Catholic during the Great Apostasy
Spiritual emptiness attracts all the evil with which the world is filled. It is quite easy to recognise such a soul. Fanaticism, that is, the blind and mindless denial of objective truth. It should be …More
Spiritual emptiness attracts all the evil with which the world is filled. It is quite easy to recognise such a soul. Fanaticism, that is, the blind and mindless denial of objective truth. It should be recalled here that faith in the teachings handed down to us by our Lord Jesus Christ is the only one. which is grounded in all the laws governing the reality around us. As I have written on more than one occasion, it is impossible. for the God who created this world to contradict Himself, and therefore the laws governing this world are in perfect conformity with the laws of God.

About modern ‘Catholicism’: The impact of heresy and communism on contemporary religious practice

photo: Albrecht Dürer- Our Lord Jesus Christ said: render to the emperor what is emperor’s and to God …
Matters of faith will still come up so I won’t discuss them now, but everything translates precisely into the recognition that man is equal to God, or even greater than Him. A basic principle that …More
Matters of faith will still come up so I won’t discuss them now, but everything translates precisely into the recognition that man is equal to God, or even greater than Him. A basic principle that practically everyone now adheres to. Any ideology that dethrones God rolls to the bottom , eventually devours its own creators. The French Revolution and communism confirm this. There has been a complete animalization of man and his values. Why should it be different with man as an individual? By rejecting God , or declaring themselves equal, humans become even worse than animals , because animals have an instinct for self-preservation, and humans lose even that and pursue self-destruction. And besides, they are easy to manage as a mindless mass that has lost the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Talking to a converted Freemason – Maybe at least a few people will realize that they are mental …

Part I. November 2019 Part II March 2021 Source:
Immersed in darkness They walk blind and passive Nameless and masked Pawns on the chessboard Prisoners of camps With numbers not on their hands But burned in their minds They threw away the crown of …More
Immersed in darkness
They walk blind and passive
Nameless and masked
Pawns on the chessboard
Prisoners of camps
With numbers not on their hands
But burned in their minds
They threw away the crown of thorns They forgot you Lord The world kills them with venomous thorns And they give it their children In their veins flows doom Death on demand Bodies for the soul is long dead I look for love in their eyes I find emptiness that crushes They hid their smiles with masks Their hearts desire the goods of this world There is no room there For family, for children or brother People without faces Faceless lambs They think of love without limits Living locked in the media abyss Being prisoners they buried the keys to their cells deep Dawn will scatter the darkness at last Who will survive this slaughter? Only those who give everything to God

Faceless people

Immersed in darknessThey walk blind and passiveNameless and maskedPawns on the chessboardPrisoners of campsWith numbers not on their handsBut burned in their mindsThey threw away the …
My e-book: Loneliness of the Soul. How to save your life after contact with witchcraft, parapsychology, and other facets of evil has been removed by Amazon.This does not surprise me personally at all,…More
My e-book:
Loneliness of the Soul.
How to save your life after contact with witchcraft, parapsychology, and other facets of evil
has been removed by Amazon.This does not surprise me personally at all, because our enemies know what people who consider themselves Catholic have forgotten. Having run the website for several years, I have noticed that they argue about the outward manifestations of the faith forgetting that everything has its beginning and end in our souls, so in them we should worship God, because otherwise everything we do has no meaning and may even offend our Lord Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately for us, our enemies have not forgotten this and they know very well that the real victory must be achieved precisely in the spiritual battle. This is why our website is constantly being blocked, and this time my book has been banned.
Please answer the question: how is it that many websites and portals function normally and develop even though they are supposedly “anti …More

Loneliness of the Soul – Forbidden E-book

My e-book: has been removed by Amazon.This does not surprise me personally at all, because our enemies know what people who consider themselves Catholic have …
My Way of the Cross I close my eyes not to see I cover my ears not to hear but the world invades my life with its boots on the ground only my soul resists firmly sunk in God although hell dictates the …More
My Way of the Cross
I close my eyes not to see
I cover my ears not to hear
but the world invades my life with its boots on the ground
only my soul resists
firmly sunk in God
although hell dictates the conditions around
it fights to Golgotha heading tirelessly body exhausted battered by the pangs of loneliness huddled bleeds with the dream of eternity I look to Mother Help I want to scream but I whisper Please! once again I jump as if to fly the curtains are falling struck by the monstrosities of the world I fall under the mockery with my eyes I am searching for my dearest Mother she is right beside me she is with me she didn’t cry I can’t either I reach out my hand to you God drenched in blood stained with sin once again I raise my head with difficulty I get up and on my knees I set out on my journey Lord your will be done Mother tenderly wipes my face Go Go I am with you all the time Arkadiusz Niewolski

