
Words about the Eucharist written by the Fathers of the Early Church who received their training directly from the Disciples.

Here is a chart to show which of the Apostolic (Early Church) Fathers had a direct connection with which Disciple and the words they wrote about the Lord's Presence in the Eucharist as handed down to …More
Here is a chart to show which of the Apostolic (Early Church) Fathers had a direct connection with which Disciple and the words they wrote about the Lord's Presence in the Eucharist as handed down to them by the Disciples themselves.
St. Ignatius, 3rd Bishop of Antioch, Syria. (Now Turkey) Disciple of St John (died c. 110, Rome;) Feast day October 17; Ignatius was the little child Jesus took into His arms in Matthew 18:2, Luke 9:46-48 and in Mark’s gospel 9:33-37:
Matthew 18:2-4
2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you
will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
St Ignatius Disciple of St John and St Peter wrote....
"I have no taste for corruptible food nor for the pleasures of this life. I desire the Bread of God, which is the Flesh of Jesus Christ, Who was of the seed of David; and for drink I desire His blood, which is love incorruptible.
Letter to the Romans 7:3 CHURCH …More
Billy F shares this

Did anybody else NOT know this? It's not surprising that Catholic Ireland took offence.

😲😭🥺 From Wikipedia...... "The Bill of Rights of 1689 (starting with William and Mary). required, among other things, that any Monarch succeeding to the Throne take the Declaration as laid out by the …More
From Wikipedia......
"The Bill of Rights of 1689 (starting with William and Mary). required, among other things, that any Monarch succeeding to the Throne take the Declaration as laid out by the Test Act 1678; Reiterated by section 2 of the Act of Settlement 1701. The form of the Declaration was:
I, (Name of King/Queen or both) by the grace of God King (or Queen) of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, do solemnly and sincerely in the presence of God, profess, testify, and declare, that I do believe that in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper there is not any Transubstantiation of the elements of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ at or after the consecration thereof by any person whatsoever: and that the invocation or adoration of the Virgin Mary or any other Saint, and the Sacrifice of the Mass, as they are now used in the Church of Rome, are superstitious and idolatrous. And I do solemnly in the presence of God profess, testify, and …More
Incredible Prophecy. Brandon Biggs a born-again Christian prophesised in March 2024 that there would be a failed assassination attempt on Trump. He accurately foretold that the attempt would just hurt …More
Incredible Prophecy. Brandon Biggs a born-again Christian prophesised in March 2024 that there would be a failed assassination attempt on Trump. He accurately foretold that the attempt would just hurt his right ear.
This is a segment from a longer video uploaded onto Youtube 4 months ago. The above clip appears at around the 11 minute mark. 3 PROPHETS Explain 3 …More
This is a segment from a longer video uploaded onto Youtube 4 months ago. The above clip appears at around the 11 minute mark.
3 PROPHETS Explain 3 American SOLAR ECLIPSES | APRIL8 SIGN | Amanda Grace, Brandon Biggs Cioccolanti
Is this the same man?
Billy F
It’s the ‘Enlightenment’ Liberal Framework; Far right Classical Liberals to far left Marxists are all part of the same plank. That is why you see …More
It’s the ‘Enlightenment’ Liberal Framework; Far right Classical Liberals to far left Marxists are all part of the same plank. That is why you see shifting. It is why you see a guy like Sean Hannity saying things like let’s make Abortion safe and rare today in 2024 which was being said by Bill Clinton in 1992.
‘The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.’
GK Chesterton
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Xavier Reyes-Ayral ⚜ The French Revolution and the End Times Amazing video confirming the hidden prophecies of La Salette which no-one wants to disclose.More
Xavier Reyes-Ayral ⚜ The French Revolution and the End Times
Amazing video confirming the hidden prophecies of La Salette which no-one wants to disclose.
In English. (Pour les sous-titres Français, Espagnol, Italien, Allemand, Néerlandais, etc., accédez au lien YouTube d'origine ici......) Xavier Reyes …More
In English.
(Pour les sous-titres Français, Espagnol, Italien, Allemand, Néerlandais, etc., accédez au lien YouTube d'origine ici......)
Xavier Reyes-Ayral ⚜ The French Revolution and the End Times
Procession eucharistique de Lourdes - June 27, 2024 Procession eucharistique du Sanctuaire de Lourdes June 27, 2024 🙏 The Eucharistic procession of Lourdes June 27, 2024 🙏 La procession eucharistique …More
Procession eucharistique de Lourdes - June 27, 2024
Procession eucharistique du Sanctuaire de Lourdes June 27, 2024 🙏
The Eucharistic procession of Lourdes June 27, 2024 🙏
La procession eucharistique a lieu tous les jours d'avril à fin octobre à 17 heures ; elle part du Podium de la Prairie et se termine à la basilique souterraine Saint-Pie X, avec un temps de prière d’adoration du Saint-Sacrement suivi de la bénédiction des pèlerins, au premier rang desquels les malades.
The Eucharistic procession takes place every day from April to the end of October, 5 p.m. It starts from the Podium on the Prairie and ends in the underground basilica of Saint Pius X.
Faites déposer un cierge 👉
Déposez une intention de prière 👉 Votre intention de prière déposée à la Grotte
Ask for a candle to be lit 👉 Submit your prayer intention 👉 Votre intention de prière déposée à la Grotte TV Lourdes - Toutes les retransmissions et tous …More
APPEL AU MONDE! Ks. Michel Rodrigue/ Kanada/ – Orędzie Dziewicy Ma… Très important pour toutes les créatures humaines! Pour les Apôtres des TEMPS …More
APPEL AU MONDE! Ks. Michel Rodrigue/ Kanada/ – Orędzie Dziewicy Ma… Très important pour toutes les créatures humaines! Pour les Apôtres des TEMPS des COEURS Sacrés de Jésus, Marie et Joseph! SAINTE FAMILLE, notre CONFIANCE EST EN VOUS! Jésus Christ – je le crois – avait voulu compléter… PICCARRETA

