’ in the Church than any other Pope …

In my previous work in the justice system with courts, I dealt with many bad hombres. However, many had wives and children. They didn't speak like someone's father, didn't act Iike someone's father, didn't teach their children truth but many lies and errors. But in realty, they were still the father.
No matter how bad, how much of a Clown, or a Judas, or a teacher of errors, the pope is...still …More
In my previous work in the justice system with courts, I dealt with many bad hombres. However, many had wives and children. They didn't speak like someone's father, didn't act Iike someone's father, didn't teach their children truth but many lies and errors. But in realty, they were still the father.

No matter how bad, how much of a Clown, or a Judas, or a teacher of errors, the pope is...still the pope! I will always defend the papacy, even as I criticize a bad pope.

Trump pledges to get jailed pro-lifers ‘back to their families’

It's who has the best policies not personality. However, when Trump wins, the Democrat-socialists will go into hyper drive in attempting to undermine and hamstring his administration with frivolous lawsuits, espionage and leaks from gov agency hacks, and fomenting riots in American cities. Just be prepared.

Germany: Iranian man attacks three policemen with a knife and is shot dead (Video)

No worries he's Muslim so he will get off with a fine or court ordered counseling.

An Act of God cancels NYC Pride …as city warns of severe thunderstorms

It got canceled in Poland also but it was b/c the pridies were rained upon by tomatoes and trash by Catholics who were protecting their children. It also was shut down in Russia but that needs no explanation.

Linz Cathedral Shows Naked Mary Giving Birth

In Germany they would arrest you for a hate crime for doing that, unless you're a Muslim.

With God Against Man - Full Movie

Thank you for posting this. A true Catholic knight and hero. Senor Mendes saved thousands of our Elder brothers from the Nazi death camps!

Linz Cathedral Shows Naked Mary Giving Birth

The liberal Germanic mind never ceases to astonish. This is why when ever I vacation in Italy or Spain I try and avoid the German and Austrian tourists.

Christians in Israel!

That's something we can both agree on! I'm not a zionist BTW, but I'm also not a Islamist (Muslim form of zionism) - the Palestinians also do not have an inherent right to rule the state of Israel simply b/c they took it from the Jews and Christains by force in the 7th century.

Many such cases, sadly 😕 There are far more predatory men who will gladly steal your years and your …

He didn't commit to her b/c he didn't see her as wife material; she probably had a high body count and a lot of drama, but he also didn't turn her away b/c she was giving it away for free. So, when he finally met a high value woman he dropped her like a used up rag.

Christians in Israel!

So do many Evangelicals. As I mentioned in San Antonio Tx John Hagee's church are obnoxious Catholic haters. Moreover, even before Vatican 2, Catholic religious orders did not evangelize the way Protestants do.

Christians in Israel!

Misbehaving kids is not a reason to fall into the fallacy of hasty generalization and hate all jews.

Christians in Israel!

How did they even know they were Christian? Was it b/c they were evangelizing in the neighborhood? I've seen them do this in San Antonio Texas in hispanic Catholic neighborhoods and the Catholic kids started to shout insults b/c the John Hagee Cornerstone Church evangelizers were telling the kids that they were going to hell for being Catholic and the Pope was the whore of Babylon. Protestants can …More
How did they even know they were Christian? Was it b/c they were evangelizing in the neighborhood? I've seen them do this in San Antonio Texas in hispanic Catholic neighborhoods and the Catholic kids started to shout insults b/c the John Hagee Cornerstone Church evangelizers were telling the kids that they were going to hell for being Catholic and the Pope was the whore of Babylon. Protestants can be very irksome

Nihilism: Tucho Begins an "Anglican Dialogue" Without Canterbury

Our times have become so crazy that now there are groups, as you mentioned such as the ACNA, that are more conservative on marriage than the Pope and his inner Vatican circle, and certainly more orthodox than the majority of German bishops.

95-year-old "Nazi grandma" sentenced again for Holocaust denial

Non sequitur. This has nothing to do with abortifecients or abortion. I'm against abortion in any form, and I'm pretty sure being Catholic that Naomi Arari is as well.

Gänswein: Removal from Vatican Like Exile, Bitter Personal Experience

He was fired by Francis because he's not a flower-picking effeminate.

Tucho went to Francis over Concerns He Was Being "Surveilled"

If your paranoid, you must be doing some sketchy things. Perhaps, when he slips out of the Vatican in civilian cloths in the evenings to go to his boyfriend's flat, he's worried that someone is trying to catch him on video or take a photo. If he is doing those kinds of things in which many Catholics are suspicious of, I really hope someone in Rome does eventually that and exposes his scandalous …More
If your paranoid, you must be doing some sketchy things. Perhaps, when he slips out of the Vatican in civilian cloths in the evenings to go to his boyfriend's flat, he's worried that someone is trying to catch him on video or take a photo. If he is doing those kinds of things in which many Catholics are suspicious of, I really hope someone in Rome does eventually that and exposes his scandalous behavior.

95-year-old "Nazi grandma" sentenced again for Holocaust denial

Agreed, Even though she's still wrong, at her age it's really a waste time and tax payers money.

Nihilism: Tucho Begins an "Anglican Dialogue" Without Canterbury

The only reason for any ecumenical dialogue is to assist the Anglicans in seeing the errors that began with Henry VIII and accumulated over the centuries, and inviting them to cross the Tiber.