Whoever, therefore, does not accept or, if he is able to seek, does not seek the true religion, opposes the will of God and condemns himself; and the only true religion can be the one revealed by Christ through his Church.
It is therefore incomprehensible and anti-religious for the new apostles of the “religions of mankind” to want to merge all religions into one, that is, to leave only a vague …More
Whoever, therefore, does not accept or, if he is able to seek, does not seek the true religion, opposes the will of God and condemns himself; and the only true religion can be the one revealed by Christ through his Church.

It is therefore incomprehensible and anti-religious for the new apostles of the “religions of mankind” to want to merge all religions into one, that is, to leave only a vague religious feeling and to establish on this basis a universal brotherhood of peoples (2), – or at least to exclude from the individual Christian confessions all that they differ from each other, in order instead to create a “substantial, non-dogmatic and non-confessional Christianity” (3).

It is also impious for deists and rationalists to claim that there is no need to concern oneself with dogmas, which are merely human inventions intended to put religious beliefs into certain formulas, but that it is enough to live a good life, that is, to act according to the principles of morality derived from reason alone. First of all, it is not man who invented religious truth, but God Himself who revealed it and commanded it to be accepted by faith, while the first duty that this truth imposes is that of worshipping God and keeping His commandments. Secondly, a morality that is not based on religion, that is, on faith, hope and charity, is a fragile web that can be torn apart at any moment by the wind. Mankind would be poor if it had nothing else but such morality.

Only one religion can be true – St. J. S. Pelczar

We are confronted with the objection: All religions are based on truth and give man some rule of life: is it not right, then, to leave him to his will …
Father Karl A Claver
Vatican II watered everything down, so why become Catholic or be baptized if everyone is saved. This makes Christ a liar, which is heresy.