Billy F
Billy F

Jim Caviezel

He is absolutely right!!! God Bless this Brother!!!
Billy F

‘Betrayal’ of Catholic faith: Potential Trump running mate JD Vance slammed for backing abortion …

Classical Liberalism!!! AKA Conservatism!
Billy F

Republicans remove ‘right to life’ plank from party platform

Remember, the most Political Conservative in ‘Enlightenment’ Democracies is a Classical Liberal which is still in the Liberal framework. That’s why it keeps sliding further and further left. The Conservatives are conserving the errors that liberals keep making.
‘The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes …More
Remember, the most Political Conservative in ‘Enlightenment’ Democracies is a Classical Liberal which is still in the Liberal framework. That’s why it keeps sliding further and further left. The Conservatives are conserving the errors that liberals keep making.

‘The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.’

GK Chesterton
Billy F


This sickness, this disease of Sodom is spreading! It is vile!
Billy F

Synod organizer says Vatican doctrine office is studying women deacons

The Church is not a democracy!
Democratic majority sinodal votes are not the voice of the Holy Spirit! It is the voice of the World, the Flesh and the Devil.
The Holy Roman Catholic Church did not begin in 1965!
Billy F

Is this a valid baptism?

Billy F

Francis Appointed Homosex Propagandist for Ex-Synod’s Study Group on 'Controversial Issues'

The Gaslighting Pontificate!!! Who’s really in schism!!!
Billy F

Synod Working Document: Female Ministry for Preaching, Baptising and Weddings - Yet No Ordination

Who really left the Church…Vigano or Modernist Rome?
Billy F

Despair? The Pope of the "Poor" Uses the Methods of the Rich

Judas Iscariot, The Patron Saint of Social Justice !
Billy F

Patriarch of Jerusalem Condemned Israeli Attack Catholic School in Gaza

Wake up Catholics!!! Pseudo Red Sea Pedestrians hate you as much as the Mohammedans do!!!
Billy F

The birth of France’s “Sixth – and Islamic – Republic” – Allah's Willing Executioners

Islam is so foul! It is straight from Hell!!! Our Fathers in the TRUE Faith knew this. These Modernist Judas Frauds will see our nations destroyed in the name of this false heretical ecumenical crap!
Billy F

France's Stunning Election Results Explained

Billy F

Italian Bishop "Allows" Homosexual "Marriage"

Judas Bishops!!!