Billy F
Billy F

Rosary BANNED in Public in Spain Ahead of Euro Election — Catholic Arena

Yet I bet they’ll allow the Mohammedans to worship the Demon Islamic allah all over the place!
Billy F

Muslim Majorities Will Make Europe Like Iraq, says Advocate for Persecuted Christians in Middle East

Europe needs to remove all antichrist groups ASAP!!!
Billy F

Spain: Socialist Regime Bans the Rosary Again

Marxism is evil!!!
Billy F

Four Heroes of Hypocrisy: How the President of the German Bishops Will Present Himself

What happened to the awesome cartoons???
Billy F

Yesterday was Chesterton 150th birthday. What is your favourite quote? Comment below

‘It is of the new things that men tire — of fashions and proposals and improvements and change. It is the old things that startle and intoxicate. It is the old things that are young.’
GK ChestertonMore
‘It is of the new things that men tire — of fashions and proposals and improvements and change. It is the old things that startle and intoxicate. It is the old things that are young.’

GK Chesterton
Billy F

Jesuit Father James Martin: Church Would Be ‘Immeasurably Poorer’ Without Gay Priests

All Sons of Sodom must leave the Holy Vineyard!!! Stop defiling and destroying what belongs to Almighty God!!!
Billy F

Francis Apologizes to Homosexuals in Record Time While Abuse Victims Still Wait Decades Later

One of the sins that calls for vengeance from Heaven!!!
Lord remove these Sons of Sodom from the Vineyard!!! Stop their degenerate dirty disgusting disease from spreading any further!!! In the Holy Name of Jesus!!! AmenMore
One of the sins that calls for vengeance from Heaven!!!

Lord remove these Sons of Sodom from the Vineyard!!! Stop their degenerate dirty disgusting disease from spreading any further!!! In the Holy Name of Jesus!!! Amen
Billy F

GK Chesterton’s Birthday today!!!

Ok. He is one my heros!!!
Billy F

GK Chesterton’s Birthday today!!!

Oh my goodness!!! That is awesome! It is on my list to make a pilgrimage across the pond to see his gravesite and see his house in Beaconsfield. I know a few years back they were talking about tearing it down? That would be a great injustice!!! Thank you for that link.
Billy F

Homosex Lobby Stronger than Francis

More from the Gaslighting Pontificate!!!
Billy F

The Church is a Kingdom!!!

Yes. Love him! That booklet is awesome!!!
Billy F

Halik: Catholic Church needs a radical change in mentality

Diabolical Disorientation!!! Modernist heretical destroyers are within the Vineyard!!!
Billy F


Alas, all too true in many parts of the country.
Billy F

400,000 chickens killed as bird flu spreads

This is probably the next plandemic scare to lock up people during election!
Billy F

Robin Monotti @robinmonotti "THEY KILLED MY HUSBAND!" Italian MEP Francesca Donato's husband has been …

Eternal Rest Grant Him O Lord And Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him, May He And All The Faithful Departed, Through Your Mercy And Grace, Rest In Peace. Amen
Billy F


I prayed them 2021-2022