Is Donald J. Trump a Freemason? SourceMore
Is Donald J. Trump a Freemason?
Live Mike
What about that Jubilee Year Holy Door "Donald Trump" Brick?
In 1984 Thomas Zimmer, "the hermit of Loreto", stated that he had a "premonition" that a certain man [Donald J. Trump] would lead America back to God." Because of that "premonition" Mr. Zimmer donated one brick with the inscription, "Donald J. Trump" for his prayerful intentions. That brick was only 1 of the 3000 bricks required to close …More
What about that Jubilee Year Holy Door "Donald Trump" Brick?
In 1984 Thomas Zimmer, "the hermit of Loreto", stated that he had a "premonition" that a certain man [Donald J. Trump] would lead America back to God." Because of that "premonition" Mr. Zimmer donated one brick with the inscription, "Donald J. Trump" for his prayerful intentions. That brick was only 1 of the 3000 bricks required to close up the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica at the end of the "Extraordinary" Holy Year of Redemption in 1983 and that brick would remain in place until the next Holy Year in 2000. Please note: The "Donald J. Trump" brick was only in place for 15 years from 1984 until 1999 - that's 17 years before the Presidential Election in 2016. The Holy Door sealed with the "Donald J. Trump brick" was removed before the start of "The Great Jubilee in 2000" which was later followed by another jubilee year, the "Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy" of 2016, which went from 8 December 2015 until 20 November 2016.

You will recall that Donald J. Trump won the Presidential Election on 9 November 2016. Therefore, Trump won the election just before the "Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy" of 2016 came to a close. The presidency of Donald Trump did not begin until 20 January 2017 at noon Eastern Standard Time. The claim that a brick for the prayerful intentions of Donald J. Trump in place from 1984 until 1999 impacted the election of 2016 or has any bearing on Trump's presidency is a stretch in the extreme.
Does this coincidence mean that Donald J. Trump is a saving grace or “messiah” given to the American people by Almighty God? Based upon Trump´s choices and actions as president this writer sincerely doubts that is the case. Perhaps it is more reasonable to suggest that Almighty God sought to return our attention to His Mercy. God wants us to turn back to Him by availing ourselves of the Sacrament of Penance by making a good confession and receiving a Jubilee Year Indulgence.

Note: There are two types of Holy Year (Jubilee Year), “ordinary” and “extraordinary.”
• An "ordinary" Holy Year occurs every 25 years, so the next “ordinary” Holy Year will be in 2025.
This 25-year interval was established by Pope Paul II in 1475. Before that, there was no set rule for the frequency of Holy Years.
• An "extraordinary" Holy Year is very rare and occurs outside that normal 25-year interval.
In the entire history of Catholic Church, there have only been four "extraordinary" Holy Years: 1390, 1933, 1983 and 2016.
The primary symbol of the Holy Year is the Holy Door, which is strictly symbolic, showing that God’s Mercy is open to everyone who seeks it.
Live Mike
Eight Popes Condemed Freemasonry:
1738: Clement XII, In eminenti apostolatus.
1751: Benedict XIV, Providas Romanorum.
1821: Pius VII, Ecclesiam a Jesu Christo.
1825: Leo XII, Quo graviora.
1829: Pius VIII, Traditi humilitati.
1830: Pius VIII, Litteris altero.
1832: Gregory XVI, Mirari vos.
1846: Pius IX, Qui pluribus.
1849: Pius IX, Quibus quantisque malis.
1864: Pius IX, Quanta cura.
1865: Pius IX …More
Eight Popes Condemed Freemasonry:
1738: Clement XII, In eminenti apostolatus.
1751: Benedict XIV, Providas Romanorum.
1821: Pius VII, Ecclesiam a Jesu Christo.
1825: Leo XII, Quo graviora.
1829: Pius VIII, Traditi humilitati.
1830: Pius VIII, Litteris altero.
1832: Gregory XVI, Mirari vos.
1846: Pius IX, Qui pluribus.
1849: Pius IX, Quibus quantisque malis.
1864: Pius IX, Quanta cura.
1865: Pius IX, Multiplices inter.
1869: Pius IX, Apostolicae Sedis moderationi.
1873: Pius IX, Etsi multa.
1882: Leo XIII, Etsi Nos.
1884: Leo XIII, Humanum genus.
1887: Leo XIII, Officio sanctissimo.
1890: Leo XIII, Dall'alto dell'Apostolico Seggio.
1892: Leo XIII, Custodi di quella fede.
1892: Leo XIII, Inimica vis
1894: Leo XIII, Praeclara gratulationis publicae.
1902: Leo XIII, Annum ingressi.
Papal Condemnations of the Lodge | EWTN
@Live Mike King Cyrus was likely worse than an evil Lodge member. So, what's your point?
Live Mike
Relax @brhenry No one is stopping you from casting your worthless ballot for your 'savior' Trump. Best of luck to you with that.
@Live Mike What's your point?
Live Mike
@brhenry My point is that you can take that as a simple statement.
Who cares? King Cyrus was a pagan who likely worshiped false(diabolic) gods, but was providentially used by Almighty GOD for the benefit of GOD'S people. There is reasonable evidence of GOD'S Providential use of Donald Trump.
Ann Smith
How about putting that question to Fr Frank Pavone. That would be quite interesting.
Yes he is.
Ann Smith
There's no facts presented here.
Everyday for Life Canada
What did Trump do while in office that would suggest he supported Freemasons? Where is the actual evidence?
Live Mike
Donald Trump meets with 1,000 Evangelicals - The Real Truth Ask yourself the question... Why is it so difficult to hear criticism of Donald Trump?
Everyday for Life Canada
I have no problem with criticism of Trump or anyone else, but I just asked a question.
Guntherus de Thuringia
Als ein Kennedy gehörte JFK zu den 13 Familien ("satanische Blutlinien"), die, so wird gesagt, die Welt beherrschen. Diese befinden sich an der Spitze der Illuminati-Pyramide. Möglicherweise war er ein Renegat, der nicht mehr ausführte, was man von ihm verlangte, und wurde deshalb umgebracht. lovkap.blogspot.com/2016/02/illuminati-jfk.html
Guntherus de Thuringia
Es ist praktisch unmöglich, dass Trump nicht mit der obersten Elite in Verbindung steht, ja einer von ihnen ist, es fragt sich nur, mit welchem Teil von ihr.
mike, do you believe this?
Live Mike
After you've watched it, I'd like to hear your thoughts on it. Sincerely and respectfully,
Live Mike
In answer to your question... Possibly.
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Knowingly Kennedy was the single USA President who wasn't a mason…