THE PERPETUAL SACRIFICE OF HOLY MASS foretold in Daniel 12 to be brought to an end in the End Times

Daniel 12 Young's Literal Translation The End Times (Revelation 1:1–3) 1‘And at that time stand up doth Michael, the great head, who is standing up for the sons of thy people, and there hath been …More
Daniel 12
Young's Literal Translation
The End Times
(Revelation 1:1–3)
1‘And at that time stand up doth Michael, the great head, who is standing up for the sons of thy people, and there hath been a time of distress, such as hath not been since there hath been a nation till that time, and at that time do thy people escape, every one who is found written in the Book.
2‘And the multitude of those sleeping in the dust of the ground do awake, some to life age-during, and some to reproaches — to abhorrence age-during. 3 And those teaching do shine as the brightness of the expanse, and those justifying the multitude as stars to the age and for ever. 4 And thou, O Daniel, hide the things, and seal the book till the time of the end, many do go to and fro, and knowledge is multiplied.’
5 And I have looked — I, Daniel — and lo, two others are standing, one here at the edge of the flood, and one there at the edge of the flood, 6 and he saith to the one clothed in linen, who is upon the …More
Who is the Great Catholic Monarch? 👑 An Interview with Xavier Reyes-Ayral (Qui est le Grand Monarque Catholique ? 👑 Entretien avec Xavier Reyes-Ayral)More
Who is the Great Catholic Monarch? 👑 An Interview with Xavier Reyes-Ayral
(Qui est le Grand Monarque Catholique ? 👑 Entretien avec Xavier Reyes-Ayral)
Maximilian Schmitt
No one knows if he will be French!
Auto Subtitles available in French, Spanish, Italian, German etc.... at original link Who is the Great Catholic Monarch? 👑 An Interview with Xavier …More
Auto Subtitles available in French, Spanish, Italian, German etc.... at original link
Who is the Great Catholic Monarch? 👑 An Interview with Xavier Reyes-Ayral
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Just heard a powerful performance of Schutz's "Alleluya" on the Lourdes Live-stream during the Daily Eucharistic Procession. Thought I would share it. It's truly wonderful! It starts just after 47 …More
Just heard a powerful performance of Schutz's "Alleluya" on the Lourdes Live-stream during the Daily Eucharistic Procession.
Thought I would share it. It's truly wonderful! It starts just after 47 minutes in - it's near the end. 😇
It starts just after 47 minutes in - it's near the end.
Sam Shamoun Explains To a Muslim Why GOD Had To Die For Our Sins
Alleged Message From Heaven: ‘You Have Allowed the Usurper to Sit on the Chair of My Peter'More
Alleged Message From Heaven: ‘You Have Allowed the Usurper to Sit on the Chair of My Peter'
Pope Francis is the Usurper who will soon welcome the Antichrist in Rome.
This is an authentic message from God the Father !
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How Mary REMARKABLY Converted the Queen's Chaplain w/ Dr. Gavin AshendenMore
How Mary REMARKABLY Converted the Queen's Chaplain w/ Dr. Gavin Ashenden
Hound of Heaven
Dr. Ashenden offers some excellent insights into our current loss of direction from the pope in the present time. I find his erudite insights and humility …More
Dr. Ashenden offers some excellent insights into our current loss of direction from the pope in the present time. I find his erudite insights and humility very compelling.
Secrets from the Vatican Archives: What you didn't know about LA SALETTE! - a further interview with Xavier Reyes-Ayral According to M Reyes-Ayral, Fr René Laurentin went into the Vatican Archives in …More
Secrets from the Vatican Archives: What you didn't know about LA SALETTE! - a further interview with Xavier Reyes-Ayral
According to M Reyes-Ayral, Fr René Laurentin went into the Vatican Archives in 1999 so that he could study developments in France during the 19th century. In the archives he found a box which had been formally sealed in the 19th century.
