Live Mike
"Machinery has been set in motion that simply can't be stopped." SourceMore
"Machinery has been set in motion that simply can't be stopped."
English Catholic
It seems inevitable. Our Lady said at Fatima that war is a punishment for sin. I can't believe that sin was greater in the world at the times of World War I and II.
So sad to think that we are heading for all out war and that many leaders actually want it.
The Wandering Recluse
No one likes saying this, but considering how the world's debauchery has done nothing but increase, I think the bus went over the cliff several years ago and the bottom is close enough to see the jagged rocks. 🙏
English Catholic
And yet no Pope in union with all the Bishops has complied with Our Lady's full message at Fatima. The ONLY solution to this mass destruction.
You have said the truth, English Catholic! That's the tragedy of the situation - along with the fact that the 3rd Secret of Fatima has yet to be revealed in its entirety so that people/the Church can repent - and turn back to God. Let's keep praying - and doing penance -. Our Lord told Sr. Lucia, the real one, in 1931 during a series of apparitions and communications to her at Rianjo that "it is …More
You have said the truth, English Catholic! That's the tragedy of the situation - along with the fact that the 3rd Secret of Fatima has yet to be revealed in its entirety so that people/the Church can repent - and turn back to God. Let's keep praying - and doing penance -. Our Lord told Sr. Lucia, the real one, in 1931 during a series of apparitions and communications to her at Rianjo that "it is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary." Let us pray daily for the release of the full contents of the 3rd Secret and for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the manner in which Our Lady has requested it.
@DrMaria How do you reconcile the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin; plus The Consecration and Conversion of Russia when that nation and its people along with the rest of us are reduced to a pile of nuclear waste? Should you think otherwise, then you are effectively ruling out any prospect of a WW3 scenario. That's not to rule out an unexpected and sudden invasion by Russia of Western …More
@DrMaria How do you reconcile the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin; plus The Consecration and Conversion of Russia when that nation and its people along with the rest of us are reduced to a pile of nuclear waste? Should you think otherwise, then you are effectively ruling out any prospect of a WW3 scenario. That's not to rule out an unexpected and sudden invasion by Russia of Western Europe - as made known by The Mother of God to Garabandal visionary; Mari Loli.
I Respectfully suggest you focus your attention more on Garabandal and its associated prophecies for an answer.
Pax Vobiscum.
Live Mike
@LiveJohn Nuclear weapon usage will be much more limited than as you described.
Hypothetical Chronology of Prophesied Events
NOTE: This is nothing more than sheer speculation & conjecture and I'm well aware of the many holes and the several points of incongruity.
A "Synod" and "something like a Schism".
A "brief major war".
Russia is the chosen instrument of chastisement to punish the whole world. …More
@LiveJohn Nuclear weapon usage will be much more limited than as you described.

Hypothetical Chronology of Prophesied Events
NOTE: This is nothing more than sheer speculation & conjecture and I'm well aware of the many holes and the several points of incongruity.

A "Synod" and "something like a Schism".
A "brief major war".
Russia is the chosen instrument of chastisement to punish the whole world.
A Russian “invasion”... Russia “overruns and overwhelms a great part the free world” [much of Europe]… Russia attacks the United States with "secret weaponry".

Almost simultaneously there is an attack on Rome by Muslims & Russians. A Russian flag flies over the Dome of St. Peter's Basilica.
The Pope flees from Rome and escapes before the Vatican is taken.
Catholic persecution ensues, priests in hiding, martyrdoms… Holy Mass goes underground as if the days of the Catacombs had returned.
The Pope who escapes from Rome releases the Full Third Secret of Fatima during the course of that major war. Finally, the approximately 25 lines on a single sheet of paper (Third Secret of Fatima) containing the actual words of Our Lady are published.
As a result of that publication, Vatican II is jettisoned. The Traditional Mass and the Solemn Dogmatic Doctrine of the Catholic Church are restored.

