
‘Betrayal’ of Catholic faith: Potential Trump running mate JD Vance slammed for backing abortion …

The Ohio Republican, and Catholic convert, is considered a potential running mate for President Donald …
The root cause of the abortion issue is so called "women's liberation." Politicians will pander to women until we reestablish Natural Law regarding gender roles. The 19th Amendment was disastrous. Restore proper male headship in the family and society and 90% of our modern "woke" issues will fade.
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All Saints
There is no clear choice this time. Once again we are expected to vote for the lesser of two evils. It is rigged. All of it. Not that that’s a news flash to anyone.
chris griffin
It is simple for a prolife person to say "I am against abortion and against the abortion pill". Does not take much backbone to say this but he has no backbone at all. Tragic for him and the unborn.
Billy F
Classical Liberalism!!! AKA Conservatism!