My Way of the Cross

I close my eyes not to see I cover my ears not to hear but the world invades my life with its boots on the ground only my soul resists firmly sunk in God although hell dictates the …
Whoever, therefore, does not accept or, if he is able to seek, does not seek the true religion, opposes the will of God and condemns himself; and the only true religion can be the one revealed by Christ …More
Whoever, therefore, does not accept or, if he is able to seek, does not seek the true religion, opposes the will of God and condemns himself; and the only true religion can be the one revealed by Christ through his Church.
It is therefore incomprehensible and anti-religious for the new apostles of the “religions of mankind” to want to merge all religions into one, that is, to leave only a vague religious feeling and to establish on this basis a universal brotherhood of peoples (2), – or at least to exclude from the individual Christian confessions all that they differ from each other, in order instead to create a “substantial, non-dogmatic and non-confessional Christianity” (3).
It is also impious for deists and rationalists to claim that there is no need to concern oneself with dogmas, which are merely human inventions intended to put religious beliefs into certain formulas, but that it is enough to live a good life, that is, to act according to the principles of morality derived from …More

Only one religion can be true – St. J. S. Pelczar

We are confronted with the objection: All religions are based on truth and give man some rule of life: is it not right, then, to leave him to his will …
Father Karl A Claver
Vatican II watered everything down, so why become Catholic or be baptized if everyone is saved. This makes Christ a liar, which is heresy.
Now they tell us Russia is bad. I do not deny , at least it was rarely good. But the Ukrainians murdered in a bestial manner (so cruel that even the Nazis were horrified) about 200,000 Poles, Jews and …More
Now they tell us Russia is bad. I do not deny , at least it was rarely good. But the Ukrainians murdered in a bestial manner (so cruel that even the Nazis were horrified) about 200,000 Poles, Jews and Russians were not spared either. It was genocide. I know that the real criminals were Hitler or Stalin, who murdered millions. But no one murdered with such bestial, animal hatred as the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Now they have decided to murder their own people. Even if Russia is evil, it does not change the fact that Nazi Ukraine is very evil.

Blood of Volhynia

grain shines golden in the sun beautiful land on the horizon is our Volhynia! Poland has been here for centuries tradition bloomed like an apple blossom on Sundays we met only in church …
The Bandera boys were ultra-nationalist nazis. They propagated the the myth that the Ayan race originated from the Ukrainian mountain valleys and are …More
The Bandera boys were ultra-nationalist nazis. They propagated the the myth that the Ayan race originated from the Ukrainian mountain valleys and are the superior race. They view other slavs -Rus, Poles, Czechs, etc as Mongrels and sub-human. They were even more ruthless and brutal than the Waffen SS. The Azov neo-nazi Brigade looks to Bandera as their spiritual father and idol.
Ari B
Ukraine was also made of a lot of Germans, Austrians, and Polish nationals. They did some horrible, unspeakable things. Even Putin was talking about …More
Ukraine was also made of a lot of Germans, Austrians, and Polish nationals. They did some horrible, unspeakable things. Even Putin was talking about what they had done in the Tucker Carlson interview. God bless Russia.
Apostle Paul expounds to us this mystery of sorrow and death. Sin goes so far as to renew in our hearts the passion of God, to torment Him again on the Cross. And yet the beloved Saviour gives us His …More
Apostle Paul expounds to us this mystery of sorrow and death. Sin goes so far as to renew in our hearts the passion of God, to torment Him again on the Cross. And yet the beloved Saviour gives us His Heart, a Heart with a cross, so that we may know that sin is the cause of God’s renewed death on the cross. Let us remember with our hand on our heart the greatest of the sins of our lives, let us cast our gaze upon this Divine Cross, upon this Cross on which we hung the Saviour.
Let us listen to this God, He says and now as He said at Calvary: “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do…”. And let us implore Him in tears for forgiveness, let us pledge to Him that we will never offend Him again, never inflict death on Him in our hearts.
These are the great truths contained in the Cross of Jesus, which He brings to our remembrance, and is it not enough a single remembrance of that Cross to repel temptation and avoid sin… O my God, rather suffer everything than renew Your Passion, …More

What the Cross of Jesus teaches us.