Immediately Fr Laurentin asked that he be allowed to meet Cardinal Ratzinger, who at that time was the Cardinal of the Doctrine of Faith. It was discovered that the sealed box contained a hidden Message from Our Lady of La Salette. Cardinal Ratzinger awarded Fr Laurentin an imprimatur to with the permission for a book, to be written documenting the new findings.
I see in all the photos of the beautiful apparition Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette in France, it always seems to be deserted. It seems that people stayed away from the Holy Shrine because they did not want to think about the Message that was given there?
Secrets from the …More
PS The Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette is situated in the Mountains on the precise site of the apparitions. It looks absolutely STUNNING! A beautiful …More
PS The Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette is situated in the Mountains on the precise site of the apparitions. It looks absolutely STUNNING! A beautiful backdrop. It is so beautiful and spiritually pleasing to the eyes, that you would imagine that everybody in Christendom would be wishing to hop on a coach and take a Pilgrimage to a beautiful "Eden". Yet, in the majority of the Photos taken of the Shrine. the entire Shrine looks empty, unwanted, forsaken and totally abandoned by Pilgrims.
It is a sign maybe, that nobody really WANTED to hear the Message that Our Lady of La Salette had to say. Another reason for her tears during the apparition.
Below you will find an image showing how the Madonna first appeared when the shepherd children saw her sitting on the Mountain.. So they walked towards her and asked her why she was crying.......
Photos of Notre Dame de La Salette Shrine here.....…-La_Salette_Fallavaux_Isere_Auvergne_Rhone_Al.html
Xavier Reyes-Ayral ⚜ The French Revolution and the End Times Xavier Reyes-Ayral discusses the long-lasting effects of the monstrous French Revolution. Why it happened. Who was to blame. The true Marie …More
Xavier Reyes-Ayral ⚜ The French Revolution and the End Times
Xavier Reyes-Ayral discusses the long-lasting effects of the monstrous French Revolution. Why it happened. Who was to blame. The true Marie Antoinette. The influence of Hanoverian Freemasonry. Why Catholic Monarchies were destroyed. The prophecies of a Great French Catholic Monarch, an Angelic Pope and the Survival of Louis XVII (mentioned by Our Lady to Melanie Calvert and Maximin Giraud during her apparitions at La Salette, France in 1846) Finally, the Three Days of Darkness, and how everything ties in to the End Times themselves. #prophecy #marianapparitions #threedaysofdarkness
Xavier's book "Revelations" - Revelations: The Hidden Secret Messages and Prophecies of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Original link on Youtube.
Xavier Reyes-Ayral ⚜ The French Revolution and the End Times
The Great Monarch will win every battle ..This will be due to the fact that he will be “Anointed” by God..meaning God will actually work directly …More
The Great Monarch will win every battle ..This will be due to the fact that he will be “Anointed” by God..meaning God will actually work directly through him.. God is so good to us..for hundreds of years this was foretold because He”knew” what evil things would be happening at this period of time and He prepared everything to “fight and win” against the enemies of Himself and mankind.. and restore the world to Catholicism! Great days ahead!
Xavier Reyes-Ayral ⚜ The French Revolution and the End Times In English. (Pour les sous-titres Français, Espagnol, Italien, Allemand, Néerlandais, etc., accédez au lien YouTube d'origine ici......) …More
Xavier Reyes-Ayral ⚜ The French Revolution and the End Times
In English.
(Pour les sous-titres Français, Espagnol, Italien, Allemand, Néerlandais, etc., accédez au lien YouTube d'origine ici......)
Xavier Reyes-Ayral ⚜ The French Revolution and the End Times

Des apparitions de S. Raphaël Archange à Thomas Martin de Gallardon concernant la survie du Dauphin Louis XVII

