Ari B
Ari B

"What is a Catholic teacher to do in the current climate?"

@The Wandering Recluse I would agree that this is the last great nation maybe 10-20 years ago, but we are a communist nation now. It's creepy.
Ari B

"What is a Catholic teacher to do in the current climate?"

@Lylyander That's a good question. I am planning on trying either an SSPX school, a JET programme in Japan, or maybe even a Russian school. Who knows? Can't be any worse.
Ari B

"What is a Catholic teacher to do in the current climate?"

I'm a teacher planning on moving to another country from the US. It's pretty darn bad here.
Ari B

Superstar Casey Cole OFM Causes a Stir

He's a hippie Novus Ordo priest. Whatever.
Ari B

Blood of Volhynia

Ukraine was also made of a lot of Germans, Austrians, and Polish nationals. They did some horrible, unspeakable things. Even Putin was talking about what they had done in the Tucker Carlson interview. God bless Russia.
Ari B

Fire on the Spire of Rouen Cathedral

Marine Le Pen winning...muslims protest...and all of a sudden this is on fire again....nah, can't be related. 🥴