The Cross of the Lord Jesus gives us a teaching of infinite value for salvation; a teaching of what sin is and what the human soul is. I. In what way will the Cross …
It is important to note the real reason for this punishment. The non-recognition of Bergoglio as pope and the rejection of Vatican Council II is, in my opinion, just a smokescreen to hide the real reason …More
It is important to note the real reason for this punishment. The non-recognition of Bergoglio as pope and the rejection of Vatican Council II is, in my opinion, just a smokescreen to hide the real reason for the attempt to silence Archb. Vigano.
Vigano often points to the Vatican’s links with the so-called ‘deep state’, i.e. the corrupt globalist elite , rich and capable of murdering the human population in the name of their sick ideologies. That’s how, in one sentence, one can put it and the fact is that these links exist. And Vigano is 100 per cent right in saying so, and he was punished for it – For rejecting the communist concept of one government, one state and one religion.

Vatican has passed sentence on Archbishop Vigano!

The Vatican has issued a decision declaring Archbishop Vigano a schismatic, and thus he is excommunicated. The media do not write that this was done by …
Loneliness, rejection do not frighten me, my whole life has been a struggle But silence kills me, it is the heaviest cross you have given me. I know, Lord, that in Your mercy You give only as much as …More
Loneliness, rejection do not frighten me, my whole life has been a struggle
But silence kills me, it is the heaviest cross you have given me.
I know, Lord, that in Your mercy You give only as much as we can bear.
Yet I, who was once filled with pride shouted: The impossible does not exist!
Now to rise sometimes I can no longer. I try and eventually rise but shattered and getting weaker and weaker.
And this seeing of the truth, it overwhelms me like a very heavy stone.
Maybe it’s not the Truth that overwhelms me, it’s the lie that I see perfectly.
Falsehood and hypocrisy have replaced Your commandments Lord God Dearest! I am talking to the wall. Without ears, without eyes , empty inside

The prayer – confidences

God, God, why hast thou forsaken me! I would like to shout for the Beloved Saviour. Why have you left me in this human world that has become a dumping ground? Or was it one all …
In connection with the accusations leveled against Fr. Peter Glas of child molestation, I am not speaking out until the final court verdict but a correction is needed. There are terms in the media that …More
In connection with the accusations leveled against Fr. Peter Glas of child molestation, I am not speaking out until the final court verdict but a correction is needed. There are terms in the media that he is a “Marian” or “traditionalist” priest. This is an obvious misrepresentation, since the Medjugorie apparition he promoted has nothing to do with the Blessed Virgin Mary. The likes of him, or his colleague Fr. D. Chmielewski, are the preachers who, in their public speeches, linked this apparition with the Blessed Virgin Mary committed and are committing blasphemy. Besides, the fact that someone says something more conservative than the rest does not mean that he is a traditionalist. A mere modernist preacher, has become the cause for another attack and on true traditional Catholic teaching. And this has already happened – regardless of the court ruling.

Catholic truth, versus lies and demons: Child abuse in the modernist church

In connection with the accusations leveled against Fr. Peter Glas of child molestation, I am not speaking out until the final …

Few only

The dawn of morning wakes the world A light drizzle washes the thirsty earth Nature is so simple And yet complicated The wind will cool you down the sun will warm you … But man always wants more and …More
The dawn of morning wakes the world
A light drizzle washes the thirsty earth
Nature is so simple
And yet complicated
The wind will cool you down the sun will warm you …
But man always wants more and more …
He has a slice of bread then he would like three
Maybe two he’ll throw away but he’ll show that he has more than you You won’t meet anyone under the fig tree, Lord It’s so poor and not today’s Now only churches count Buildings once beautiful now ugly In which people talk and talk and talk…. You Lord are long gone there But they don’t care Some man is a god to them and there are as many gods as there are people You have a sad face but sometimes seeing someone who sees you God beams with joy and love Few only… A light rain cools the thirsty lips The soul is washed by your crystal clear gaze We move on and the world hates us as it always has
A good example is the case of Karol Wojtyla. He was praised by almost all the media. No one was puzzled by the fact that on a daily basis the leftist media, in Poland extremely anti-Polish, wrote almost …More
A good example is the case of Karol Wojtyla. He was praised by almost all the media. No one was puzzled by the fact that on a daily basis the leftist media, in Poland extremely anti-Polish, wrote almost poems about his greatness. Every other thing they described was called leftist lies, but not this. And yet at least Catholics should know that popes have never been praised by the Left, much less by Masonic lodges (as in the case of the last few popes). However, people do not see what is visible. only what. they want to see and what agrees with their views. And that it rarely agrees with the facts is all the worse for the facts.
Living in such a hypocritical world, it is hard to make correct decisions without the spiritual support that only Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother give.
Many here will fervently affirm this, ignoring the fact that since Fatima there have been many phantoms who only claim to be the Blessed Virgin Mary and are not her. A very brief analysis of these …More

