Billy F

Holy Land churches denounce ‘coordinated attack’ against Christians

ACI Prensa Staff, Jun 29, 2024 / 08:00 am In the midst of the Hamas-Israel war in Gaza, the patriarchs and leaders of ancient Christian …

The Katechon

If the Mass of the Ages is totally suppressed, could this be the Katechon???
"If the Mass of the Ages is totally suppressed" --- Impossible.More
"If the Mass of the Ages is totally suppressed"
Billy F

True Israel

1948, Bankster Created, Secular Humanist land mass called Israel is not the Israel of God. The Holy Roman Catholic Church, The conquered 4th Kingdom of Daniel, the Davidic Kingdom in the mortal Realm IS!!!
Jeffrey Ade
@Billy F It is so wonderful as we read the Sacred Scriptures to begin to understand the difference between Judea, and Israel. It becomes plain that …More
@Billy F It is so wonderful as we read the Sacred Scriptures to begin to understand the difference between Judea, and Israel. It becomes plain that Israel is the spiritual kingdom of God and not the physical realm of Palestine. Sad so many do not see this. Sion is the Holy Sanctuary of the Catholic Church! Anything else is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

The False Jesus

The False ‘Jesus’ the World Loves… Here are some of his attributes: He will allow everyone into Heaven. He came to bring peace, not division. He doesn’t require obedience. He doesn’t require repentance. …More
The False ‘Jesus’ the World Loves…
Here are some of his attributes:
He will allow everyone into Heaven.
He came to bring peace, not division.
He doesn’t require obedience.
He doesn’t require repentance.
He doesn’t require holiness.
He doesn’t require acceptance. He is only the privileged way. He only preaches love. He never says anything offensive. He allows divorce and remarriage. He allows degenerate marriages. He blesses sin. He never tells anyone they’re wicked. He allows woman Priestesses. He allows woman Deaconesses. He calls everyone his children. He will not send anyone to hell. He wants you to do your own will. His commandments are only suggestions. If you are following this false ‘Jesus’, let me tell you his real name… Lucifer Galatians 1:8
Naomi Arai
That and purgatory is just a waiting room where you hang out until you’re ready for heaven…definitely not a torturous hell with a time limit to expiate …More
That and purgatory is just a waiting room where you hang out until you’re ready for heaven…definitely not a torturous hell with a time limit to expiate sins….that would be way too mean. 😒
Billy F
Comedians to the Vatican… While Faithful Catholic Cardinals are routinely blocked…

Pope Francis to Meet Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Other Top Comedians at Vatican

Pope Francis to Meet Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Other Top Comedians at Vatican Jim Gaffigan, Conan O’Brien, Chris …
Clowns meeting clowns

True Israel!

Catholicism is post Messianic Judaism. Judaism is Pre Messianic Catholicism. They are in fact the true continuum of True Israel. Talmudic Zionist Jews reject the True Messiah and have nothing to do with …More
Catholicism is post Messianic Judaism. Judaism is Pre Messianic Catholicism. They are in fact the true continuum of True Israel. Talmudic Zionist Jews reject the True Messiah and have nothing to do with True and Eternal Israel. There is no way to the Father without the Son!
John 14:6
Hebrews 8:13
Matthew 21:33-43
1 John 2:22-23
Galatians 6:15-17
Let us also pray for the Jews: That our Lord may illuminate their hearts, that they acknowledge Jesus Christ is the Savior of all men. Almighty and eternal God, who wants that all men be saved and come to the recognition of the truth, propitiously grant that even as the fullness of the peoples enters Thy Church, all Israel be saved. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Modern Talmudic Zionists are now Esau. They rejected their Birthright. They rejected the True Messiah. The Blessing has now been given to others. Catholics are now Jacob. The Mosaic/Sinai Covenant is ended and cannot save you. The Vail was ripped apart, The Temple is destroyed. The 613…More
Dr Bobus
Catholicism is not post Messianic Judaism. Rather, Judaism is the ante-type of Catholicism. The Mosaic Covenant is not ended, but it was oriented to …More
Catholicism is not post Messianic Judaism. Rather, Judaism is the ante-type of Catholicism.
The Mosaic Covenant is not ended, but it was oriented to temporal rather than eternal life. Thus, the moral precepts (Ten Commandments) perdure.
Ivan Tomas
Amen to that, bro William! God bless you and all yours!More
Amen to that, bro William!
God bless you and all yours!
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Billy F

GK Chesterton’s Birthday today!!!

Have a beer or ale today and toast a great Brother and say a prayer for his soul!!!
Any excuse for a beer!!!
Billy F
Oh my goodness!!! That is awesome! It is on my list to make a pilgrimage across the pond to see his gravesite and see his house in Beaconsfield. I know …More
Oh my goodness!!! That is awesome! It is on my list to make a pilgrimage across the pond to see his gravesite and see his house in Beaconsfield. I know a few years back they were talking about tearing it down? That would be a great injustice!!! Thank you for that link.
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The Church is a Kingdom!!!

The Holy Roman Catholic Church, True and Spiritual Israel, The Davidic Kingdom in the Mortal Realm, is NOT A Democracy and has nothing to learn from the World!!!
Jeffrey Ade
@Billy F Bravo! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us and save us!
Billy F
Yes. Love him! That booklet is awesome!!!
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Gloria TV Cartoon…

Haven’t seen a new Gloria TV cartoon in a while? They’re so good!!! Has this ceased?

Note to NO Priests…

I went to a NO Mass today. It seems before every NO homily there has to be a joke. Please, you do not need to tell a corny joke before you start your sermon. We aren’t looking to hear a joke!!! We …More
I went to a NO Mass today. It seems before every NO homily there has to be a joke. Please, you do not need to tell a corny joke before you start your sermon. We aren’t looking to hear a joke!!! We aren’t looking to be entertained by you. Teach! Be a Father!
Ivan Tomas
A Priest must first and foremost be a Persona Christi. He must strive to be holy.
Billy F
Thank you Brother! Yes I will go to TLM when I’m able to. It is the most beautiful thing in the Mortal Realm! I pray for our Lord to restore the TLM …More
Thank you Brother! Yes I will go to TLM when I’m able to. It is the most beautiful thing in the Mortal Realm! I pray for our Lord to restore the TLM to all Parishes.
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