Now they tell us Russia is bad. I do not deny , at least it was rarely good. But the Ukrainians murdered in a bestial manner (so cruel that even the Nazis were horrified) about 200,000 Poles, Jews and Russians were not spared either. It was genocide. I know that the real criminals were Hitler or Stalin, who murdered millions. But no one murdered with such bestial, animal hatred as the Ukrainian …More
Now they tell us Russia is bad. I do not deny , at least it was rarely good. But the Ukrainians murdered in a bestial manner (so cruel that even the Nazis were horrified) about 200,000 Poles, Jews and Russians were not spared either. It was genocide. I know that the real criminals were Hitler or Stalin, who murdered millions. But no one murdered with such bestial, animal hatred as the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Now they have decided to murder their own people. Even if Russia is evil, it does not change the fact that Nazi Ukraine is very evil.

Blood of Volhynia

grain shines golden in the sun beautiful land on the horizon is our Volhynia! Poland has been here for centuries tradition bloomed like an apple blossom on Sundays we met only in church …
The Bandera boys were ultra-nationalist nazis. They propagated the the myth that the Ayan race originated from the Ukrainian mountain valleys and are the superior race. They view other slavs -Rus, Poles, Czechs, etc as Mongrals and sub-human. They were even more ruthless and brutal than the Waffen SS. The Azov neo-nazi Brigade looks to Bandera as their spiritual father and idol.
Ari B
Ukraine was also made of a lot of Germans, Austrians, and Polish nationals. They did some horrible, unspeakable things. Even Putin was talking about what they had done in the Tucker Carlson interview. God bless Russia.