Truth and spiritual support – key decisions in a hypocritical world

Life has become a trap, or maybe even Russian roulette – only with one empty chamber . Although the decisions we have to make shouldn’t …
Father Karl A Claver
The more I learn, the more I am distrustful of everything pertaining from V2, including the popes who were governing since 1958. Most of them were lame …More
The more I learn, the more I am distrustful of everything pertaining from V2, including the popes who were governing since 1958. Most of them were lame. Even Konrad Adenauer, a former chancellor of Germany, said that a clown (John XXIII) was sitting on the papal throne.
We are a people with hearts of stone, hearts as hard as a street pavement; the life of Christ leaves not a trace on them. Therefore, if we wish to be saved, our hearts must be tender, sensitive, enlivened …More
We are a people with hearts of stone, hearts as hard as a street pavement; the life of Christ leaves not a trace on them. Therefore, if we wish to be saved, our hearts must be tender, sensitive, enlivened; our hearts must be contrived, ploughed like soil, dug up, watered, tended, cultivated, until they become like a garden, a garden of Eden, worthy of the approval of our God, gardens in which the Lord God will be able to walk, in which He will be able to dwell; gardens filled not with wild bushes and thorns, but with fragrant and useful saplings of heavenly trees and flowers. Deserts and barren wastelands must be irrigated by streams of living water.

Abiding with your thoughts on Christ transforms your heart!

We will see this more clearly if we consider that we feel something different when addressing or speaking of our friends when they are present …
But that is the simplicity of the Christian faith. On its complete conformity with the laws of nature, logic, or so-called science in general. This is why, for the builders of the new world order – …More
But that is the simplicity of the Christian faith. On its complete conformity with the laws of nature, logic, or so-called science in general. This is why, for the builders of the new world order – globalists, Freemasons, etc., or to put it in one word – communists, Christianity is the most dangerous and ruthlessly fought against.
All other religions are based on lies and therefore often lack logic, and this means that faith must be based on an even fanatical acceptance of even the greatest nonsense they convey.
Followers of false religions are very obedient and easily led. If they already accept some lies and believe them fanatically, they will believe anything as long as it is skilfully suggested to them, i.e. interpreted and ‘explained’.
However, if religion is simple, logical and does not eliminate in people the ability to think, it becomes enemy number 1. Therefore, the priority of the present-day masters of this world is the elimination or even extermination of everything that …More

Christianity and World Order: Danger to Globalists, Clarity in Faith

The simplicity of the faith handed down to us by the Beloved Saviour is based on truth alone. All other aspects are, as it were, merely …
I know , it is much easier to rush down the highway to hell, along with most . You look then and even when you see up the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ , you are terrified of this uphill road of the …More
I know , it is much easier to rush down the highway to hell, along with most . You look then and even when you see up the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ , you are terrified of this uphill road of the cross . You also sometimes see the Blessed Virgin Mary as she stretches out her hand and says : though close your eyes do not look at the world, I will lead you to the Son of the Living God, who alone is Truth and Salvation. You are outraged – because, after all, I am not blind and a slave. – I am free, I will go my own way. Yes, it is your choice. God has given you free will. However, why do you continue to rush along with the majority ? You don’t want to be a blind man. You want to be free, to make your own decisions, not submitting to anyone’s will – not even God’s . So why, seeing everything wrong, don’t you reject it, but continue to be stuck in it ? Where is this freedom of yours? Nothing is hidden, no one speaks in whispers anymore, no one is plotting treason secretly . Everything is …More


