The False Jesus

The False ‘Jesus’ the World Loves…

Here are some of his attributes:

He will allow everyone into Heaven.
He came to bring peace, not division.
He doesn’t require obedience.
He doesn’t require repentance.
He doesn’t require holiness.
He doesn’t require acceptance.
He is only the privileged way.
He only preaches love.
He never says anything offensive.
He allows divorce and remarriage.
He allows degenerate marriages.
He blesses sin.
He never tells anyone they’re wicked.
He allows woman Priestesses.
He allows woman Deaconesses.
He calls everyone his children.
He will not send anyone to hell.
He wants you to do your own will.
His commandments are only suggestions.

If you are following this false ‘Jesus’, let me tell you his real name… Lucifer

Galatians 1:8
Naomi Arai
That and purgatory is just a waiting room where you hang out until you’re ready for heaven…definitely not a torturous hell with a time limit to expiate sins….that would be way too mean. 😒