
Superstar Casey Cole OFM Causes a Stir

Father Casey Cole, a Franciscan, published on Instagram.com (8 July) a video showing him on "America's Got Talent", an American talent competition broadcast on the NBC television network. However, Cole …More
Father Casey Cole, a Franciscan, published on Instagram.com (8 July) a video showing him on "America's Got Talent", an American talent competition broadcast on the NBC television network.
However, Cole has never been a guest on this show, which is aimed at the simple-minded. He simply filmed himself in liturgical vestments behind a Eucharistic table and mixed it with scenes from the show. The video is so well done that simple minds believe that Cole's appearance on the show actually happened.
The video begins with one of the judges asking Cole how he is doing. Cole replies: "I feel so sick I could throw up." He then introduces himself as a "Catholic priest", causing the audience to go into hysterics. After a few more nonsensical questions, he starts his performance. It consits in the words of institution of the Novus Ordo Eucharist and the elevation of a host.
The "consecration" of the host is followed by another outburst of enthusiastic hysteria. End of the video. Instagram claims that …More
Faith In The Ruins
Why do I recognize his name? I don't think it's for positive reasons.
But, no, Father. I understand what you're trying to do. It's just in incredibly poor taste. If my six year old can grasp the difference between the reverence and honor due to God and the adulation the crowds give an entertainer, then you should as well.More
Why do I recognize his name? I don't think it's for positive reasons.

But, no, Father. I understand what you're trying to do. It's just in incredibly poor taste. If my six year old can grasp the difference between the reverence and honor due to God and the adulation the crowds give an entertainer, then you should as well.
Focus on Christ, Fr. not yourself and worldly glory.
He's the catholic version of that "Zoomer" kid whose made a name for himself boosting Biden 😬 🤪 Except in this case it's Francis & Vatican II.
The Wandering Recluse
Fr. Cole has been corrected a number of times on the things he posts, by more knowledgeable people than I, but I did have it out with him several years ago and he blocked me, then YouTube shadow banned me. I won't attempt to judge his intentions but Fr. Cole is clueless on some topics and his arrogance and pride are badges he wears proudly. It's all about the attention.
Ari B
He's a hippie Novus Ordo priest. Whatever.
Father Karl A Claver
Those HUGE hosts are disgusting. When the priest breaks IT, pieces and fragments are all over the place. One priest told me that a chunk fell on his head.
Maria delos Angeles
He is precisely making the point of why the Novus Ordo should be rejected as anthropocentric and abrogated as soon as sanity reigns from on higher up.
Most probably it was invalid.
English Catholic
Obviously has some psychiatric / attention seeking problems. Should be laicised a.s.a.p.