Zanurzony w ciszy nie słyszę gwaru świata. Chociaż przedziera się on i jak ostry sztylet rani i chce zabić, albo przynajmniej obezwładnić. Zabrałeś mi mowę i słuch, a dałeś mi prawdę. Prawdę …

Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani

In the silence of the city, a sleepy song is heard A voiceless hymn announces death The executioner is sharpening his sword The truth hurts them but it won’t save me They all shout: Kill him! To me …More
In the silence of the city, a sleepy song is heard
A voiceless hymn announces death
The executioner is sharpening his sword
The truth hurts them but it won’t save me
They all shout: Kill him!
To me it’s just a whisper
Suddenly the soul speaks up
..If I lie then tell me where… The answer falls on the pavement Head smashed everywhere only blood Why do you hit me? Like a viper you wrap me with lies! After all, I can’t say that: Modernist venom is real bread! I look around with hope I look for a priest dressed in black Let someone give me a hand In empty eyes You can see my verdict They sing a song of mercy Burnt hands clap in rhythm The last look at the cross Lord, your will be done! I kneel ……. I lay my head …. In the distance you can hear a joyful song … this is love …. kill him ! The fallen nodded his hand And the executioner ended my life He turned to the purple crowd Fools think I’m not there! Arkadiusz Niewolski
Where are you going man? where are you pushing this miserable life of yours? you have forgotten who has led you for centuries you have forgotten who gave you life you desire tolerance you desire …More
Where are you going man?
where are you pushing this miserable life of yours?
you have forgotten who has led you for centuries
you have forgotten who gave you life
you desire tolerance
you desire brotherhood
and you say how beautiful this world will be
stop rushing stop rushing think in silence what does this earthly paradise of yours really look like? blood flows through the streets of children and old people and you paint a rainbow sign over them shouting: my body is more important your democracy is successful initiating wars for your interests and you standing with the flag of love with hatred you scream : kill others in the name of freedom you threw away God because you have doctors but they can’t stop the suicide plague you try to occupy the void left by Him with your greatness with your reason and you cry at night swallowing drug doom and during the day you dance as they play for you infernal assassins waiting for your doom

Human life

Where are you going man? where are you pushing this miserable life of yours? you have forgotten who has led you for centuries you have forgotten who gave you life you desire tolerance you …
...Only the Ten Commandments Thou hast given us, but in them Thou hast described what a perfect world should look like People write whole books, create thousands of commandments and precepts, and all …More
...Only the Ten Commandments Thou hast given us, but in them Thou hast described what a perfect world should look like
People write whole books, create thousands of commandments and precepts, and all they have done is to approach the gates of hell.
The sight of Your Most Precious Blood disturbs people
So innocently shed
So cruelly battered
But the gutter of filth and sin in which the world wallows no longer bothers!
The river of blood of the unborn
Flows through the streets of every city And someone asks : Why do you keep showing the battered body of Christ? Because the greatest love is born in suffering. It is not a dream in the clouds It is not a daydream, but Golgotha, on which the three crosses stood to show how everyone should act. Please, Lord, surround our souls with love! May hardships and obstacles strengthen us Let the joys remind us that You are among us! Amen

Love you my God!

I love you my God! I love You though the world hates You! How light the crosses are When I am not alone How light the Crosses are When my eyes are closed. To trust and go where Your …
chris griffin

Give me wings, God!

I run Lord I rush to Thy door life is moving too slowly I can’t wait When it will end! Lord give me wings Give me strength I will soar to where You are! I know you love me. There on the road you gave …More
I run Lord
I rush to Thy door
life is moving too slowly
I can’t wait
When it will end!
Lord give me wings
Give me strength
I will soar to where You are! I know you love me. There on the road you gave me a sign When to the bottom I was falling. But You saved me ! but You loved me ! so I run to Your feet and though my cross is heavy I want to be where You are but I will not cry, O Lord I know that tears will help nothing I know that with You on this mountain I have to climb but you know that I love You! Forgive me Lord though I nailed You to a tree Forgive me oh Lord That I have searched for You for so long But now Lord I am here although sometimes I think I’m dreaming For you, O Lord, love me so please don’t let me sleep so that I don’t miss the gates of heaven O Lord give me wings That I may soar where You are! O Lord I still run to Your door! O Lord when I stand before Your face I beg You not to cast me down into the abyss do not take You away from me Lord give me wings I will soar to …More