Much blood is shed throughout Europe during this period of persecution and war.
“When the situation is at its worst” the Great Warning occurs. The Great Warning is God’s direct intervention. The Great Warning happens in order to protect the faithful remnant from extermination and to prepare the world for the Consecration of Russia to the I.H.M. & Great Miracle. After the Pope and the bishops see their sins of omission and commission (consequence of the Great Warning), they know the greatest sin of omission; their failure to do a proper and valid Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Pope commands the bishops to make the Consecration on a specific date. Conchita Gonzalez announces the date of the Miracle, 8 days in advance [This writer suspects both dates will be the same].
The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Pope together with all surviving bishops is performed and then immediately after that Consecration comes The Great Miracle above ‘The Pines’ in San Sebastián de Garabandal. [This writer suspects the Consecration is the key that unlocks the grace of the Great Miracle. It's like the Great Miracle hangs from Heaven by a silken cord and the Consecration of Russia is the sword that cuts it free].

The instantaneous conversion of Russia to Catholicism by the Consecration & Miracle follows. From this point forward Russia is the specially anointed instrument of God for good in Europe and the rest of the world. Catholic Russia, with Our Lady standing beside her, now leads the world back to God and into the Catholic Church. Catholic Russia defends the Faith, protects Europe and drives all infidels out of Europe who do not convert.
With the world recognizing the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the official authority of the Catholic hierarchy comes massive conversions to Catholicism by Orthodox, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, and all the rest are converted to Catholicism.

The Period of Peace & The Age of Mary has now been granted to the world [approximately 25 years of peace and plenty].
@Live Mike You state: "Nuclear weapon usage will be much more limited than as you described". Tell that to the Japanese and victims of Chernobyl and see what kind of a response you get.
I don't promote hypotheticals - just the facts. The Anti-Christs and their cohorts aren't in the business of constructing concrete bunkers for entertainment purposes. Seems to me you fail to fully appreciate that …More
@Live Mike You state: "Nuclear weapon usage will be much more limited than as you described". Tell that to the Japanese and victims of Chernobyl and see what kind of a response you get.
I don't promote hypotheticals - just the facts. The Anti-Christs and their cohorts aren't in the business of constructing concrete bunkers for entertainment purposes. Seems to me you fail to fully appreciate that any nuclear exchange is intended to destroy Christianity - including Fatima - forever.
I have more confidence in Christ and His Blessed Mother rather than nuclear weaponry as a solution to the worlds problems.
Live Mike
@LiveJohn wrote, "when that nation [Russia] and its people along with the rest of us are reduced to a pile of nuclear waste." I reject your position not because it is "a hypothetical" nor "a fact" but rather because of what Our Lady, Our Lord clearly said to Sr. Lucia of Fatima.
Live Mike
4 more comments from Live Mike
Live Mike
Live Mike
Live Mike
Live Mike
@Live Mike .
Selective quotation. You know as well as I do, that the bishop of Fatima described Garabandal as a continuation of Fatima for the modern era. As such it must take priority. Should that not be the case there would be no need for the Holy Virgins appearances in Spain nor Her Important Messages for the World. An obsessive fixation on Fatima can only serve to draw attention away from those …More
@Live Mike .
Selective quotation. You know as well as I do, that the bishop of Fatima described Garabandal as a continuation of Fatima for the modern era. As such it must take priority. Should that not be the case there would be no need for the Holy Virgins appearances in Spain nor Her Important Messages for the World. An obsessive fixation on Fatima can only serve to draw attention away from those Messages. Careful study reveals it is by means of the Garabandal prophecies the Holy Virgins promises made at Fatima are to be eventually fulfilled, including the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the Consecration of Russia leading to its Conversion.
Pax Vobiscum.
Live Mike
Live Mike
5 more comments from Live Mike
Live Mike
Live Mike
Live Mike
Live Mike
@LiveJohn I respectfully disagree with your conclusion. Fatima holds a superior place to Garabandal as Our Lady wanted the girls of Garabandal to meditate on that very point in the Rosary of Fatima #1 and #4 which She dictated and ordered to be sent to them by Padre Pio (who, incidentally, knew the full Third Secret of Fatima).
Live Mike
"Art Bell: How much weight, Father, do you give the entire Fatima revelations?
Fr. Malachi Martin: I consider it to be the key event in the decling fortune of the Roman Catholic organization and the defining event for the near future of the Church in the next millennium. It's the defining event." - Coast to Coast AM, Interview, 1997
@Live Mike Sure: the bishops1983 updated statement supports the very reason for my earlier comment. If I understand you correctly your recent post is a bizarre attempt to justify WW3 as a solution to the current crisis in the Church and the World.
God help us all!
Live Mike
Deeply sighs... no John... not so.