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Did Our Lady of Good Success predict Vatican II? Acclaimed Vatican II scholar Mr. Atila Sinke Guimarães answers this important question. Source
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Liberale Katholiken sündigen, denn Liberalismus ist SÜNDE VOR GOTT..
Noch böser ist der Modernist. Er wurde von Papst Pius X. EXKOMMUNIZIERT.
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Die Warnung der Gottesmutter lässt erkennen, sie hat vorm Geist des 2. VK gewarnt.
Our Lady predicted it in Fatima.
She said that Russia would spread its errors.
What were the errors of Russia? 1. False temporal messianism 2. False orthodoxy (Tsaropapism rejecting several Catholic dogmas including the one on the Immaculate Conception). 3. Atheistic Communism that started to spread just after the apparitions (November 1917)
We see them all combined in Vatican II: 1. Anthropocentrism …More
Our Lady predicted it in Fatima.
She said that Russia would spread its errors.
What were the errors of Russia? 1. False temporal messianism 2. False orthodoxy (Tsaropapism rejecting several Catholic dogmas including the one on the Immaculate Conception). 3. Atheistic Communism that started to spread just after the apparitions (November 1917)

We see them all combined in Vatican II: 1. Anthropocentrism and seeking "Peace and Safety" on this earth with abandoning the social reign of Christ at the same time, 2. Ecumenism with false orthodoxy resulting in Metz agreements to get some KGB agents in eastern schismatic garbs to the council, 3. Total suppression of any discussion/declaration concerning Communism on the basis of Metz accords.