Ce récit des apparitions de S. Raphaël Archange à Thomas Martin de Gallardon concernant la survie du Dauphin Louis XVII a été écrit par Mme Mary Crawford Fraser, l'épouse d'un Diplomate Britannique …More
Ce récit des apparitions de S. Raphaël Archange à Thomas Martin de Gallardon concernant la survie du Dauphin Louis XVII a été écrit par Mme Mary Crawford Fraser, l'épouse d'un Diplomate Britannique qui a beaucoup de temps passé en France et Rome au 19ème siècle. J'ai traduit l'intégralité du Chapitre 11 a la langue Française pour tous les Catholiques francophones
Saint Raphaël Archange - Priez pour nous!
Chapitre 11
LOUIS XVIII et le voyant de Gallardon
Aucune affaire, peut-être, n'a fait plus de bruit dans les cercles anglais, français et allemands au cours des premières années du XIXe siècle que celle d'Antoine Thomas Ignace Martin, le visionnaire de Gallardon près de Chartres.
Car si l’on accepte comme vrai le témoignage non seulement de Martin lui-même, mais d’innombrables témoins qui l’ont connu, et la révélation de l’homme comme étant celle d’un être sain et honnête – et il n’y a aucune raison de faire autrement – on est obligé d’admettre qu’il n’y a rien eu de comparable à « …More
Catholique et Français
Voleurs !
Dieu et le Roi
Que de bêtises on peut lire à ce sujet... Louis XVII est mort au Temps, c'est extrêmement triste, c'est dur à accepter, mais c'est ainsi...
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20 pages
jerry7 shares this
Les apparitions de l'Archange S. Raphaël à Thomas Martin un humble cultivateur de Gallardon avec un message pour Louis XVIII concernant le Dauphin. Aussi le Livre "Relation concernant les évènemens …More
Les apparitions de l'Archange S. Raphaël à Thomas Martin un humble cultivateur de Gallardon avec un message pour Louis XVIII concernant le Dauphin.
Aussi le Livre
"Relation concernant les évènemens qui sont arrivés à un laboureur de la Beauce, dans les premiers mois de 1816"
Relation concernant les évènemens qui sont arrivés à un laboureur de la Beauce, dans les premiers mois de 1816 : Silvy, Louis, 1760-1847 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


Par Anne-Marie Blanquels de Marque et Jacques Bauchy RÉSUMÉ La découverte d'une correspondance inédite …
amdg0379 shares this
Les apparitions de l'Archange S. Raphaël à Thomas Martin un humble cultivateur de Gallardon avec un message pour Louis XVIII concernant le Dauphin. …More
Les apparitions de l'Archange S. Raphaël à Thomas Martin un humble cultivateur de Gallardon avec un message pour Louis XVIII concernant le Dauphin.
Aussi le Livre
"Relation concernant les évènemens qui sont arrivés à un laboureur de la Beauce, dans les premiers mois de 1816"
Relation concernant les évènemens qui sont arrivés à un laboureur de la Beauce, dans les premiers mois de 1816 : Silvy, Louis, 1760-1847 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
The possible survival of the Dauphin, King Louis XVII I found this information in a book. "So absolutely convinced was Pope Pius VII of the existence of King Louis XVII as late as 1816 that, in the …More
The possible survival of the Dauphin, King Louis XVII
I found this information in a book.
"So absolutely convinced was Pope Pius VII of the existence of King Louis XVII as late as 1816 that, in the January of that year, when the French Chamber decided to erect an expiatory chapel in memory of Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Madame Elizabeth and the Dauphin Louis XVII, he remonstrated with the King—Louis XVIII—and obliged him to issue a decree eliminating the last of these; in consequence of which action of the Holy Father the expiatory Chapel was dedicated only to the memory of Louis XVI, of the Queen and of Madame Elizabeth. As the Pontiff is said to have expressed it: “If I cannot prevent you from committing a political fraud, I have, at least, the power to stop you from perpetrating a sacrilegious one!”
Louis XVIII of France and the Seer of Gallardon.
"On the fifteenth of January in the year 1816, Antoine Thomas Ignace Martin a farmer who lived in Gallardon, not far from Chartres, was …More

Storied Italy, : Hugh Fraser : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! Internet Archive logo A line drawing of the Internet …
Are we back in the Sinai Desert with the apostatizing Israelites worshiping a Golden Calf? Have we already descended so low that some people find it impossible to detect the Satanic led evil playing …More
Are we back in the Sinai Desert with the apostatizing Israelites worshiping a Golden Calf? Have we already descended so low that some people find it impossible to detect the Satanic led evil playing out before our eyes below?🤪
Can I just say this? If the below image taken during the opening ceremony of the 2022 Commonwealth games in Birmingham. UK (chaired by the then Prince Charles), doesn't concern us and set warning bells clanging, then we are totally spiritually DEAD!
Footage of the "Moloch worship" (thinly disguised as a Commemoration of the historical Bullring in Birmingham) can be seen at the end of this video
Antichrist Identified! He’s NOT Who You Think…

Prince Charles Opens The 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games With An Idol Of A Raging, Fiery Bull …

The Baal-like ‘Raging Bull’ was so popular with people attending the Commonwealth Games that a …